Monday, December 27, 2010

Finishing Well...

Be advised...I can't take credit for this post but it was so applicable to me. In this season. At this very moment. I hope you can take something from this blog. I did.

In a season of so many trials, Trey and I have clung to our faith- in the One who provided peace and reassurance- when no one else could. There have been times when we have both looked at each other and felt like we were Job...except this wifey will never say, "Curse God and die." We are in this for the long haul and plus, we know what the outcome was for Job! He is faithful!

Enjoy this post. I pray it blesses you and that you...FINISH WELL!

"It’s important that we pay close attention to timing of events that occur in our lives. We shouldn’t allow time to float by or to let things just happen. For those with a destination in mind, you have to understand the value of providential moments.
We serve a God with a purpose. He uses providential moments to effect and or change our current paths permanently if we are obedient. As we get closer to the end of this year of trying times, economic challenges and multiple job losses, it’s imperative that we draw even closer to God.

One of my first providential moments occurred in October 2003 when I was downsized from my job. I immediately knew that my survival depended on how I handled this moment. As I look back over the past years, I can tell you that I thank God that I recognized this occurrence as a providential moment that would segue way me into my purpose and not as an instance that was recorded by me as being wronged, picked on or overlooked.

Often times, we as Christians don’t practice what we preach. We consistently say that we want what God has for us. It troubles me that when God gives us what he has for us, we question him, curse him and even turn our backs on him. The story of Job is so befitting for those that want to finish well. We know that God allowed the enemy to test Job. We have to understand that our tests and trials are no surprise to him.

If we are doers of the word, we know that the enemy will want to challenge God’s best, which we all are. What assignments have you not completed that you know you must before the end of this year? Is it a book, a program for youth, or even a new career? What providential moment did you experience that clued you in that its time to make the next move?

It’s heart wrenching to get knocked out when you are in a fight. Successful fighters spend years preparing physically and mentally for the challenge that lies ahead. Like fighters, God prepares us seasons in advance. Don’t take anything for granted. You may not be where you think you should but what you have already experienced was for you to use in this season. God knew then what he could trust you with.

In Matthew 25, Jesus tells the parable of the talents. One man was given 5 talents, one was given 2 and one was given 1. The catch is that they were given talents based on their ability. In order to finish the rest of this year of “birthing” it’s important to get back in place, refocus and commit to go all the way so that you finish well."
Scripture Of The Day: "You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised." - Hebrews 10:36

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Our Birth Story...

It began at 5am on December 8, 2010. Little did we know Momma Bear & Daddy Bear were about to experience a wave of emotions over the next 8 days.

We arrived at Henry Medical at 5am thinking that the show was gonna start promptly...not so much. Labor didn't start till 7:30am when Dr. Lopatine broke my water and started me on pitocin. I definitely went into this experience wanting to go all natural. So much so, that the doctor basically told me I could go home, as he was extremely busy with many deliveries. Ha. Let's just say, in the moment, I was not very fond of him. But, I must say, he was great for the rest of the experience.

I was soooooo slow to progress...that I literally thought I would be in labor for at least 24 hours according to my mathematical calculations. Thankfully, I was not...only 17hrs!
By 3:30pm, I had dilated 4cm...and, it wasn't the pain that did me was the thought of not having the strength to push when it came time.
Bear was not responding well, as his little heart was showing signs of distress. Tammy, who came on at 7pm, was a wonderful nurse. She actually delivered my girlfriend's little girl and she told us how incredible she was. So, we requested her and got her!
Regulating the pitocin, while trying to produce stronger contractions, was really messing with Bear. Let's just say he was perfectly content without being induced and probably could have waited just a little longer to enter this world. I know, son; you tried telling me over and over again. Through all the natural methods we used to get you here...I should have left the hospital that morning, but your Aunt Stacey wasn't going to be real happy with me. She took off several days of work so that she could be at your birth and so did your Gigi.

