Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I miss the classroom and kids but there's no greater joy I get then teaching my son.

I truly believe the 2 years that I taught were in preparation for teaching Bear. Other then having a love for teaching (why would you do it, right?), patience is a HUGE factor in teaching.
I taught kids who were incredibly smart to kids who struggled.daily. However, the rewarding part of being a teacher is seeing the "light bulb" go off & the huge smile on your students' faces when they realize that it finally "clicked" for them.

I feel the same way when it comes to Bear. When he gets it or does something that took him a little longer then others to do it's a HUGE deal for me & Trey. Just recently Bear clapped on command (I know it sounds like I am referring to a dog but you get what I am trying to say) & I kid you not I screamed, I cried and I jumped up and down. He sat in his high chair with this BIG smile on his face as if he knew--the "light bulb" went off for him!

I was so glad Trey was there to witness it as well. It was a big day for us Sheneman's. We are believing the Lord for daily breakthroughs when it comes to the "little-big" things regarding Bear.

He is faithful.He sees.He hears.He cares.He knows--my constant reminders.

Thank you Lord for Bear...and for these "little-big" breakthroughs!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Thankful for Gigi and Poppa!

Why? For many many reasons.
Besides from the fact that they take care of Bear's every need Gigi is the person that Bear sees most other than us.
I really wish that Bear could see all of his grandparents and great grandparents as much as he sees her but unfortunately that is not the case. :(

Can I just say that the boy loves him some Gigi. When Gigi is around & you ask Bear, "where is Gigi?" he looks straight at her! Not to mention the GIGANTIC smiles that he gives to her pretty much every time their eyes meet.

Bear loves his Gigi and so do we! Can you see why we are so grateful for her?

We appreciate the monetary things that she & poppa do for Bear, but what matters most to us is all the time she spends loving on our boy. Love trumps any outfit & toy.

Although I know she has worried & probably has cried herself to sleep questioning God about all that we have been through, at the end of the day she looks at her grandson, as Jesus would, and sees "perfection."

And Poppa has been so steady with his reminders about what God has told him about Bear and how confident he is that Bear is just fine. We know they have prayed for him since conception & continue to pray for him daily... what more could a parent ask for?

For that we are extremely grateful and thankful for Gigi & Poppa and we know that Bear is too!


Bear, Jenni & Trey

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

"If the mountain was smooth, we couldn't climb it...."

I often wonder if that's what life is really about...climbing the mountain AKA going from glory to glory to glory. The process of sanctification is no easy one...as Christians we have to "put up our dukes daily" to prevent the enemy from invading our territory.

Now that I am a mama, I "see" the enemy that much more at work, trying to invade my camp so to speak. Well, I got news for him, I may shed a few tears, OK A LOT, but he must not know who he is coming up against.
I don't back down...well, I may grow weary every now and again, but quitting is not an option. I have a race to "run" and I will finish strong. Why? Because I have a husband and a son who need me.

For those of you who don't know, Bear was born with Bilateral Microtia Atresia (BMA), and with that comes some complications, his speech being the most affected. He may be slow to speak but I declare that when he does that wisdom and understanding would flow from his mouth. In Jesus name.

Over the last several months I have noticed some unusual behaviors that of course I googled and googled until I was pretty much sick to my stomach. I was a basket case for a few days but I regained my strength & sanity. The internet can be a great thing and a horrible thing all at the same time. However, I am glad I did it because I have an understanding now of what lies ahead for us as a family.
We took Bear to see a developmental pediatrician today and he was WONDERFUL! He even told us that the name 'Sheneman' was German and it meant 'beautiful person.' He obviously was referring to our son; little did he know he was prophetically speaking over him...
We know he is beautiful both inside and out. He also mentioned that when he looks at Bear he sees such determination. Amen. We receive it.

So, for the last few months I have been very open about what I think was going on with Bear...and I am pretty certain a few people thought I was a hypochondriac, over paranoid, not thinking clearly...you know- "CRAZY." Even my pediatrician with out saying it thought I was a little extreme in my thought process. However, if you are a parent, excuse me- a mama, then you know when something is going on with your child. It's instinctive. Ya know?
With that being said, Dr. Rubin "diagnosed" Bear with Pervasive Developmental Disorder-not otherwise specified. Bear shows characteristics of autism but not enough to label him autistic. Obviously, speech plays a huge role but that has to do with his hearing and the fact that he doesn't want to wear his hearing aid. :/

So, I ask that you would pray for my family daily as the road ahead will be long but promising. We believe that God has given Bear to us for so many reasons and we will do whatever it takes as his parents to see that he flourishes in every area of his life.
There will be lots of doctor visits involved as well as speech therapy and occupational therapy and at home visits from medical professionals, but all in all he is 10 months old and intervention is starting now! The brain, at this age, is so "moldable" that the things Bear does now can "easily" be fixed with help, so that's what we will do. It won't be easy and I'm sure there will be days that I will be exhausted but my help comes from the Lord and I will draw on his strength that much more.

