It's one of the things that I need to stay sane and happy. How Trey and I got through Bear's "insomnia" stage from 6-12months of age I have no idea. It was down right hellacious. I can honestly say if it hadn't been for friends who were with us the night we started letting Bear cry it out we would still be sleep deprived and irritable. Bear would still be waking up 2-3 hrs. during the night and our lives would be miserable.
I'm very thankful for those friends and for the strength that God gave us to resist going into our crying, no wait--screaming child. Oh it was SO painful. However, at the end of the day we were doing more harm then good for Bear. We realize that now. Selfishly we would get him because it was easier then hearing him cry. I'm just being honest...BUT, thankfully, we stuck to our New Year's Plan and as a result we have a baby who sleeps uninterrupted for 12hrs through the night. PRAISE JESUS!
As painful as it was, for all of us, it was well worth it. Bear is getting plenty of rest and so are we! It's BLISS. He is a happier baby and our home is better because of crazy as that sounds.
Sleep is a vital part of our lives and our bodies require it. I read about the benefits of people getting at least 8 hrs. of sleep a night. Y'all sleep affects our health in so many ways. Research it. You will be amazed at what you read.
There you have short story on sleep and how it changed our lives! Who would have thought! :)
Happy Super Bowl Sunday...and to the calories I'm NOT counting today! ;)