At about 8:30pm, I had dilated to 5.5 cm. YAY! Like I said, I was very slow to progress. :) The good 11:30pm I was complete! WOOHOO! Aside from being on oxygen and concerned about my son's heart rate, I was extremely calm and in control. I had a few practice pushes with Tammy & then Dr. Lopatine came in at 12am for the special delivery...9 pushes and 20 minutes later Barington Stephen Sheneman was born! Well worth the long hours of labor! He weighed in at 7lbs. 3oz. and 19.5 inches long. It was by far the most incredible experience ever. To see my husband's face was priceless. He never left my side and watched the entire process till the very end. I do remember this comment coming from his mouth, "Baby, we can have 15 of these things if you want..." As I was getting stitched up. Ha. Right.

From there began the roller coaster ride. I will not detail every minute but will include the major details.
Shortly after his birth, his blood sugar levels were extremely low. My girlfriend, Melissa, who is a NICU nurse just so happened to be working in the nursery that shift. She actually gave Bear his first bath and took care of him for the few hours that remained on her shift. She was a blessing!

It was that morning that we were informed he would be heading to the NICU as he was not getting better. From there we were told he may have Down Syndrome, no ear canals, fluid on his brain, possible coarctation (heart related), heart murmur and eventually would have an issue with his sodium being too low.
Needless to say, Trey and I curled up in the hospital bed late that evening and cried out to God. We were both completely overwhelmed by the series of events that had transpired...could you blame us? Once again, the devil set out to steal our joy...but we rebounded and continued to press on in prayer believing for a completely healthy baby boy.
With many prayers going up on behalf of Bear, we were told that he did not have Down Syndrome and his brain scan was normal. After 4 cardiologists looked at Bear's heart, we were told that he was good to go and there was no reason to follow up. The prayers of the saints were being heard and the Lord was working it all out. Thank you, Jesus! After recovering from the low sodium levels which ended up being a fluid issue...nothing more and nothing less...we were given the green light. It's time to go home!
The ear issue will have to be looked at by an ENT & a cranial-facial surgeon, but this momma already believes that he can hear and that it will just be a cosmetic fix. I will continue to keep you posted and definitely appreciates any and all prayers.
"We are over comers by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony."

Sometimes we just need to tell the devil...that he has already been defeated!

By Grace Alone,

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Twas The Night Before Your Birth...

and all through the house, Momma Bear was doing laundry, with no time to pout. The dishes were cleaned, and placed in the cupboard, as the house sat so quiet, not even an utter. Dad hurried home from calling his games, then packed moms 35 bags away in their sleigh. All of this bustle, was completed so quick; as we anticipated a gift not from St. Nick. No storks will be needed, to bring us our loot; just a doctor and nurses will help us induce. So tomorrow we'll meet you, the battle is won...Merry Christmas to us, we've been given a son!

We have anxiously waited for this day to come. Now that it is here, it seems so surreal..
You have not been very cooperative with our plans as it appears the name Bear is very fitting considering your nice long hibernation; nevertheless, it's time for you to come out! Two very special people are waiting to hold you and love on you...not to mention everyone else who can't wait to do the same.

Our prayer is that you feel the Father's love through His Son Jesus early and often in your lifetime. Daddy and I will love you unconditionally. Even so, our best attempts to love you will pale in comparison to the agape love of our Heavenly Father. We have prayed for your destiny to lead you down the narrow path and for your life to be an example of Jesus Christ. Your daddy and I are far from perfect but we do have some things right: 1) Christ is the center of our home and marriage 2) we are very much in love with each other and 3) we are already in love with you!

You were an unexpected blessing conceived in a time of testing. Yet, God knew all along the road He had planned for the three of us. We want you to know that you are loved beyond words, blessed beyond measure (because your daddy says we are the coolest parents ever) and more perfect than our wildest dreams.

barington stephen sheneman

our very special Christmas gift!

Sunday, November 21, 2010


I have really been thinking about that word and how drastically my life is about to change...for the better, of course! Everyday I think about how I will handle life, you know? God, husband, new baby, job, my home, family, friends etc...For those of you who have ever been a first time mom then hopefully, you can relate and share some words of wisdom. I definitely do not want to lose focus on the most important "person" in my life-God, but yet even in the midst of preparing for Bear I find myself already putting Him on the back burner. It is certainly not intentional. I just need to find that balance. My first thought is, "Lord, I need more hours in the day..." and I feel as though He gently responds and says, "No, you just need to use your time wisely." Ouch. Obviously, with a newborn, there will be certain things that take priority but nothing should take priority of my God. I definitely follow the principles of God first, family second and career third and everything else follows. Yet, why do I already feel so guilty that I have neglected the first?