Thankful that I don't have to do this alone and that I have a husband who is just as much involved as I am, family members who love Bear more then anything in this world and friends who are there to help.

I'm sure you all will want frequent updates as they come, so I will do my best to be more consistent. Not making any promises. Ok? Ok.

I will close with this verse:

Joshua 1:5-9
"5 No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. 6 Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their ancestors to give them.

7 “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. 8 Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Blessings to all of you,

Bear, Jenni & Trey

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Back to the beginning of the book...

You know, sometimes it's good just to go back to the beginning of the good ole' book. You know? The Bible. The Holy Bible. The Truth. That became flesh and walked among us. That book.

Just to be totally honest, and, well, to show you all that I am completely human; I have been literally going through some serious mental torment. For the record, I am not crazy or need to be committed to a mental institution. I'm talking about the attacks that the enemy throws our way to get us to lose focus of what God's word says about us and our family.
I have never really experienced it to this extreme, but now that I have a baby it's been more prevalent.
To be quite honest, I also believe I have experienced it for other reasons. Possibly to see what others go through and to remind them that God's word is enough to set us free. Jesus' death was enough to set us free.

Keep following.

The fact that Bear was born with Bilateral Mictroia Atresia and spent 8 days in the NICU was enough to send me over the edge. Not to mention the scares during our pregnancy and what we faced when he was born with a potential heart defect, down syndrome etc..
However, God's grace has sustained me.
Yet, the mental attacks still come. Completely my fault because I allow it. I entertain it, unintentionally, of course. Or not?

Still there?

During my devotions this morning, it lead me to Genesis 8. You are probably thinking, "really?" Yep. Really!
Just to briefly recap, in Genesis 7- The Great Flood occurred. God decided to basically start over with the human race because of all the wickedness that walked the Earth. However, Noah and his family were spared because of their righteous living.
Moving forward to Ch. 8- Noah's Deliverance. Not only did God save Noah and his family from dying during the flood but he delivered them. He saw them through.

Ummmm. Hello? Did you get that? It hit me like a ton of bricks.
Noah and his family were not EXEMPT from experiencing the flood, but they were protected by the mighty hand of God, were seen through it, they were delivered! That deserves a HALLELUJAH!

As a child of God, I will always be delivered. Does it mean I will be exempt from the attacks, the storms, the raging flood waves? No. Unfortunately not. Does it mean that life will be a bed of roses and easy? Nope.

The "famous" line in Ch 8.1- BUT GOD REMEMBERED NOAH...and he didn't just stop with Noah, "but every living thing, and all the animals that were with him in the ark."

I don't know about you, but that's so reassuring to my soul. He loves us. He desires to save us, restore us and see us free.

I hope this has encouraged you as much as it has me. God's word is our reassurance of his promises to us. We often forget because we neglect his word. Guilty. Be encouraged; God still loves us! However, true freedom comes when we are in His Word daily, confessing with our mouths his promises and then walking out his will for our lives.

Be Blessed!


Friday, August 19, 2011


It's a 3 word phrase that can pack a powerful punch. I say it to Bear at least 5-7 times a day...and Trey probably just as much.
I "love" the phrase and when I look at my 2 boys it takes on a whole new meaning. I love to love and be loved. Who doesn't? I believe it is the most natural feeling to have and desire. I mean when we look at the greatest example of love, why wouldn't you say it much less show it?

I believe that when you have the "Ultimate Lover" in your life then loving is like breathing...completely instinctive. It's apart of you. You.Do.It.To.Survive. Just like loving and being loved is something we all desire and want.

I often feel as though we get into a rut of life and fail to say it and show it. We just go about our daily routines and just assume that the other person knows that we love them regardless of whether we show it or speak it.
Love needs to be spoken and shown.

Love is a gift, and if you have received it, then speak it and show it. It's really that simple.


8months old....ALREADY?

