So, Trey and I have made some lifestyle changes recently...As many of you know, or may not, my husband is a diabetic and has battled his weight his entire life. He has been ridiculed by many, and I mean many, from the time he was a young boy. It hurts me and breaks my heart when we talk about the struggles he faced growing up. There are even times now when somebody may mention Trey's weight and I want to go off. Its ridiculous.
Side bar. Have you ever realized the goodness of God in the following situation. Everyday you wake up and realize more and more why God put a particular person in your life? Spouse..friend...neighbor..pastor..etc...
Everyday I wake up I thank the Lord for my husband. And realize, in sooooo many ways, why the Lord brought us together as man and wife. Trey and I are similar in a lot of ways but also very different. We both know what it is to struggle with maintaining a "healthy" weight, being ridiculed by others and suffer from hurt, pain and anger. Bottom line, we can relate. It bothers me immensely when I hear or see people make comments about heavy people. Seriously, you have NO idea what drove that person to that point. You could have had a HUGE impact on why that person looks the way he/she does. Obviously, I know, we are to take responsibility for our own actions...but your influence could have left a negative impact on that person causing them to "escape" into an eating frenzy. Because that is how they cope.
Side bar. A lot of people today abuse medicine-pain killers, anti-depressants etc...For a person who suffers from depression, alcohol, and/or nicotine addiction what do they do? Take medicine to hopefully alleviate the issue, right??? YES. Or they just continue in their bad habit. For a person battling their weight it is the same thing. Except in our society socially acceptable is being a size 2 (women) and a size 34-36 (man). So overeating is a huge NO-NO and, like the above, it deteriorates your health. My point. Please do not speak an ill word of someone who struggles with their weight if you are medicating yourself in a different way. We all have issues plain and simple. God did not design perfect people and if you are striving for perfection you will lose. And maybe even cause yourself a lot of harm in the end.
With that being said, Trey and I have been working together to both lose weight. We've been doing a fantastic job incorporating exercise and healthy eating into our lives. We plan on continuing to do so! We look forward to the end results, for thanking each other and thanking our Heavenly Father for encouraging us every step of the way!
I just need to boast a bit... :)
My husband is more of a man than most. He desires to walk in the will of our Heavenly Father. He desires to be a good provider, husband and father. He attempts everyday to break negative patterns that have been a strong influence in his life. And in the deepest parts of my husband's heart lies a man who seeks out change everyday for himself. A trait that many of us would rather not tackle. He is a man who desires to set others free from the bondage of this world by teaching and inspiring through biblical scriptures. His dreams and desires are endless! I know that through every step of faith and every growth in maturity God is opening a door to use his gifts and talents for His glory!
So if you are on a journey to lose weight...YOU CAN DO IT!
"I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!" Philippians 4:13 NKJV
Until next time....
Ready..Set..GO-lose weight, break a bad habit, start a daily devotion!
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