This is just me being open and transparent. I am a firm believer in accountability and have not ever had an issue with disclosing personal struggles to keep me in check. So, maybe this is just what I needed to do! If anything, I have my blog to fall back on as my accountability partner! :)

By the way, when our sweet little bundle of joy finally arrives I will keep you up to date about this whole issue of B-A-L-A-N-C-E.

Love this time of the year...and,

I love it even more because I get 50 free holiday cards to send out to all of you AND, of course, I love that very soon we will get to meet out new addition! I can't wait to capture his precious little face on some of these sweet Christmas cards...

Speaking of Christmas cards, did you know that Shutterfly does online Christmas cards? They are very cost effective and well done. All you have to do is choose your images, create your cards, order them and then send them out. Plus, if you are willing to blog about their great deals, then you can get 50 Christmas cards for free! Pretty neat, huh?

So, take some time to blog about such a cool opportunity and then enjoy Shutterfly's giving spirit during this Holiday season.

Well, Trey and I have practically finished the nursery, readied our home, and are now readying our hearts to embrace BEAR and welcome him into the world. We truly hope that all of you experience the peace and joy that only the love of Jesus can bring during this year's Holiday season. So, go take some time and blog about the giving spirit, grab your free Christmas cards, and be sure to give away lots of Holiday cheer!

Tis the season!

Just some of my favorite cards...


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Some wants and desires...

Seeing as though I'm 29 weeks today and the reality of Bear coming is in the forefront of my mind, there are some things I would like to have before he arrives. This is obviously my "wish" list...

1) A new car...not brand new unless you feel moved by the Spirit and would like to get me one! ;) I really like the new Honda Odyssey-white with tan leather interior...The biggest reason above all is for safety. I currently drive a Jetta and have yet to figure out how I am going to fit Bear's car seat in the back without my husband or me driving with our knee's hitting the dashboard. So, in my mind, I'm justified in wanting a new car! Simple.As.That.

2) A getaway with my husband...this one is well over due and definitely deserved. If you knew what we have endured over the course of the last 7 months then you would agree. On top of that, they say a vacation before baby arrives should be a priority! 

3) A Flip Video capture all the moments that my husband and I will share with Bear! Enough said. 

4) A Canon EOS Rebel 10.1MP Digital SLR, Bag and Extra 75-300mm Zoom Lens...I definitely plan on scrap-booking again...and want pictures that show off the beauty of my family! :) Do you know if they make a Canon with higher MP's? I notice that Nikon does, but hear that Canon is much nicer. 

Ok, well, that's that. Not too bad, huh?!?!? 

Oh and by the way, I realize I have yet to post a prego picture on here but it is definitely coming...this weekend! 

Monday, September 13, 2010

To Our Son...

I was overwhelemed with emotions, son, when I found out that God had given you to us. I didn't understand nor was I expecting to become pregnant anytime soon. What you don't know now, but will know in the future, is that your daddy lost his job right before we found out you were already 'cookin in my oven.' Soon after, your momma did too.
On top of that, you were conceived a year later from when your big "sister" was conceived...your due dates are literally with in a year and a few days apart from each other. But, for what ever reason, we never got to me 'her' like we will you. 'She' is safe and sound with your Uncle Stevie-whose name you have taken on! Stephen is your daddy's older brother, who went to be with Jesus when he was a little boy. So, your name is EXTRA special because of all that your uncle means to our family and for the fact that he is taking care of your big "sister." Which means we know you will be very special, too!

I'm writing you this letter as you kick and squirm inside of me. By the way, to feel you alive and well inside of me is pretty spectacular! I wanted you to have something to read over when you got older. Something that you could read for yourself...a letter from your mommy & daddy.

More specifically there are some things that I needed to document even you continue growing and flourishing inside of me.