Yep. And I am not the least bit surprised! He is growing.like.a.weed.AND.I.LOVE.it! He is an AMAZING boy! I am blessed to call him mine. He is more than anything we could have asked or prayed for...that's for sure!

I have to admit I have done a HORRIBLE job at writing things down. I did good in the beginning but I have been a major slacker. I'd like to think that I will remember everything, but who am I fooling? My memory is still not the same pre-Bear.

So, at 8 months you are doing the following:
-Scooting backwards...but getting up to move forward & then realizing, "maybe not."
-Eat like a champ...well, baby food that is. Not interested in table food yet. If it is soft & mushy-sure. Other than that you're not having any part of it. You literally have gagged to the point that I thought you would vomit. You eat 4 times a day-fruits, veggies & formula.
-You have 2 bottom teeth.So.CUTE. :)
-You are still a pretty content baby. LOTS of SMILES!
-When we are playing and I leave the room for a minute...you cry. :( Separation anxiety? Maybe?
-Your torticollis has pretty much corrected itself. You have been going to see Dr. Magee-he's been helping you!

Waiting on:
-You to say "mama" & "dada." We know that you will have some sort of speech delay but we are fully confident that it will not be a set back!
-You to crawl.

You are mommy & daddy's GREATEST blessing and we look forward to seeing you grow into an amazing little boy!

Friday, July 1, 2011

6 months old!

June 9th was a big day...half-way to a year. At this point, I am not surprised...everyone warned me that it would get here quickly, and I am pretty much ok with that.
I will say that I am not the momma who wishes he was itty-bitty (newborn) still. I have LOVED watching him grow up! The fact that he is beginning to take on a personality is priceless to me.

Trey and I look forward to the day when Bear can say, "I love you momma & daddy" & when he can use words to express and communicate his feelings. Am I rushing it? No. I just look forward to those days.

I will say this much, I have embraced and basked in every moment of his development...but this stage has been the most fun...SO FAR!!!

Doctor's Check-up:
Weight: 18.1 lbs. & in the 63%
Height" 27.5 in. & in the 83%
Head circumference: 18.5 & in the 99%...not surprised. Have you seen his daddy's head?!?!? :)

Things you can do:
1) You can sit up
2) You can roll from your tummy to back...and you just started going from your back to tummy (at random occasions).
3) You like to grab the spoon from me when I am feeding you.
4) You can hold your bottle; however, you'd much rather mommy & daddy do it! Little stinker.
5)You are "speaking" as you should for this stage of the game.

Still working on:
1) Getting your head/neck completely straight...you have what Ms. Kelly said a 10degree tilt to the left. We have finished PT but are now taking you to see Dr. Magee for some chiropractic work. Praying that this gets you completely straight!
2) Getting some teeth...and I don't see any arriving in the near future. I was almost a year when I first got teeth...for now I will continue soaking in that gummy grin!

Other than that you are growing like a weed and doing things in your own time...and that's ok.

You love Baby Eistein..well, only the 'World of Colors.' I got you two more but they speak in all different languages and, well, you don't like it. Simple as that. I can't blame you...learning one language is enough.

You are riding in your 'big boy' carseat. Bye bye to the infant carrier! You were way to heavy to tote around in that carseat.

You tried your kiddie pool out for the first time on June 8th. You kicked some but that was the extent of your fun. So, I am not really sure what you thought. Granted I didn't put much water in it....maybe that's why?

You sat in a high chair for the first time on June 24th. We were in Wilmington, NC and we went to dinner with your grandparents- Gary & Judy (momma's spiritual parents). They have done alot for us. They have supplied you with diapers, wipes, Butt paste (desitin), body wash, shampoo, lotions, formula, and cereal. All the practical things that we need for you...not to mention the loads of money it has saved us! We are extremely grateful for them.

Mae-Mae gave you some 'puffs-' apple flavored on June 26th. You didn't know what to think at first but you have grown fond of them. You are still getting the hang of picking them up and putting them in your mouth...you will get there. Oh and Mae-Mae is your daddy's aunt. So, your great aunt.

Naptime has become quite comical. It consists of you rolling over and in many cases we have come to check on you only to find a sleeping baby on his back with his blankie curled up in his face.

Well, I had to include the last little bit or else I probably would have forgot... :)


Slacker...BIG TIME!

So, it definitely has been a while since posting anything in this blog. Trey and I have gone back and forth about creating a new blog, with a new name. Excuses? Ummmm...I guess. :)

I have a lot to blog about and, well, I am breaking out in hives just thinking about it. Kidding. Or not.

