Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Lean on ME!

Can I just say that last week was a W-E-E-K in every sense of the word (I had to stretch out the word week, to elongate what it really was like for my family). It was trying, painful (at times), and exhausting. I typically have great weeks, but when things happen to the ones I love, I suffer too. It's about carrying each other's burdens. WHEW.

Trey and I began our devotional last night and as we entered into the next chapter entitled "parenting," we both looked at each other and basically thought (out loud), "lets skip this weeks and go to the next chapter." Can I just say that I am glad we didn't! It was timely and exactly what we needed to hear. Just like God!

I, typically, am not a worrier. When it comes to money, I can be, but when I realize that I am being a good steward of what He has entrusted me with then worry flies right out the window. I don't seem to have a problem casting my worries, cares, or fears. Who better to listen and handle the situation than God? Men fail, but God does not.

NOW, Back to last night's devotional. Let me sum it up in a nutshell: a little boy had wandered to the edge of a boat dock and had fallen into the water (first thing I thought was, "Where were his parents and why was he allowed to wander alone by water?"). When his parents heard the "splash," his dad bolted to the water and jumped in. As he swam to find his 3 year old son, fear gripping his heart, he was finally able to locate him. His son just so happened to be holding on to a pillar WHILE UNDER the water. His dad asked him, "Son, what are you doing?" The son replied, "Just waiting on you, dad?" On a side note, Trey and I both laughed out loud. I could picture the scene in my head. A sweet little 3 year old boy, with such innocence, was responding with such confidence and faith in his father. W-O-W!

Do you see where I am going with this?

How many times is our heavenly Father wanting to rescue us, but we fail to hold on and wait long enough for His embrace? We can easily look in ALL the wrong places for our answers. Christian or not, we are all still human. Maybe you allow the worry and fears of other people to grip you to the point where you are choking underneath the water. They are human, too. Sometimes you just have to ignore the negativity of people and hold on and wait until your Father comes to your rescue. How do you wait? Glad you asked. Pray without ceasing. Fast. Annoint your loved ones with oil. Plead the blood of Jesus over your situation. Get on your knees. BUT don't stop waiting for Him.

Just like the earthly father in this story, heart pounding and all, was determined to grab a hold of his son, how much more do you think the Lord is willing and waiting to do the same thing for you and me? If my memory serves me correct, God's love for us outweighs the love our own parents have for us or anyone else for that matter. So, why do we make it so diffiult? Why is it easier to love the tangible but not the intangible?

As I examine my ability to lean on Him, I pray that you are challenged by these questions.



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