As a church body, we have been diving into a series entitled "Go....Grow....Reproduce." I love the idea that my church is all about making disciples and sending them out. They definitely are about replicating the 1st century church! Unfortunately, most of the modern day church has tucked away the sending nature of God time capsule style, thinking that maybe one of the succeeding generations might uncover it one day and be reminded of how church used to be.
Moving forward. My pastor really did an incredible job relaying the message of growing as Christians and what it takes on our part, CHANGE. The road to progress is paved with change. I know it is a small word but quite intimidating to say the least.
He made the following statement: "Christ is asking that we follow Him." Apparently the word "follow" in the Greek means "to cling." Think about the picture here.... and how differently it feels to "cling" to something, rather than to simply "follow" something.
If Christ's desire for us is to cling to Him with every ounce of life, then why is it not good enough just to follow?
1 Peter 2:2-3 "Like newborn babies, crave spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good."
Lets break this down for a minute....
1) Remember the time when you first became saved??? We were all on fire for God, right??? Definitely. It was a "new experience" that caused us to want/crave change and more of God....
2) Key word-- GROW UP in your salvation. These verses imply that spiritual milk is only sufficient for a time, not forever.
3) Once you are able to "taste" the goodness of God, there should be a desire within to strive for what's better, what's more perfect, the things and plans of God!
I say all that to say this. In order to do away with spiritual milk, an inward and an outward change must take place. If you desire to eat of the "meat" then it is going to require CHANGE. I personally do not feel that a person can grow spiritually without first changing inwardly. The inward then results in the outward. Once you have made a change, inwardly and outwardly, then you can find yourself leading towards growth...Spiritual growth. If, of course, that's the path you have chosen to seek after.
I feel like the following verse can piggy-back on what I am trying to say.
1 Corinthians 13:11 "When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me."
Even as we grow into maturity considering our physical bodies, we don't do certain things that we did in the past because we've matured, developed and grown.
So I guess our challenge would be this...Are we desperate enough to cling to Christ by being willing to change inwardly and outwardly? Calcium is good for a while, but at some point you get a hankering for steak.
I hope this encourages you but most importantly challenges you to seek after your change!
Deuteronomy 8:3
"He humbled you, causing you to to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your fathers had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord."
Until next time....
Psalm 84:11 "For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord will give grace and glory; No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly."
Monday, June 29, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The Power of a Godly Woman!
Today's blog has a lot to do with us as women. Applying the "God image' in our lives will allow us to be victorious in ALL situations. How many of us want to be victorious in whatever situation comes our way?!?!? I DO....
So, with that being said, I love reading books that offer spiritual fuel for the battle. I don't waste my time reading books that are "non-sense" and that don't offer anything to my spiritual walk. I'm not putting down those types of books, they just aren't for me, ya know??
Lately, I've been reading a book entitled Only a Woman-Claiming Your Amazing Power in Christ.
It's an incredible book and I have enjoyed what I have read thus far. The book begins with a woman's village being attacked and her husband losing his life during the battle. The "baton" was passed to her by her husband and she was given the mission to save her people, all the while holding onto her own precious baby. To sum up what I have read, she saved the village people! GO GIRL! But she was faced with the overwhelming fear, as they lowered her lifeless husband's body into the ground, of doing this all alone. You know, LIFE. As the village people sang her praises, she was numb to it all. Yet, I love the point the book makes: Do we choose "God-image" or self-image. Many times, during those trying situations, fear may grip us. In a real crisis, we will struggle with the person we believe we are and the person God has called us to be. Many times, we revert back to the self-image, while simultaneously paralyzing the power of the God-image inside us.
Terri McFaddin's book defines the "God image" as the person God intended you to be from the womb-the person with special gifts, purpose, and calling.
The self-image is the person you perceive yourself to be based on the influences of your environment and your culture. Pretty powerful, huh?!?!? How many of us know this, but forget it when faced with a trying situation? We allow worry, fear, and anxiety to creep in.
Truthfully, I can't even try to relate to this wife and mom, but what I do see in her is a quality I want to have. In the face of adversity, anger, and sadness, she still pressed on in her "God-image", not her self-image.
So, as a woman writing to other women, how will you DAILY carry your "God-image" versus self-image? As I continue reading, I will blog different insights that I may get from the book. Allow these insights to challenge you in the face of your everyday life, in whatever this life might bring. Whether you face a business deal that you really need to close, or you find taking care of your husband and children a difficult task for the day, stay focused on letting your "God-image" come through.