From this post forward I will be dating back to Bear's 6 month check up...so stay tuned!


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mother's Day

Considering that 2 years ago I was going through a miscarriage this Mother's Day means a lot to me.
Although it is just a day and Bear doesn't understand what this day means, I do. The smile on his face when he looks at me and the way he moves his mouth as if he has A LOT to say, is priceless. He brings me so much joy! Words can not describe how full my heart is at this very moment. When I look at him I see something beautiful. I see God's hand at work. I see, "you are fearfully and wonderfully made!"

I love the yearning in my son's eyes that say, "I need you momma" and oh.my.goodness. does that make my heart skip a few beats. Just knowing that my son needs me makes me feel important. Some people need a 6 figure career, a nice car, nice clothes, nice home etc...all I need is the love and embrace of my son and husband. There's nothing in this world that could ever replace that need. No amount of money could ever buy that. Love is everything.

I could go on and on but this blog was not intended to be about me.
I am asking that as you celebrate being a momma would you please stop and think about those momma's who have lost a baby?
Specifically I am asking you to pray for a young couple who I attended church with in Miami.
Unfortunately, they lost their baby while she was 7 1/2 months pregnant. Their first baby. To make matters worse she had to go into labor and deliver that precious baby boy. My heart breaks. I have shed many a tears about that situation since I found out. I don't understand, but I am thankful that they cling to the feet of Jesus. Oh how his love sustains us!
While the day is real and every momma will be celebrated, will you please pray for this couple? From what I have seen they have been warriors but in the depths of their hearts they hurt. I can't imagine what tomorrow will bring for her but I do hope she feels my prayers along with all of yours.

Thank you and Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day- Mom, Michele & Deb!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Fasting to Be Seen Only by God!

**Disclaimer** This blog is not meant to tear down, but to build up. So, have an open heart and open mind. Let this convict you (in a good way) to fast before the Lord about break through in your own household. Ladies and gentlemen, the world around us is dark and dim, we need every ounce of power we can muster. Enjoy!

Matthew 6:16-18

"Moreover, when you fast, do not be like the hypocrites, with a sad countenance. For they disfigure their faces that they may appear to men to be fasting. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly."

I was astonished when I once heard a pastor say, " I have never heard of "fasting" before! Ummmm....really? Did you just completely skip through the book of Daniel? Wait. What about Isaiah 58, Matthew 6, Matthew 9, Luke 18, Zechariah 7, 1 Corinthians 7 etc...Or what about the fact that Jesus fasted for 40 days?

I am a firm believer in fasting. Why shouldn't I be? The Bible discusses it in more than one book, so why should I feel exempt from doing it? After all, if we are to model Jesus Christ, who fasted for 40 days, then why isn't the church inclined to fast?
Well, I think I have a pretty good idea! Does it cost you anything to pray? To read your Bible? To attend church? You may be saying, "yea, my time." Well, if that's the case, you may need to examine your walk with the Lord...if it's such a burden then maybe you need to revisit what it means to have the joy of the Lord! Just sayin'
Fasting causes us to hunger.Physically. And, well, we don't like to hunger, esp. when there is a pantry full of delicious foods calling out our name! But, that's just it. Think about the "hunger" that Jesus felt when he withdrew himself from people and from food? Not to mention, the temptation and daily attack from the enemy. Yet his reward was great!

Do I think God will withhold things from us if we don't fast? No. I will say this much, I believe some break throughs will only come through fasting, prayer and worship! I just don't mean one over the other...I mean all three working together!

I have done it in my own life and I have seen God's hand of provision work in a mighty, mighty way! Granted I haven't been on one in like 3 years...but, I recently changed that. There were somethings going on with my son, and I was really believing for breakthrough for my husband and a job. We are blessed to have jobs and it allows me the opportunity to work from home! However, the gas is ever increasing and my husband spends A LOT of time on the road. Needless to say, a good chunk of our pay was going towards gas, car maintenance and him eating out...

So, at 2am a few weeks back, I finally said, "enough is enough!" I was over it! I was doing it. I was going to fast again. Only liquids.
Would you know that within those few days I started to see such a difference in my son? No lie! Some things only come out through prayer and fasting! AND, with in the next few days my husband got a call, from out of the blue, about interviewing for a job that he is completely under qualified for and never sought out.. Yep. That's right. He got it! Some things only come out through prayer and fasting! All within that time frame we found out that Bear's ear surgery will cost, give or take, $100,000 dollars. Yes. $100,000 dollars. Granted by the time he is old enough to have it, I'm sure it will cost way more...

