Tuesday, June 5, 2012


If there is anything I have learned in these last 29 years of life...yes, I am 29. It's crazy to think I am in my last year of 2 decades lived and I will be rapidly approaching 30 in less than a year. :/ I don't care about the number I just don't want to start "falling apart." You ask why the thoughts of "falling apart?" Probably because I received an email from The SCOOTER STORE they day after I turned 29. No.Lie. And it went straight to my inbox not my spam folder. :/

Anyways, this blog is all about giving thanks. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. Enough said right there.

Needless to say, Trey and I are having our best year yet...and I know the best is yet to come...oh and it is only June; bring it Lord! Bear is doing amazing! His personality is somewhat like mine and somewhat like Trey's. He definitely has a strong will and doesn't give up easily (I totally love that). He is our pride and joy! I'm thankful for the Lord's hand upon Bear's life and all that God is doing in and through Bear even at this young age. His ability to communicate is starting to show. He is "talking" more now then he ever has (obviously). Bless him; he has so much to say but making it make sense to us is still a struggle for him. But that's OK because we know when the Lord see's fit he will be talking beyond his age. He says mama, dada, bye bye and he has said words like goldfish, WOW, more and a few other words that I can't remember at the moment. He has yet to say these words again but in my opinion he has said them and more than one person has been present to hear it. Which confirms that we are not making stuff up! LOL

We have been SUPER busy around here. Trey's travels have slow down some and I have been working 1-3 days per week.  Life is good! And I am thankful for what God is doing in and through these Sheneman's. We know God is up to something and we are waiting patiently for what He has in store!

All I know is that I serve a God who is faithful always! Even when the days seem dark and long his light is always present and wants to shine through. He is good...ALL the time!