In order to be a powerful, godly woman we must continually carry God's image not our own. We are limited when using self-image but with His image we can do ALL things. (Phil. 4:13)
Reflect on times when you were faced with a difficult situation. Did you put on the full armor of God or did you hide in fear carrying your self-image?
Be that powerful woman God has enabled you to be!
I'll close with this verse...
Judges 5:7
"Village life ceased, it ceased in Israel, until I, Deborah (god-image not self-image), arose, arose a mother in Israel.
Be a 21st Deborah!
In Him,
So, with that being said, I love reading books that offer spiritual fuel for the battle. I don't waste my time reading books that are "non-sense" and that don't offer anything to my spiritual walk. I'm not putting down those types of books, they just aren't for me, ya know??
Lately, I've been reading a book entitled Only a Woman-Claiming Your Amazing Power in Christ.
It's an incredible book and I have enjoyed what I have read thus far. The book begins with a woman's village being attacked and her husband losing his life during the battle. The "baton" was passed to her by her husband and she was given the mission to save her people, all the while holding onto her own precious baby. To sum up what I have read, she saved the village people! GO GIRL! But she was faced with the overwhelming fear, as they lowered her lifeless husband's body into the ground, of doing this all alone. You know, LIFE. As the village people sang her praises, she was numb to it all. Yet, I love the point the book makes: Do we choose "God-image" or self-image. Many times, during those trying situations, fear may grip us. In a real crisis, we will struggle with the person we believe we are and the person God has called us to be. Many times, we revert back to the self-image, while simultaneously paralyzing the power of the God-image inside us.
Terri McFaddin's book defines the "God image" as the person God intended you to be from the womb-the person with special gifts, purpose, and calling.
The self-image is the person you perceive yourself to be based on the influences of your environment and your culture. Pretty powerful, huh?!?!? How many of us know this, but forget it when faced with a trying situation? We allow worry, fear, and anxiety to creep in.
Truthfully, I can't even try to relate to this wife and mom, but what I do see in her is a quality I want to have. In the face of adversity, anger, and sadness, she still pressed on in her "God-image", not her self-image.
So, as a woman writing to other women, how will you DAILY carry your "God-image" versus self-image? As I continue reading, I will blog different insights that I may get from the book. Allow these insights to challenge you in the face of your everyday life, in whatever this life might bring. Whether you face a business deal that you really need to close, or you find taking care of your husband and children a difficult task for the day, stay focused on letting your "God-image" come through.
In order to be a powerful, godly woman we must continually carry God's image not our own. We are limited when using self-image but with His image we can do ALL things. (Phil. 4:13)
Reflect on times when you were faced with a difficult situation. Did you put on the full armor of God or did you hide in fear carrying your self-image?
Be that powerful woman God has enabled you to be!
I'll close with this verse...
Judges 5:7
"Village life ceased, it ceased in Israel, until I, Deborah (god-image not self-image), arose, arose a mother in Israel.
Be a 21st Deborah!
In Him,
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Ready...Set...Lose Weight!!
So, Trey and I have made some lifestyle changes recently...As many of you know, or may not, my husband is a diabetic and has battled his weight his entire life. He has been ridiculed by many, and I mean many, from the time he was a young boy. It hurts me and breaks my heart when we talk about the struggles he faced growing up. There are even times now when somebody may mention Trey's weight and I want to go off. Its ridiculous.
Side bar. Have you ever realized the goodness of God in the following situation. Everyday you wake up and realize more and more why God put a particular person in your life? Spouse..friend...neighbor..pastor..etc...
Everyday I wake up I thank the Lord for my husband. And realize, in sooooo many ways, why the Lord brought us together as man and wife. Trey and I are similar in a lot of ways but also very different. We both know what it is to struggle with maintaining a "healthy" weight, being ridiculed by others and suffer from hurt, pain and anger. Bottom line, we can relate. It bothers me immensely when I hear or see people make comments about heavy people. Seriously, you have NO idea what drove that person to that point. You could have had a HUGE impact on why that person looks the way he/she does. Obviously, I know, we are to take responsibility for our own actions...but your influence could have left a negative impact on that person causing them to "escape" into an eating frenzy. Because that is how they cope.
Side bar. A lot of people today abuse medicine-pain killers, anti-depressants etc...For a person who suffers from depression, alcohol, and/or nicotine addiction what do they do? Take medicine to hopefully alleviate the issue, right??? YES. Or they just continue in their bad habit. For a person battling their weight it is the same thing. Except in our society socially acceptable is being a size 2 (women) and a size 34-36 (man). So overeating is a huge NO-NO and, like the above, it deteriorates your health. My point. Please do not speak an ill word of someone who struggles with their weight if you are medicating yourself in a different way. We all have issues plain and simple. God did not design perfect people and if you are striving for perfection you will lose. And maybe even cause yourself a lot of harm in the end.
