Detectives Shennie Shen and Jenni-Lynn were at first significantly perplexed by their findings.
You see, the crate began the day in the corner, flush with the wall...and the ironing board was standing behind it, wedged between it and the wall and the washing machine. The obvious culprit was our 4 pound Shih Tzu (Nala); yet, she was no where on the scene. Both detectives searched the laundry room, high and low, finding no Nala. With sunken hearts and on the verge of hanging caution tape and calling in the homicide team, here came Nala from the other side of the house with a "what's up mom and dad?" smirk on her face. We scanned the house to find two locations of restroom usage and several things not where we left them, but other than that, we guess she played queen for the day.
The weird question was, how did she escape exactly? In my best Sherlock Holmes interpretation, she must have shimmied up the ironing board to its highest point, scaled to the top of the crate, and then leapt to the lip of the baby gate, plummeting to the other side. I checked for injuries and found none. These two gumshoes have been duped by an 11 week old puppy.
We're just glad she is OK and will obviously have to rethink the laundry room kenneling as an option.
hehe....that little lady is lucky she is so darn cute ;)
oh goodness! You have a trickster on your hands!
This is hilarious!!!!
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