Tuesday, March 13, 2012


You may be like me when it comes to worship in that there are just a few of those songs out there that bring you to tears and maybe even your knees when you hear them.

Well, that was me this past Sunday. You may know it, 'Worthy is the Lamb!' It is a true worshipers song. It's a song that I know all the lyrics to and can have my eyes shut the entire time basking in the glory of the One who is SO worthy. It pretty much is my 'Thank You' song to my Heavenly Father.

I am a worshiper. I'm not a singer in the least bit, but I believe God doesn't care whether or not I can sing, heck if He wanted me to sing then he would have given me that ability but He didn't. He gave me the ability to worship! I'm so thankful that He has given me arms/hands to raise to Him and a mouth that can sing praises unto Him. I really believe He smiles down on his children who are unashamed to enter into his presence that way. There's so much freedom in being able to do so. I realize that for some it is uncomfortable at first (been there), but when you really understand what and who you are doing it for it doesn't matter who is looking at you. You aren't there to put on a show it's about glorifying the One who paid it all for me and you. The One who sacrificed his ONLY son (gulp) for us---undeserving...sinners. I get a lump in my throat just thinking about it. I have a son and right now he is my only son (child) and there is just NO WAY I could or would sacrifice him for anything or anyone. There is NO ONE deserving enough to me that I would send my son in your place. Did you get that? Did you think about your own child(ren) for a minute? If so, then you should have some serious conviction and gratitude to the One who DID do what we could never do.

At night, when I rock Bear in his nursery before putting him in his crib I typically will sing at least one song to him and it pretty much goes like this: 'Jesus loves Bear this I know...for the Bible tells me so...little ones to Him belong...they are weak...but Jesus is strong...Yes, Jesus loves Bear...Yes, Jesus loves Bear...etc...'
My prayer during that time with him is that God would instill in him a love for worshiping Him. Trey can sing & he has family members that do so as well...and there are plenty of singers on the Hartley side of my family so I can only hope he has that talent, but above all I want Him to be a worshiper. The one who at a very young age raises his hands before the Lord, eyes closed just fully engaged in the One who is worthy of it all.

When I was pregnant with Bear I would have visions of him standing in the front row at church with his hands stretched out as far as he could reach them. It was beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes. The irony in this is that when he was born we were told he couldn't hear. The devil is a liar. I laugh now because God is good and I believe that much more that those visions were from Him.

I write this blog to encourage you as a believer to really grab a hold of the fact that God enjoys when we worship and praise Him. Psalm 22:3 "Yet you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel." (NLT) And I don't mean just standing there singing a song. Let your guard down and I promise you that the feeling that overcomes you when you "let loose" is one of the greatest feelings ever. 
Most importantly, worship is our "repayment" to Him to show how appreciative we are for what He did for us. 

This boy gets it even at a young age. He is anointed. He is a worshiper.