With that being said, Trey and I have been working together to both lose weight. We've been doing a fantastic job incorporating exercise and healthy eating into our lives. We plan on continuing to do so! We look forward to the end results, for thanking each other and thanking our Heavenly Father for encouraging us every step of the way!
I just need to boast a bit... :)
My husband is more of a man than most. He desires to walk in the will of our Heavenly Father. He desires to be a good provider, husband and father. He attempts everyday to break negative patterns that have been a strong influence in his life. And in the deepest parts of my husband's heart lies a man who seeks out change everyday for himself. A trait that many of us would rather not tackle. He is a man who desires to set others free from the bondage of this world by teaching and inspiring through biblical scriptures. His dreams and desires are endless! I know that through every step of faith and every growth in maturity God is opening a door to use his gifts and talents for His glory!
So if you are on a journey to lose weight...YOU CAN DO IT!
"I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!" Philippians 4:13 NKJV
Until next time....
Ready..Set..GO-lose weight, break a bad habit, start a daily devotion!
Side bar. Have you ever realized the goodness of God in the following situation. Everyday you wake up and realize more and more why God put a particular person in your life? Spouse..friend...neighbor..pastor..etc...
Everyday I wake up I thank the Lord for my husband. And realize, in sooooo many ways, why the Lord brought us together as man and wife. Trey and I are similar in a lot of ways but also very different. We both know what it is to struggle with maintaining a "healthy" weight, being ridiculed by others and suffer from hurt, pain and anger. Bottom line, we can relate. It bothers me immensely when I hear or see people make comments about heavy people. Seriously, you have NO idea what drove that person to that point. You could have had a HUGE impact on why that person looks the way he/she does. Obviously, I know, we are to take responsibility for our own actions...but your influence could have left a negative impact on that person causing them to "escape" into an eating frenzy. Because that is how they cope.
Side bar. A lot of people today abuse medicine-pain killers, anti-depressants etc...For a person who suffers from depression, alcohol, and/or nicotine addiction what do they do? Take medicine to hopefully alleviate the issue, right??? YES. Or they just continue in their bad habit. For a person battling their weight it is the same thing. Except in our society socially acceptable is being a size 2 (women) and a size 34-36 (man). So overeating is a huge NO-NO and, like the above, it deteriorates your health. My point. Please do not speak an ill word of someone who struggles with their weight if you are medicating yourself in a different way. We all have issues plain and simple. God did not design perfect people and if you are striving for perfection you will lose. And maybe even cause yourself a lot of harm in the end.
With that being said, Trey and I have been working together to both lose weight. We've been doing a fantastic job incorporating exercise and healthy eating into our lives. We plan on continuing to do so! We look forward to the end results, for thanking each other and thanking our Heavenly Father for encouraging us every step of the way!
I just need to boast a bit... :)
My husband is more of a man than most. He desires to walk in the will of our Heavenly Father. He desires to be a good provider, husband and father. He attempts everyday to break negative patterns that have been a strong influence in his life. And in the deepest parts of my husband's heart lies a man who seeks out change everyday for himself. A trait that many of us would rather not tackle. He is a man who desires to set others free from the bondage of this world by teaching and inspiring through biblical scriptures. His dreams and desires are endless! I know that through every step of faith and every growth in maturity God is opening a door to use his gifts and talents for His glory!
So if you are on a journey to lose weight...YOU CAN DO IT!
"I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!" Philippians 4:13 NKJV
Until next time....
Ready..Set..GO-lose weight, break a bad habit, start a daily devotion!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
A Special Friend!
Well, this blog will be very easy to write about because it is coming straight from my heart...
I really truly believe that God is always divine when he places people in your life. It was a little over a year ago that I moved to Atlanta and, although I miss my friends in Miami, God has been faithful in bringing new friends into my life.
If you know my past then you know I have a hard time TRUSTING...I trust in God and I have complete confidence in Him, which is great and we all should, but when it comes to people, a little difficult for me. It is especially hard for me to become close with females because of the strained relationship I have with my mother. Unfortunately, I have stereo-typed women as being: gossipers, liars, manipulators, deceivers, controllers etc...Not intentionally, well, at least I don't think I do??
