Sunday, January 2, 2011

Bear's 1st Christmas!

This Christmas brought on a whole new meaning to me and Trey. We obviously kept it real and informed Bear what the real meaning of Christmas is all about.

It was just the three of us Christmas morning. Our own schedule. Ummm....well, I should say, Bear's schedule! :)  And it was centered around two most precious gifts I have ever received-the birth of my Savior and the birth of my little miracle, my son! Who needed any presents when I already had all I needed?!?!

Before Bear ripped his presents open his daddy read the Christmas Story to all of us. It was beautiful to me! I know it will be the start of many memorable Christmas' to come!
Unfortunately, I'm not real sure how much Bear heard, he fell asleep shortly into the story. In his defense, I know he wasn't bored because he even fell asleep during the unveiling of his presents. Who does that?!?!? ;)

After we opened his presents it was about time for him to eat. So, Christmas was short lived....until we headed to Gigi & Poppa's!

Trey and I exchanged gifts long before Christmas. I gave him a new GPS & a Norelco shaver-both were super cheap & I never left my house to buy them!!!
Trey SURPRISED me this year (I'm not the surprising type)! During the laboring of our son, my sister-in-law had been taking pictures with her camera...not realizing that it wasn't her new one, she ended up giving us her old camera and Trey went and bought a lens for it. In MY defense, I would have realized it had I not been breathing in between contractions! ;) lol I also got a FlipMino-LOVE it! Once again, got to love deals on the internet a week before Christmas!
Anyways, it was great and I am loving using both of them. Pictures and videos are priceless and I can't wait till Bear can enjoy them!
I do need to get another lens to take close up pictures. It's driving me crazy that I can't get close up's of my "love bug!"
Here are a few pictures for you to enjoy!

There's nothing sweeter than my 2 boys!

Daddy Bear (with Bear's hat that his "Mo" gave to him) and Baby Bear about to read the Christmas Story!

Mak and Tripp lovin' on their cousin!

3 generations of Sheneman men!

For the record, I am his mom regardless of there not being any pictures of us. :( I will definitely makeup for that...

Christmas at Gigi and Poppa's was GREAT! Gigi and Poppa got him lots of clothes and toys!

Overall, it was a blessed day! I only hope next Christmas my family will be able to enjoy what we enjoyed this Christmas!

In His Great Love,

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