With that being said, we are slowly shifting into our new season. THANK YOU, LORD!!! It has been the longest year and a half of our lives. All in all-- He is faithful-- just like He said He would be! And, as his children, we will be too!

Be Blessed!


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Momma thoughts...

There is no greater joy than being a momma; however, why is it also the most scariest feeling in the world?
Ya know:
I'm now responsible for another completely dependant, human life...and guess what? No daily guide on how to raise a human being. Nice!

I want to take away the hurt and pain.
I really wish I could know what you are thinking.
Will you add something positive to our very corrupt society?
Will you shine the light of Jesus in all that you say and do?
Will you be a leader and not a follower?
Will you be full of poise and valor?
Will you be humble?

The list could go on....

But, I will close with this...what did I do to deserve such a miracle???

There are a million, trillion things that pass my mind everday. My prayer is that I will always be a momma who is: patient, loving, kind, and gentle but be firm, stern, and understanding when the time comes.

I am sure you momma's can relate. Right? You seasoned momma's could probably add to this list very easily. I probably could write a book with all of the random 'momma thoughts!'
Most importantly, I will always be a 'praying momma!'

Friday, March 18, 2011

It's a New Day!

And what a glorious day it was!

I expected to see a whole new baby when you had the hearing aid put on...but, nope, you took it in stride...You looked around rapidly but no HUGE reaction...I expected tears, uncontrollable tears but then again you have always been able to hear...now you just hear CLEARLY!

It was St. Patrick's Day and your Memaw sent you a St.Patricks's Day outfit! All the ladies commented on how cute you were, all decked out in your Irish gear...Afterall, you are Irish!

We are going to get you a new band, the one you currently have doesn't fit too well on your head...So, I'm sure once we get you set up with a good band you will be good to go!
The doctor said it will take you a couple of months to be able to identify where the sound is coming from...it is as if you are a newborn baby all over again! Your ears are technically 2 days old today; that's pretty amazing.
Your daddy and I are so extremely grateful...God has been good to us! To think there are babies who are born with out any nerves at all, it's reassuring to me that you have all nerves intact and can hear at an amazing level.
You are a special little boy! Did you know that most patients who have either bilateral or unilateral microtia atresia can only hear at 40-50 decibals? You can hear at 20!!! Praise the Lord!

One day when you are able to have a CT scan, around 4 or 5, your daddy and I are beleiving that everything will be perfectly intact and all they will have to do is open up the skin leading into your ear canal. When that happens you will no longer need to wear a hearing aid!!! They will just reconstruct your ear to make it a "normal" size!

I certainly am not rushing those years because I have already been told, over and over again, that you will grow up way too fast! So, for now, we will enjoy your cute little band around your head and work around the whole hearing aid thing. No biggie.

By the way, you are a STUD! See?

3 months old!

This is very cliche but where has the time gone?

You have already proven to be a fighter and have overcome so much. Your daddy and I are certain that there is an anointing on you that is unexplainable. It was prophesied over you when you were in my womb and it's evident considering all that you have gone through. We know that the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy but the ONE has come that you would have life and have it more abundantly.
So,we will uphold our duty as your parents to train you up in the way of the Lord.

Just some things that you are doing:
1) Smiling
2) Sitting up in your bumbo
3) Making noises
4) Plenty of funny facial expressions
5) Pulling on momma's hair. OUCH.
6) Grasping for things
7) Fist pumping! ;) Now we just have to teach you the fireworks move!
8) Putting your fingers in your mouth...not sure about the whole thumb just yet.
9) You can hold something but not for very long.
10)You like to put objects in your mouth if I put them to your face.
11)You can sleep at least 8 hrs. through the night.
12)You drink about 5oz. every 3.5-4 hrs.
13)You suck a paci for soothing...other than that you want no part of it.
14)There is a cry you make which reveals frustration but only proves determination.
15)You are drawn to the light. I think I will be buying you sunglasses soon!
16)You love to sleep with your arms and hands straight by your side, tucked under the covers!
17) You are cutting 2 teeth...they look like your side incisors! Most babies cut there two front teeth (top or bottom). You are doing it your own way! ;)
18) You are focusing a whole lot better!

I think I got it all...

Some things you are having to overcome:
1) Getting your head into a straightened position...you favor your left side!
2) Getting your head nice and round...it's going to take some time...
3) Getting fitted for your hearing aid next week. I'm sure you will do great!

