I have really been thinking about that word and how drastically my life is about to change...for the better, of course! Everyday I think about how I will handle life, you know? God, husband, new baby, job, my home, family, friends etc...For those of you who have ever been a first time mom then hopefully, you can relate and share some words of wisdom. I definitely do not want to lose focus on the most important "person" in my life-God, but yet even in the midst of preparing for Bear I find myself already putting Him on the back burner. It is certainly not intentional. I just need to find that balance. My first thought is, "Lord, I need more hours in the day..." and I feel as though He gently responds and says, "No, you just need to use your time wisely." Ouch. Obviously, with a newborn, there will be certain things that take priority but nothing should take priority of my God. I definitely follow the principles of God first, family second and career third and everything else follows. Yet, why do I already feel so guilty that I have neglected the first?
This is just me being open and transparent. I am a firm believer in accountability and have not ever had an issue with disclosing personal struggles to keep me in check. So, maybe this is just what I needed to do! If anything, I have my blog to fall back on as my accountability partner! :)
By the way, when our sweet little bundle of joy finally arrives I will keep you up to date about this whole issue of B-A-L-A-N-C-E.
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