Considering that 2 years ago I was going through a miscarriage this Mother's Day means a lot to me.
Although it is just a day and Bear doesn't understand what this day means, I do. The smile on his face when he looks at me and the way he moves his mouth as if he has A LOT to say, is priceless. He brings me so much joy! Words can not describe how full my heart is at this very moment. When I look at him I see something beautiful. I see God's hand at work. I see, "you are fearfully and wonderfully made!"
I love the yearning in my son's eyes that say, "I need you momma" and does that make my heart skip a few beats. Just knowing that my son needs me makes me feel important. Some people need a 6 figure career, a nice car, nice clothes, nice home etc...all I need is the love and embrace of my son and husband. There's nothing in this world that could ever replace that need. No amount of money could ever buy that. Love is everything.
I could go on and on but this blog was not intended to be about me.
I am asking that as you celebrate being a momma would you please stop and think about those momma's who have lost a baby?
Specifically I am asking you to pray for a young couple who I attended church with in Miami.
Unfortunately, they lost their baby while she was 7 1/2 months pregnant. Their first baby. To make matters worse she had to go into labor and deliver that precious baby boy. My heart breaks. I have shed many a tears about that situation since I found out. I don't understand, but I am thankful that they cling to the feet of Jesus. Oh how his love sustains us!
While the day is real and every momma will be celebrated, will you please pray for this couple? From what I have seen they have been warriors but in the depths of their hearts they hurt. I can't imagine what tomorrow will bring for her but I do hope she feels my prayers along with all of yours.
Thank you and Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day- Mom, Michele & Deb!