We love you lil' champ and look forward to seeing God's MIGHTY, HEALING HAND work in your life!

Monday, February 7, 2011

2 years ago...

I said "I do" to the man that I knew I would spend the rest of my life with!
If you were to ask both of us we would tell you that it feels like it has been more like 20 years. We say that not to say the past 2 years have been dreaded and long, but because we have been through so much.

The first year of marriage: in-laws, opinions, letting go of "it's all about me," sacrifice, leaving and cleaving, learning what to say and what not to say, dealing with each others "habits" etc...I'm sure you can relate?!?!?!
On top of all that we lost our first baby. By far the hardest thing I have ever endured. From seeing our lifeless baby on an ultrasound screen to actually experiencing a miscarriage, it was all a very emotional time for us.

The second year of marriage: lost our jobs, got pregnant AGAIN, some issues during my pregnancy, possible move, our sweet baby boy is born (after a long and complicated labor) and a family in the process of being restored...

The birth of our son was by far the greatest event that occurred during our 2 years of marriage; Trey would concur. So much so that after minutes of giving birth he looked at me and said, "we can have 15 more of these "things" if you want!" haha Definitely was not the time, but I was letting him bask in the moment.
Barington Stephen Sheneman was born on Dec. 9th, 2010 at 12:20 am 7.3lbs and 19.5 inches long! He overcame so much during the first week of his life. We were thrown with so many scares, it wasn't even funny. As his parents, Trey and I both held onto our faith and onto each other and Bear came through a champ!

Now here we are...celebrating 2 years of marriage! Considering all that the 3 of us have endured, we can rejoice singing the lyrics of this song:
We have overcome and as a result we are stronger and more united then ever!

To my love, I look forward to living my life with you for the next 70 yrs.-God willing! I truly believe that God has allowed us to go through all that we've gone through to one day help other young couples in their marriage! So, here's to our past, present and our future! Let's continue to praise Him for all that He has done and all that He is going to do...

All my love,
Your "Jenni-Bug"

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Overwhelmed with gratitude...

by God's goodness and faithfulness in my life!

Today was a BIG day for our lil' man...but let me back track to bring you up to speed on a few things.

The Sunday before Bear was born Trey and I spent the evening at church worshiping our Heavenly Father. After worship was over, a sweet friend of ours (who was sitting behind us with her husband) came to me to tell me she had received a Word from the Lord for me. Now, if anything like this freaks you out, I would encourage you to KEEP reading because afterwards you will have goose bumps running up and down your body! There's no denying that we serve a risen Savior. :)

At this point, we had no idea that Bear had any issues with his ears because that is not something they can detect on ultrasound. Got it? Ok. So, she proceeds to tell me that the Lord told her, "Bear will be quick to hear and slow to speak." I really was in shock, not knowing how to respond. I mean how do you respond to that? My thoughts, "of course my son will be able to hear." Ok, so he is slow to speak, no biggie.

Goose bumps yet? haha.

Bear is born and "ta-da" we have a son who is born with "supposedly" no ear canals and small ears. The Dr.'s inform us right off the bat that Bear CAN NOT hear and they didn't even bother doing a hearing test.
From there, they ran a BUNCH of genetic tests. We just got the results back from Emory and he has no SYNDROME'S (but his chromosome 13 was inverted-No biggie, apparently).
We were advised to get genetic testing as his parents and we will do just that!

Speed up to the last week or so...I keep getting a Word from God about the number 20 regarding Bear. All I could think was that he would only have 20% hearing loss...so, I finally said something to Trey and lo and behold Trey was getting the same thing. Coincidence? I think not.

With that being said, during his test they measured Bear's response to various different frequencies. Starting from 20, they worked up to 45. Basically, 20 is the lowest, softest sound that is emitted from the hearing test and 45 is the loudest. With me?!?!?

After an hour and a half of holding my son, the test was finally over. Mind you, I was praying over my son the entire time, "by Your stripes my son is Healed in Jesus name." What else would or could this momma do? I was helpless, so I did what I only knew to do, lift high the name of Jesus!
I also was taking glances at the 2 audiologist's faces trying to figure out what each facial expression meant...I couldn't help myself...the suspense was killing me!

I passed the time talking to the other audiologist about cases such as Bear's. The many questions I asked were: "Have you seen this in many children? Were the children born with it in both ears or one? More common in girls or boys? etc....She then proceeded to say the job is rewarding but can also be sad when babies come in with no nerves whatsoever. GULP. There's no help. NOTHING. GULP again.
While fighting off the attack from the enemy, I kept going back to the Word that was spoken over me, "Bear will be quick to hear, slow to speak!"

