Every one of us shall give an account of himself to God.
Romans 14:12
Boldness is required if you're ever to be led by God! Why? Because He may direct you to do things that others don't understand or agree with. Insecure people tend to feel safer doing what others do. They're fearful of breaking the mold or standing alone. Anytime you step outside the boundaries of what others think is wise or proper, you risk rejection. But you mustn't allow that to keep you from fulfilling your God-given purpose.
Confronting criticism becomes a little easier when you remember that ultimately "every one of us shall give an account of himself to God." Sure it hurts to be criticized, but if you're to succeed at anything you must have the same attitude Paul had. Listen: "I am not the least concerned with the fact that you are deciding what is right and what is wrong with me...Neither you nor anyone else can put me down unless I first put myself down (and I'm not doing that)...though I don't know of anything against me, my ignorance doesn't mean that I am correct in my appraisal, because the final evaluation is in God's hands" (1 Co 4:3-4 Ben Campbell-Johnston para).
Secure people can handle being the only ones doing something. They can also allow others that same choice, because they know we have been called to accept one another-not analyze and categorize one another! Please don't grow old and feel like somewhere along the way you lost yourself, and never succeeded at being who God called you to be.
I have never had a problem with being bold. I've never had an issue with "standing out" because quite frankly, I do. I was born with a birth defect that could have hindered me in unbelievable ways (and in some cases did growing up), but instead I chose to stand out 1) because I love Jesus and 2) I have no problem witnessing to others about Him. Many of you are "perfect" in the physical sense, but when it comes to Jesus you hide behind a rock. Why? I often wonder why our country is in the mess it's in and why Christians think they have to ask permission to allow prayer amongst a gathering of unbelievers because we don't want to offend anyone. If I remember correctly, this country-the United States of America, was founded on Christian principles and beliefs. Don't ask permission.
It blows my mind to think that we (Christians) aren't operating under the power of the Holy Spirit. It makes me sad to think that there are many churches (Christian) in our nation that fail to emphasize the indwelling and power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is who gives us power, yet we deny his operable presence in our lives. Many people often criticize the Charismatic "movement" or the Pentecostal church because it operates under the power and unction of the Holy Spirit. People typically say, "they're too emotional..." Be careful about judging one of God's children. Can I be honest for a minute? Thanks. I see God moving more in churches where the Holy Spirit is welcomed then those who deny or fail to talk about the power of the Holy Spirit. Now, don't get me wrong, He is there but that's it. There is no power being released...captives are not being set free, the sick are not being healed (Yep, I said it HEALED-God still heals today!) Demonic oppression still rest among the weary (Yep, I said it demons...)
Coming from a Charismatic Church I have seen a lot. It was all good, of course. But I have also been on the other side where I have been "trapped" in certain denominations where you don't dare mention the Holy Spirit, raise your hand during worship, speak in tongues (Yep, I said it...it did not cease at Pentecost people!) etc...
Men who walked with Jesus didn't care about what others thought and because of it many suffered brutally. Is that it...are we afraid to "suffer" for the name of Jesus? Ummm.....Matthew 16: 24-25 (Jesus was speaking here) "If anyone of you would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. 25) For whoever loses his life for me will find it."
I'll just let you ponder the above. Enough said.
We live in a free country, yet when it comes to Christianity, as a whole, we live "behind bars." I don't know about you, but I don't want to be that type of Christian. Do you realize that one day we will give an account to God of what we did with our resources and talents here on Earth? I don't want God to look at me and say, "you have failed to walk out the Great Commission."
You might ask, "well I just can't do that." Yes, you can it is a choice. Choose this day whom you will serve....***Please don't think that all of this has anything to do with your salvation because it doesn't. There is just more to it than being saved and "barely" getting into heaven. God wants to use us to bring honor and glory to His name. He wants to use us to bring change but that can't happen if we are paraylzed in fear. There are tons of people who need to hear THE TRUTH. When will we step out and be RADICAL for Jesus?
Radical Islam is growing at an enormous rate...it's scary! The reason being, they aren't ashamed to ACT on what they believe.
I will close with this. Why in our own faith (Christianity) are we so divided? God never intended for their to be religion. He wanted FREEDOM! So why have we divided Him?
In Him,
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