Do you believe in them? I most certainly do.
We have added a "tradition" to our family by going to Chickfila in the early am to eat and let Bear play on the playground. These days his fun consists of climbing up and down the steps. He likes it,and we enjoy watching him, so it's a win win! Not to mention that it's something that he will get to look forward to for the coming days, months and years ahead.
We eat first, of course...and then we play. Bear is all about play and cares nothing about food especially in this instance. I mean a LARGE, INDOOR PLAY GROUND, if that doesn't scream fun to an 18month old then I don't know what does! :)
We had finally finished eating and managed to feed Bear somewhat of a "hearty" breakfast and off to the playground we went. The previous time we went it was just us but this time around Bear had a playmate. This little boy was 3 and his name was Caden. He was another one of God's special children and I couldn't help but know that something was different. Trey and I got to talking and then Caden's mom approached us and said, "I just wanted you to know that my son is Autistic and he usually plays by himself but I just want to keep an eye out." We, of course, looked at each other and knew in that moment this was a God ordained meeting.
We began to share with her about Bear and the early signs that we detected in him and how we immediately sought professional help to make sure we weren't overreacting as parents..which we weren't. I couldn't help but cry as I knew exactly what she was feeling. She appeared strong and put together but who knows what was really going on in the depths of her soul.
For the record, I am a crier. Some people handle their emotions by doing other things. Me, I cry. So please don't make another person feel less than if they handle themselves differently then you do. God has created us to handle different situations in different ways and crying is my outlet. Although drinking is my next solution! HA! TOTALLY KIDDING. Trying to lighten the load here. Is it working?! :)
Okay back to Caden and his precious momma.
Just like with any child on the spectrum, the signs are all different as children display different characteristic traits of being Autistic. Of course, I asked questions and she was open and willing to answer. My first question was basically asking her when she thought something was wrong. She replied and said right around 12months old. I was definitely engaged and had her full attention as I kinda knew where this was headed. Just curious, I then asked, do you vaccinate your child? She responded and said she did, and that she believed the MMR had something to do with it. I gasped. I was reminded about a conversation I had with a Pediatrician about the MMR who shared her views (as a medical doctor) regarding that vaccine. It was an interesting conversation nonetheless.
Before I move on I would like to address something in this blog. I am not a parent who rallies behind TO or TO NOT VACCINATE. It's every parents decision and CHOICE to do what is best for their child. You may ask, what's better then vaccinating your child? To some parents-- NOT vaccinating. And again, that's their choice. To push your views onto another parent and dictate to them what's best is not my place or yours. Be sensitive to the subject. We can't be blinded (or not care because we don't currently have a child with autism) by the fact that Autism is at it's HIGHEST ever and no one has any answers. If you were a parent of a child who has Austism you would be desperately trying to figure out why. And I can promise you with every parent of an Autistic child that I have spoken to they will tell you that they would have done some things differently if they could reverse the clock. I say all this to say, we all parent our children the best way we know how and I am a believer who asks the Lord everyday for discernment on how to raise our child. God knows that and He is faithful to lead us in a direction that is best for our child. He will and can do the same for you...
Now that I've gotten that out of the way...back again to Caden and his momma!!!
She went on to tell us that Caden was having the ABR test done on July 5th to see how his hearing is because he is so delayed in his speech.
In any situation when a child is behind in their speech they test for hearing first and then depending on results they are able to move forward with more testing if needed.
It was about time for Trey to leave but there was a "prompting' in my spirit to pray for this woman. Thankfully, Trey had the same "prompting" and he led us to pray for her. I held onto Caden, who was as strong as a bull, and during Trey's prayer we just laid hands and began to speak life. During his prayer, I felt some sweet lips kiss my cheek and knew little Caden was making his move on me while Trey's eyes were closed! Haha! Just like a boy...already putting moves on a lady. :)
Trey finished and handed the lady his business card so that we could keep in touch. Bear and I stayed and he played as I continued conversing with Karen. Just pray for that name too!
Karen then proceeded to tell me that her husband had left and they were currently separated. Oh my goodness, apparently crying was in the "cards" for me today. I asked her about the situation and she told me that he wasn't a believer and that he couldn't handle what was going on and that she had dedicated too much time to her sons (one of whom is Autistic-Caden) & he was being neglected. I had to put my flesh in check. That's all I will say about that.
I appreciated her willingness to share with a complete stranger and I only hope that she knows that there will be an army of God's best praying for her, Caden and her husband.
I have said it before and will say it again...God allows us, as believers, to go through trials in our lives so that we can be a testimony to his goodness and faithfulness. There are so many people who need HOPE, who need JESUS and if, as believers, we never went through trials and came out on top then what type of witnessing could we really do? You can read the Gospel and NEVER will it be watered down but people also need to know that God still moves and is our very present help in time of need TODAY. And what better testimonies to share then ones that we have walked through!
It was evident that this woman needed HOPE. I mean who doesn't? We live in a crazy world and last I checked, after watching the news, it isn't getting any better.
If you ever wanted to know if you are in God's will just take a look around you...if the enemy seems to be messing with you, putting negative thoughts--thoughts that contradict the Word then that jerk is around. Just sayin'. God is in your midst, He is just sitting back making sure that the enemy doesn't cross THE line. There is a line. I promise. Just go take a look at the book of Job. There's a definite line. However, the Lord is gracious and is a gentleman and will not force himself onto a situation that He is not welcomed into. So, if you expect things to work in your favor then you better let Him in on the situation or else you are headed for doom and gloom. Amen? God doesn't expect or want us to manage this life on our own. I mean for heavens sake I know I don't want to, and I can honestly say I would probably be in the nut house if it wasn't for those in my life who I know have dedicated their time and efforts to pray for me and my family. His grace is sufficient...
I will close this "book" now, but PLEASE pray for Karen, Caden and her husband. Specifically for Caden's test on July 5th and for God to restore what the enemy has set out to destroy.
2 Corinthians 12:9 9 But He said to me, My grace (My favor and loving-kindness and mercy) is enough for you [sufficient against any danger and enables you to bear the trouble manfully]; for My strength and power are made perfect (fulfilled and completed) and [a]show themselves most effective in [your] weakness. Therefore, I will all the more gladly glory in my weaknesses and infirmities, that the strength and power of Christ (the Messiah) may rest (yes, may [b]pitch a tent over and dwell) upon me! Amplified Bible
Be Blessed,