Once the test finished, the other audiologist said, "Your son hears at a NORMAL level!" The 20 you see is the softest setting and he can hear that at a normal level.

PRAISE THE LORD! Seriously. She went as far to say that Bear could very well have developed canals with a skin flap covering them! Now that would be an even bigger miracle!

For those of you out there who doubt that prayer works, you need to rethink your approach!


Please continue praying for fully developed ear canals and we look forward to sharing in that victory.

To God be the Glory!

Daddy Bear, Momma Bear, Baby Bear

Thursday, January 27, 2011

7 weeks...Are you kidding me?

It seems like yesterday we were leaving the NICU with our 1 week old baby boy. Although a lot of that time was spent a blur, so have these last 7 weeks. Seriously. I have blinked a few times and here we are.
He is the greatest little bundle of joy! He does my heart good. Ya know?

Our little man is starting to focus more (if there isn't a bright light distracting him), he's smiling from ear to ear, and wrapping his momma around his tiny little finger. He does great holding up his head. It's incredible to me. He loves to sleep snuggled on his daddy's chest while they sit on the couch. He loves the sound of our heart beats. I'm convinced of that. He most definitely will be a tummy sleeper which scares me just a tad-bit...ok, how about a WHOLE lot. We have the angel care monitor but, well, there is still some slight apprehension on my part. I have tested it and it does work but...I'm not fully trusting it just yet. So, for now, he will continue to sleep on his back waving his hands around (yes-he does that when he sleeps). I have even caught him with his arms and hands straight up next to his face. Quite cute if I do say so myself. I have a picture to prove it! See...
I told you!

At his last ped. appt., on Jan. 18th, he was in the 50th percentile for his weight and 65th percentile for his height. He weighed in at 10.5 lbs. and was 22.5 in. long. Can u say, "GROWING BOY?"
All in all he is a great baby. He sleeps very well. We try to keep him awake from about 6pm until his last feeding around 11. He typically falls asleep around 10:30pm...

His Great Aunt got him this swing and he LOVES it!

These are just a few Bear updates. I will do my best to stay 
more on top of this blog esp. since the majority of it will be all about him! 
That is one sweet face right there! 

The 'What-Ifs' of life...

This was taken from one of my devotions...I can certainly relate. Can you? 
Generally, I consider myself a person of great faith but recently after doing some self reflection I realized my faith may not be quite as strong as I thought. In fact I actually have what I have coined as the “what-if syndrome.”
It seems I ask God a lot of questions about the things I believe He calls me to do.

What if I fail?
What if they don’t listen?
What if it doesn’t work out according to my plan?
What if this...?
What if that …?

All of my “what ifs” cause a delay in my obedience which is in fact disobedience.

When God says move, my faith needs to activate and cause me to move immediately. If God says I am healed, I should embrace that and walk in my healing. If God says, start that business, I should trust that the provisions to make that happen will come.

Whatever He speaks is already done. Yet, many times I try to analyze the situation and control every step of the process. However, my Christian experience reminds me that we are never in control; it’s all in God’s hand.

So why do we continue to stress, worry, fret, etc over our situations? It’s time to let it go and give it completely to God. Trust and believe and walk in faith knowing He always has us covered.

Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”

The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:7, “For we walk by faith, not by sight.”

To me, both of those statements say the exact same thing and both of them require me (and you) to get rid of the “what-if” syndrome.

Do you realize how much we could accomplish if we REALLY operated in faith? Fear would have to flee and peace would overcome us – no matter what our physical eyes saw in front of us.

My “what ifs” have held me back long enough … I’m ready to cover my eyes and just walk wherever God tells me to go. Won’t you join me? We’ve tried to do it without faith, let’s try something new for a change. Let’s truly activate our faith and apply it to EVERY situation in our lives. I guarantee the outcome will be completely different. We have nothing to lose, and EVERYTHING to gain.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

1st ENT visit!

We were up bright and early on the 30th of December 2010. We are always up bright and early but this particular day required us to get dressed and head out the door VERY early. Thankfully, school was still out and so the traffic was minimal and we arrived at Children's in 50 mins. We had breakfast at the little deli inside of the office building and prayed for a great visit!

Bear slept and slept...until it was time for him to be poked and prodded AGAIN. Bless his little heart, he has been put through the ringer and I hate it for him.