Me and your daddy have been attending a church that has brought such joy and fulfillment to our lives, especially in this season...
The night of September 12, 2010 was a very special night. You had many people praying for you and, as a result, the Lord spoke to them to give your daddy and I just a glimpse of the baby you will be and the man that you will become. Other than the fact that we have prayed for your health, we have also prayed that you will live to bring honor and glory to His name and that you will love the Lord as much as we do.
We now know that our prayers will be answered.

This is what was spoken over you when I was 28 weeks pregnant:
"You will grow up to move and operate in the prophetic- you will be a prophet."
"You will carry a supernatural joy that people will notice something amazing about you. So much so, your daddy and mommy won't even be able to comprehend." The woman who spoke this over you broke out in tears because even she said she couldn't explain it.

As your mother, I stood there and wept as these words were being spoken over you, and so did your daddy. Your daddy by the way, had a dream about you the night before and he said that you were leading thousands of people to Christ. You are going to be a bastion for the things of, how ever old you are right now, as you are reading this, know that God has big plans for not fret or lose hope because He will bring them to perfection in His timing...much like He brought you to us in His timing.

Your name has strong meaning. Separately your two names mean "barington" the land of a troubled person and "stephen" which means crown or victor. So, you will be the Conqueror and Victor over lands that are will be a man who takes back for the Lord what the devil has tried to steal, kill and destroy. In this season where the devil tried to stomp you out and take mommy and daddy's joy, you were here to bring oil in the, walk humbly, speak kindly, live intently, love passionately, pray diligently, and be the Conqueror God wants you to be.

We love you, Bear!

Mommy and Daddy

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Righteous Will Never Be Moved

As Christians, sometimes we just need to know that despite bad news, set backs and trials, God still shines his face down on his children- The Righteous. 

I was watching Jentezen Franklin this morning and he referenced Psalm 112. His wife is a builder (new news to me) and every house they have lived in she has built. That's pretty cool! Anyways, during the construction of their current house, they opened up their Bible to Psalm 112, wrapped it up, and laid it in the foundation of their home. How cool! It makes me want to dig up a place in my home and lay a Bible in it. I know- crazy. But think about the power of laying-The Rock- as the foundation of your home? When the storms of life blow against your home, your spouse and your children, you can go back to the foundation of His Word. It's a safety and security net. He hears the cries of his children and knows our deepest desires. 
As I read through Psalm 112 out loud with my husband, I was overcome with emotion as I read His words for us. 

 1[a](A) Praise the LORD!(B) Blessed is the man who fears the LORD,
   who(C) greatly delights in his commandments!
2His(D) offspring will be mighty in the land;
   (E) the generation of the upright will be blessed.
3(F) Wealth and riches are in his house,
   and his(G) righteousness endures forever.
4Light dawns in the darkness(H) for the upright;
   he is gracious, merciful, and(I) righteous.
5It is well with the man who(J) deals generously and lends;
   who conducts his affairs with justice.
6For the righteous will(K) never be moved;
   (L) he will be remembered forever.
7He is not(M) afraid of bad news;
   his(N) heart is firm,(O) trusting in the LORD.
8His heart is steady; he will not be afraid,
   until he looks in triumph on his adversaries.
9He has(P) distributed freely; he has given to the poor;
   his righteousness endures forever;
   his(Q) horn is exalted in honor.
10The wicked man sees it and is angry;
   he(R) gnashes his teeth and(S) melts away;
   (T) the desire of the wicked will perish!

As you read this verse this morning, I pray that no matter what you're going through that you will not allow the attacks of the enemy to move you from your place of peace. I realize that this is easier said then done. If there is anyone that this is most applicable to it's us...right now...during this season. So, if I can do my best to not be swayed by the mental attacks of the enemy, so can you! 

Have a wonderful Sunday! And, if you could, please say a special prayer for my family-Bear, Trey and me. 

Thank you, 


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Welcoming Fall...early!