Moving forward. God has been gracious in bringing one particular young lady into my life from my very first visit here. She is an incredible woman of God and is an amazing friend. Her husband and Trey have known each other since high school, making our first dinner date completely relaxed. Trey kept on and on about her and, of course, her husband. Needless to say she is a God sent! She has been there for me since day one. She is a genuine friend, who is completely honest, and worthy of trusting. She allows me to vent when I am extremely frustrated with certain people and she responds with an honest, "This is how I would approach the situation." I mean she ROCKS.
Her and her husband traveled to TN to be apart of our wedding day! He, in fact, married us!
She was there for me when I miscarried...Get this. I didn't answer my phone when she called, TWICE, because I was using the potty and the next thing I know she is at my door step.. She wasn't trying to get me out of bed, tell me indirectly I needed to move forward, she just allowed me to grieve. She was so gentle and compassionate. Seriously, she is an over-the-top kind of friend. A friend that all of us should strive to be. I honestly can't say enough about her. Trey and I adore the friendship we have with her and her husband. We know that in the future they will play very important roles in the lives of our children.
Both of them were there for Trey when he had back surgery last year. I mean they just didn't come to the hospital to "talk" but they came bearing gifts! I mean everything from DVDs (like 100), baked items, even some cozy things for me! :) I know one day when they both get to heaven they will have a mac-daddy mansion because of all they do for people here on earth.
She is a very classy, sophisticated and a goofy (in her own kind of way type of lady!)
I could go on and on but I think you get the point. Friends are treasures sent from above. And I most definitely treasure you, LB!
Love you girl and I look forward to many, many happy times ahead!
I really truly believe that God is always divine when he places people in your life. It was a little over a year ago that I moved to Atlanta and, although I miss my friends in Miami, God has been faithful in bringing new friends into my life.
If you know my past then you know I have a hard time TRUSTING...I trust in God and I have complete confidence in Him, which is great and we all should, but when it comes to people, a little difficult for me. It is especially hard for me to become close with females because of the strained relationship I have with my mother. Unfortunately, I have stereo-typed women as being: gossipers, liars, manipulators, deceivers, controllers etc...Not intentionally, well, at least I don't think I do??
Moving forward. God has been gracious in bringing one particular young lady into my life from my very first visit here. She is an incredible woman of God and is an amazing friend. Her husband and Trey have known each other since high school, making our first dinner date completely relaxed. Trey kept on and on about her and, of course, her husband. Needless to say she is a God sent! She has been there for me since day one. She is a genuine friend, who is completely honest, and worthy of trusting. She allows me to vent when I am extremely frustrated with certain people and she responds with an honest, "This is how I would approach the situation." I mean she ROCKS.
Her and her husband traveled to TN to be apart of our wedding day! He, in fact, married us!
She was there for me when I miscarried...Get this. I didn't answer my phone when she called, TWICE, because I was using the potty and the next thing I know she is at my door step.. She wasn't trying to get me out of bed, tell me indirectly I needed to move forward, she just allowed me to grieve. She was so gentle and compassionate. Seriously, she is an over-the-top kind of friend. A friend that all of us should strive to be. I honestly can't say enough about her. Trey and I adore the friendship we have with her and her husband. We know that in the future they will play very important roles in the lives of our children.
Both of them were there for Trey when he had back surgery last year. I mean they just didn't come to the hospital to "talk" but they came bearing gifts! I mean everything from DVDs (like 100), baked items, even some cozy things for me! :) I know one day when they both get to heaven they will have a mac-daddy mansion because of all they do for people here on earth.
She is a very classy, sophisticated and a goofy (in her own kind of way type of lady!)
I could go on and on but I think you get the point. Friends are treasures sent from above. And I most definitely treasure you, LB!
Love you girl and I look forward to many, many happy times ahead!
Monday, June 15, 2009
June 6th, 2009
What a long journey home....
Our flight left Vegas at 5:50am Saturday, June 6th....Trey and I had no sleep and were up for over 24 hours...I looked like a hot mess! No lie.
We got to the airport at 2:30 am and it was a ghost town. Not a person to be seen. We even tried to sleep in the airport, I wish I had a picture for y'all to have seen what we looked like. Hilarious-that's all I can say. Although it was not funny at the time!
We boarded the plan to Atlanta....only then to board another plan to Charlotte... By the time we arrived to Charlotte the delirium set in. All I kept thinking is how in the world would we make it home. I don't sleep in cars but, my husband, he has no problem doing that. So I drove so that he could get some sleep.
