Lets just say I was relieved after discovering I was not pregnant...
Being a little "late" and recently hearing some disheartening news definitely caused this woman to momentarily panic. On the other hand, my husband was very dissapointed that we were not pregnant. Bless his heart. He actually got to experience what I felt like this time last year when we discovered we were. The emotions were flipped this go around. I got to feel his worry and he got to (momentarily) feel the joy of possibly knowing we were expecting. Interesting.
For the sake of my own integrity, as well as my husband's, I will forego the details of the "disheartening news" part.
But what I will say... is... that.... NOTHING.... catches God by surprise. He knew this day was coming. In fact, He allowed it. He predestined it. He knew that in order for me and my husband to reach our fullest potential in Him it was going to require us to move from the comfortable to the uncomfortable. You know, instead of standing at the edge of the cliff and dangling one foot out over it, we were now actually being asked to jump off?!?! Comfortable to the uncomfortable. Although the news had shaken our world momentarily, we were not about to allow it to shake our faith. We both realize that, often times, when we don't take the "hint" to move forward, God shuts the door for us. Good looking out, God! I'm glad to serve a God who always has my best interest at heart.
Some of you may be where we are at this very moment. But I encourage you, take refuge in the One who has already provided the "safe haven" for you, the One who has already made a way where there seems to be no way. Remember, "greater is He that is in you, then he that is in the world." "If God be for you, then who can be against you?" No one! Man doesn't control your destiny; in fact, I will go as far as to say this, often times when men think they are about to demote you, God intervenes and uses them to launch you into greater opportunities and blessings, into a promotion. WOOT-WOOT. I'm sorry; I just had a moment. Seriously. We often "curse" man for what they have done (you know, messing up our plans) but instead we should say, "Thank you, because of what you've done or said I'm walking into a greater anointing and season of my life." It is that simple. Just do it. If that doesn't get you excited, then I don't know what to tell you. I mean the power of God is INCREDIBLE. We just need to change our perspective--our fleshly way of thinking--and accept that our thoughts are not His thoughts, and our ways are not His ways.
I will close with this: Galatians 6:9 (New Living Translation)
"So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up."
Whatever situation you may be in, don't give up and don't give in. The battle is the Lord's!
By Grace Alone,