Thursday, September 16, 2010

Some wants and desires...

Seeing as though I'm 29 weeks today and the reality of Bear coming is in the forefront of my mind, there are some things I would like to have before he arrives. This is obviously my "wish" list...

1) A new car...not brand new unless you feel moved by the Spirit and would like to get me one! ;) I really like the new Honda Odyssey-white with tan leather interior...The biggest reason above all is for safety. I currently drive a Jetta and have yet to figure out how I am going to fit Bear's car seat in the back without my husband or me driving with our knee's hitting the dashboard. So, in my mind, I'm justified in wanting a new car! Simple.As.That.

2) A getaway with my husband...this one is well over due and definitely deserved. If you knew what we have endured over the course of the last 7 months then you would agree. On top of that, they say a vacation before baby arrives should be a priority! 

3) A Flip Video capture all the moments that my husband and I will share with Bear! Enough said. 

4) A Canon EOS Rebel 10.1MP Digital SLR, Bag and Extra 75-300mm Zoom Lens...I definitely plan on scrap-booking again...and want pictures that show off the beauty of my family! :) Do you know if they make a Canon with higher MP's? I notice that Nikon does, but hear that Canon is much nicer. 

Ok, well, that's that. Not too bad, huh?!?!? 

Oh and by the way, I realize I have yet to post a prego picture on here but it is definitely coming...this weekend! 

Monday, September 13, 2010

To Our Son...

I was overwhelemed with emotions, son, when I found out that God had given you to us. I didn't understand nor was I expecting to become pregnant anytime soon. What you don't know now, but will know in the future, is that your daddy lost his job right before we found out you were already 'cookin in my oven.' Soon after, your momma did too.
On top of that, you were conceived a year later from when your big "sister" was conceived...your due dates are literally with in a year and a few days apart from each other. But, for what ever reason, we never got to me 'her' like we will you. 'She' is safe and sound with your Uncle Stevie-whose name you have taken on! Stephen is your daddy's older brother, who went to be with Jesus when he was a little boy. So, your name is EXTRA special because of all that your uncle means to our family and for the fact that he is taking care of your big "sister." Which means we know you will be very special, too!

I'm writing you this letter as you kick and squirm inside of me. By the way, to feel you alive and well inside of me is pretty spectacular! I wanted you to have something to read over when you got older. Something that you could read for yourself...a letter from your mommy & daddy.

More specifically there are some things that I needed to document even you continue growing and flourishing inside of me.

Me and your daddy have been attending a church that has brought such joy and fulfillment to our lives, especially in this season...
The night of September 12, 2010 was a very special night. You had many people praying for you and, as a result, the Lord spoke to them to give your daddy and I just a glimpse of the baby you will be and the man that you will become. Other than the fact that we have prayed for your health, we have also prayed that you will live to bring honor and glory to His name and that you will love the Lord as much as we do.
We now know that our prayers will be answered.

This is what was spoken over you when I was 28 weeks pregnant:
"You will grow up to move and operate in the prophetic- you will be a prophet."
"You will carry a supernatural joy that people will notice something amazing about you. So much so, your daddy and mommy won't even be able to comprehend." The woman who spoke this over you broke out in tears because even she said she couldn't explain it.

As your mother, I stood there and wept as these words were being spoken over you, and so did your daddy. Your daddy by the way, had a dream about you the night before and he said that you were leading thousands of people to Christ. You are going to be a bastion for the things of, how ever old you are right now, as you are reading this, know that God has big plans for not fret or lose hope because He will bring them to perfection in His timing...much like He brought you to us in His timing.

Your name has strong meaning. Separately your two names mean "barington" the land of a troubled person and "stephen" which means crown or victor. So, you will be the Conqueror and Victor over lands that are will be a man who takes back for the Lord what the devil has tried to steal, kill and destroy. In this season where the devil tried to stomp you out and take mommy and daddy's joy, you were here to bring oil in the, walk humbly, speak kindly, live intently, love passionately, pray diligently, and be the Conqueror God wants you to be.

We love you, Bear!

Mommy and Daddy

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Righteous Will Never Be Moved

As Christians, sometimes we just need to know that despite bad news, set backs and trials, God still shines his face down on his children- The Righteous. 

I was watching Jentezen Franklin this morning and he referenced Psalm 112. His wife is a builder (new news to me) and every house they have lived in she has built. That's pretty cool! Anyways, during the construction of their current house, they opened up their Bible to Psalm 112, wrapped it up, and laid it in the foundation of their home. How cool! It makes me want to dig up a place in my home and lay a Bible in it. I know- crazy. But think about the power of laying-The Rock- as the foundation of your home? When the storms of life blow against your home, your spouse and your children, you can go back to the foundation of His Word. It's a safety and security net. He hears the cries of his children and knows our deepest desires. 
As I read through Psalm 112 out loud with my husband, I was overcome with emotion as I read His words for us. 

 1[a](A) Praise the LORD!(B) Blessed is the man who fears the LORD,
   who(C) greatly delights in his commandments!
2His(D) offspring will be mighty in the land;
   (E) the generation of the upright will be blessed.
3(F) Wealth and riches are in his house,
   and his(G) righteousness endures forever.
4Light dawns in the darkness(H) for the upright;
   he is gracious, merciful, and(I) righteous.
5It is well with the man who(J) deals generously and lends;
   who conducts his affairs with justice.
6For the righteous will(K) never be moved;
   (L) he will be remembered forever.
7He is not(M) afraid of bad news;
   his(N) heart is firm,(O) trusting in the LORD.
8His heart is steady; he will not be afraid,
   until he looks in triumph on his adversaries.
9He has(P) distributed freely; he has given to the poor;
   his righteousness endures forever;
   his(Q) horn is exalted in honor.
10The wicked man sees it and is angry;
   he(R) gnashes his teeth and(S) melts away;
   (T) the desire of the wicked will perish!

As you read this verse this morning, I pray that no matter what you're going through that you will not allow the attacks of the enemy to move you from your place of peace. I realize that this is easier said then done. If there is anyone that this is most applicable to it's us...right now...during this season. So, if I can do my best to not be swayed by the mental attacks of the enemy, so can you! 

Have a wonderful Sunday! And, if you could, please say a special prayer for my family-Bear, Trey and me. 

Thank you, 