I, on the other hand, thought about that day, June 6th. For many it was just another day but for me it was anything but....It was exactly a month ago that Trey and I found out our baby had no heartbeat. I broke down in the car as Trey was sleeping. I couldn't help but reflect on the entire experience and to think about the Grace of God. Once again, I found myself, hand raised worshiping the Lord. There is a song titled, "There will be a day" by Jeremy Camp
It is an incredible song and it came on at the exact same time that I began to reflect on what I had gone through...
The words go like this:
I try to hold on to this world with everything I have...
But I feel the weight of what it brings and the hurt that tries to grab..
Many trials that seem to never end...this world declares this truth...
We will enter in this rest...with wonders a new...
BUT I hold onto this hope...and the promise that HE brings..
There will be a place with no more suffering...
There will be a day..with no more more pain...and no more fears..
There will be a day... when the burdens of this place...will be no more...we'll see Jesus face to face..
But until that day...we'll hold onto you... always...
I know the journey seems so feel your walking on your own...
There has never been a step..where you've walked out all alone..troubled soul don't lose your heart...cuz joy and peace He brings..and the beauty that's in store...out weighs the hurt of life's sting...
(back to the chorus)
A beautiful song that means more to me now than when I first heard it.
I realize that I was not the first person in the world to miscarry, but unfortunately, I do know that I will not be the last....Therefore, I pray, when the time comes that God will help me to help another woman who needs to see the hope in the midst of a hopeless situation.
That is all for now....May God Bless You and Keep You!
Our flight left Vegas at 5:50am Saturday, June 6th....Trey and I had no sleep and were up for over 24 hours...I looked like a hot mess! No lie.
We got to the airport at 2:30 am and it was a ghost town. Not a person to be seen. We even tried to sleep in the airport, I wish I had a picture for y'all to have seen what we looked like. Hilarious-that's all I can say. Although it was not funny at the time!
We boarded the plan to Atlanta....only then to board another plan to Charlotte... By the time we arrived to Charlotte the delirium set in. All I kept thinking is how in the world would we make it home. I don't sleep in cars but, my husband, he has no problem doing that. So I drove so that he could get some sleep.
I, on the other hand, thought about that day, June 6th. For many it was just another day but for me it was anything but....It was exactly a month ago that Trey and I found out our baby had no heartbeat. I broke down in the car as Trey was sleeping. I couldn't help but reflect on the entire experience and to think about the Grace of God. Once again, I found myself, hand raised worshiping the Lord. There is a song titled, "There will be a day" by Jeremy Camp
It is an incredible song and it came on at the exact same time that I began to reflect on what I had gone through...
The words go like this:
I try to hold on to this world with everything I have...
But I feel the weight of what it brings and the hurt that tries to grab..
Many trials that seem to never end...this world declares this truth...
We will enter in this rest...with wonders a new...
BUT I hold onto this hope...and the promise that HE brings..
There will be a place with no more suffering...
There will be a day..with no more more pain...and no more fears..
There will be a day... when the burdens of this place...will be no more...we'll see Jesus face to face..
But until that day...we'll hold onto you... always...
I know the journey seems so feel your walking on your own...
There has never been a step..where you've walked out all alone..troubled soul don't lose your heart...cuz joy and peace He brings..and the beauty that's in store...out weighs the hurt of life's sting...
(back to the chorus)
A beautiful song that means more to me now than when I first heard it.
I realize that I was not the first person in the world to miscarry, but unfortunately, I do know that I will not be the last....Therefore, I pray, when the time comes that God will help me to help another woman who needs to see the hope in the midst of a hopeless situation.
That is all for now....May God Bless You and Keep You!
My sebatical is over......but where do I begin?!?!?

Well, alot has transpired since my last post....leaving me baffled about where I should begin!
May 30th- Our Last Wedding Reception! Yippie- seriously, I was over it already...
Kudos definitely goes out to my husband for all the running around he did that day. He was my SUPER husband and did a great job making it a lovely evening. I, on the other hand, spent the morning with my cousin...we were on a mission! My mother-in-law met us at Tanger where she picked out some great shoes for my dress..she also let me borrow a beautiful necklace and earrings set...Mission accomplished!
It was a very hot day....and on our way out we stopped by McDonald's...Deperately needing something to eat and, no, yogurt parfaits made, are you serious???
I LOVE parfaits, just ask my husband...So I settled for apples and caramel dipping sauce....
I started to feel extremely ill, with a major headache to follow...I had to pull over because I felt like vomitting..My cousin offered to drive but I insisted that I could make it home...Well, that was not the case. You would have thought it was my actual wedding day, as I proceeded to vomit on the side of the road....Needless to say, I got home and rested until it was time to get ready!
Here are a few pictures of the evening!
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