Do you love my new background?!??! Well, I do... at least. I'm 'trying' to get a little more it working?
I think it is an 'in-season' kind of blog...don't you think? :)

Today is August 31st, and I am choosing to embrace the new season (fall) early....despite the fact that it's going to be 93 degrees today.
I am doing a lot of things sooner rather than later since we have a special delivery coming soon! Christmas is my favorite time of the year; I care nothing about Halloween...So, Christmas will come EARLY in our home this year-starting Halloween weekend! My husband kinda thinks I'm crazy but when it is all said and done, he enjoys it just as much as I do.
Last year was our first Christmas in our home and we had a great time decorating the tree. Trey's parents came over and my "spiritual parents-" Gary & Judy- all helped with the decorating...Well, I should say that the men sat, observed, and took pictures. My husband, on the other hand, was very hands on. He will have to be that much more hands on this year too, as I "waddle" around trying to make our home ready for "Bear" and his first Christmas! Exciting stuff people.
Have I mentioned how excited I am to meet my baby boy?!?!? Well, I am REALLY excited!

As we embrace the change of season (thank God), I have a lot to be thankful for this year. Last year'sThanksgiving was difficult. We endured the heart ache of a miscarriage, as our baby would have been due around November 31st. I still think about "her" often and it is hard to believe that "she" would be approaching a year old in just a few months. But, God has been gracious to me and Trey by giving us another "miracle." Aren't babies by nature miracles? I mean think about the intricate design that goes into creating a life. Doctor's are even blown away!
Our little baby boy is most definitely a God-send. Once again, we were not even trying and wouldn't you know-another baby Sheneman on the way! Our babies' due dates are actually close to one year apart from each other. It amazes me to think that God saw my broken heart and saw fit to give us another try as parents...even in the midst of uncertainty.

So, here's to the start of a new season. Are you ready? For some, it will be a season of difficulty and trials, while others a season of success and pure bliss. Either way, are you ready for the new season? Are you equipped with the Word of God, covered in his armor and prayed up like never before? If not, you need to get there. There is nothing sweeter then basking in his presence both when times are good and bad.

In His Grace,

Monday, August 16, 2010


Despite the fact that I have not blogged in...ummmm, well, over a month now, I decided to open on a positive note and discuss this whole coupon thing again! My "spiritual" parents, who I have known for quite sometime now- we attended the same church in Miami for years-really out did themselves and blessed Trey and I immensly. She likes to say if it wasn't for me showing her how to coupon then what they brought for us would have never been...I'm humbed by her comment but at the same time we both desire to be good stewards of what God has entrusted to us...we just happen to really get this whole coupon thing!
With that being said, here is a list of what all they bought for me, Trey and Bear. It's pretty amazing!


Toilet Paper 1 Charmin 9 pack

Shaving Cream/ Men’s 5 3 Fusion / 1 CVS/ 1 Gillette Satin Care

Rolaids / Regular 2

Shampoo 6 JF Root Awakening Strength/ Aussie Awesome Vol/ Aussie Cleanse Mend /Herbal Essence Body Envy / HE Drama Clean / Suave Prof 2 in1 Smoothing

Conditioner 1 Dove Color Repair

Hairspray 1 JF Luxurious Volume All Out Hold

Body Wash / Womens 4 Dove Energize / Suave Naturals: Cucumber & Melon, Ocean Breeze

Body Wash / Mens 10 4 Nivea Active 3 / 2 Nivea Energy/ 4 Gillette Hydrator & BW

Kitchen Dish Soap 1 Dawn Orange

Qtips 1 300 pack

Mouthwash 1 Crest ProHealth 1 Liter Clean Mint

Toothpaste 6: 4 Colgate / 1 Crest / 1 Rembrandt

Toothbrushes 6

Razors / Men’s 4 Fusion Pro Glide with 2 cartridges

Razors / Women’s 8: 1 V. Embrace /2 V. Tropicals / 1 Noxema / 2 Bic Soleil / 2 Schick Extreme3

Deodorant Womens 5: 2 Degree / 2 Mitchum / 1 Secret

Deodorant Men’s 9: Gillette Right Guard Defense 5 / Gillette Clear Gel

Cleansing Bars 10 Neutrogena

Dentyne 9: 5 Pure / 2 Fire / 2 Ice

Floss 1 Reach Mint Wax

Sunscreen 1 Neutrogena Body Mist Sunblock SPF 45

Face Scrub 1 Gillette Fusion

After Shave 1 G. Fusion Instant Hydration

Face Wash 1 G. Fusion

Face Treatment 1 Neutrogena Wrinkle Treatment

Lip Balm 1 Banana Boat SPF 45

MK Eye MU Rmr 1 Trial Size

Feminine Pads 10: 6 Stayfree Maxi Super / 1 U Kotex Reg / 1 U Kotex Heavy / 2 Carefree Ultra