Dr. Sipp is who Bear will be seeing from here on out. He was absolutely WONDERFUL! He had a positive outlook on the situation and had nothing but great things to say...considering.
He did say that there were 3 different cases of microtia (small ear): mild, moderate and extreme. Bear has a moderate case (grade 2). What makes Bear even that much more special is that he has it in both ears-bilateral- versus unilateral which is more common.

We loved the fact that Dr. Sipp was very candid with us about Bear's future and potential surgeries that could follow if we so choose to have his external ear reconstructed.
Trey made mention that we were people of faith and Dr. Sipp looked at us and said, "I am a man of faith but you are people of GREAT faith!"
That's exactly what we want people to say when they come into contact with us. We want Jesus to radiate through our family no matter what we face!

We met with the audiologist and she scheduled us for his ABR hearing test on the 25th of January. So, we ask that you begin praying now for the outcome of that test and that Bear sleeps for 3 hours during the test. It is making me nervous just thinking about it. If he doesn't sleep the entire time then the test can not be considered accurate and we would have to schedule another visit to try again. Ugh. Not fun.

Once Bear completes the test then Dr. Sipp will fit him for hearing aids. He will have to wear a head band with the hearing aids attached to it until he is 5. From there they will fit him with bone-conductive hearing aids.
The head band will have the bone-conductive hearing aids as well, it's just that when he gets old enough they will attach to his skull and he won't have to wear the head band any longer.
By the way, my husband can do a much better job describing all of this. As his momma, all I want to do is just give him my undivided attention and love on him ALL.THE.TIME. He deserves it.

Someone asked me if I was concerned about the expense of what may lie ahead. My answer? NOPE. Trey and I will do whatever it takes to see that Bear gets the best from this life. Now that I am a parent there is nothing that my child will lack esp. when it comes to his ability to hear and speak. I'm reminded that God will never give us more than we can handle and every time I look at my love bug's face...I believe it!

He is our angel baby and is beautiful in soooooooo many ways. We.Are.Blessed. PERIOD!
Every time you see this sweet little face please say a prayer for him. We are believing that God is going to do something great through Bear and that Bear will grow up with an amazing testimony!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Bear's 1st Christmas!

This Christmas brought on a whole new meaning to me and Trey. We obviously kept it real and informed Bear what the real meaning of Christmas is all about.

It was just the three of us Christmas morning. Our own schedule. Ummm....well, I should say, Bear's schedule! :)  And it was centered around two most precious gifts I have ever received-the birth of my Savior and the birth of my little miracle, my son! Who needed any presents when I already had all I needed?!?!

Before Bear ripped his presents open his daddy read the Christmas Story to all of us. It was beautiful to me! I know it will be the start of many memorable Christmas' to come!
Unfortunately, I'm not real sure how much Bear heard, he fell asleep shortly into the story. In his defense, I know he wasn't bored because he even fell asleep during the unveiling of his presents. Who does that?!?!? ;)

After we opened his presents it was about time for him to eat. So, Christmas was short lived....until we headed to Gigi & Poppa's!

Trey and I exchanged gifts long before Christmas. I gave him a new GPS & a Norelco shaver-both were super cheap & I never left my house to buy them!!!
Trey SURPRISED me this year (I'm not the surprising type)! During the laboring of our son, my sister-in-law had been taking pictures with her camera...not realizing that it wasn't her new one, she ended up giving us her old camera and Trey went and bought a lens for it. In MY defense, I would have realized it had I not been breathing in between contractions! ;) lol I also got a FlipMino-LOVE it! Once again, got to love deals on the internet a week before Christmas!
Anyways, it was great and I am loving using both of them. Pictures and videos are priceless and I can't wait till Bear can enjoy them!
I do need to get another lens to take close up pictures. It's driving me crazy that I can't get close up's of my "love bug!"
Here are a few pictures for you to enjoy!

There's nothing sweeter than my 2 boys!

Daddy Bear (with Bear's hat that his "Mo" gave to him) and Baby Bear about to read the Christmas Story!

Mak and Tripp lovin' on their cousin!

3 generations of Sheneman men!

For the record, I am his mom regardless of there not being any pictures of us. :( I will definitely makeup for that...

Christmas at Gigi and Poppa's was GREAT! Gigi and Poppa got him lots of clothes and toys!

Overall, it was a blessed day! I only hope next Christmas my family will be able to enjoy what we enjoyed this Christmas!

In His Great Love,