Feminine Liners 2: 1 U Kotex Reg / 1 Always Dry Plus

$438 Estimated Retail

Baby Barington

Diapers Jumbo 7 Pampers: 5 Sensitive #2 / 2 Swaddler #2

Diapers Box 2: Pampers Swaddler #2

Wipes Boxes 6: Pampers 3 Sensitive / 3 Unscented

Wipes Refills 3: 2 Pampers Unscented / 1 Rite Aid Unscented

Wash 3: JJ Moist Care BW / Soothing Vapor / Bubble Bath & Wash

Shampoo 2: JJ No More Tears / JJ Lavender

Oil 1 JJ Gel

Lotion 1 JJ Baby Lotion (Pink)

Diaper Rash 1 Desitin Maximum Original

Bar 1 JJ Baby Bar

$216 Estimated Retail

Sub Total Est Retail to this point: $654 / Estimate Out Of Pocket: $60


Sunday 8/8: Walgreens  & CVS

1 Schick Hydro 5 Razor 1 Schick Hydro5 Razor

1 Schick Hydro Shave Cream 1 Schick Hydro Shave Cream

2 Women’s Dial B/W 3 John Freida Conditioners

2 U Kotex Pads 2 VO5 Conditioners

1 Bio Tru Contact Solution 1 Folder

2 Womens’ Nivea B/W

1 Men’s Nivea B/W

Several Folders

$60 Est Retail (8/8) - Out Of Pocket: $5.29
$51 Est (8/8) Retail - OOP: $3.89

Monday, June 28, 2010

Moving right along...

I am going on 18 weeks and I feel (physically) great! Emotionally, well, that is another story. If you read the latter post you would know why. Needless to say, I am progressing in my pregnancy and moving right along. Trey and I were able to find out what the sex of our baby was last Tuesday, the 22nd. We are having a BOY! Well, at least our friend, Denise told us she was 80% sure. She has been a blessing and has given us two ultrasounds since being pregnant. I love her! My husband was 100% convinced it was a boy because he said he saw, "the turtle." I, on the other hand, was like I don't see anything, I "thought" I did but I was holding out hope that I was looking at a "cheeseburger" and not a "turtle." I have been very open about wanting a girl and I don't regret it one bit. I think it is rather cliche to say, "I want a healthy baby." My response when people say that is, "Ummm no duh, doesn't everybody? Now, tell me what you really want-  a boy or girl?" That's what people really want to know. Why do you think they ask?
Anyways, it has finally kicked in that we are having a boy and I'm thrilled! My girlfriend told me just give it 24 hrs. Ha! I needed a little longer. LOL. Even my niece was having trouble comprehending that this baby is a boy and not a girl! Apparently, I wasn't the only one who wanted a little girl. Maybe next try, Makinley.

I will post a belly pic soon. I promise. I really haven't had the motivation. My husband and I have been consumed with a lot lately and I just look forward to getting jobs so that I can start enjoying the rest of this pregnancy and all the planning that goes along with it!

Please continue to keep us in your prayers. They are much needed and greatly appreciated!

"Why Us & Why Now?"

I obviously have not written anything in a very.long.time. And, well, I've been a bit overwhelmed & really haven't cared to post anything.

As you can tell by the title of this blog, I really don't understand. Trey and I are going through a very difficult place right now. I can't explain it, I really don't get it, and yes, I am completely frustrated at times. My husband and I have done right and lived our lives according to God's Word- we are tithers, givers (to others & the church), helpers, and we've worked hard, but yet, here we are...
There are many in this world who have jobs and money yet all they do is cry poor mouth and ask for hand me outs and yet they are better off then we are at this point. I say that to say, even when Trey and I did have jobs, we never asked for anything from anyone; in fact, we would do for others even when we knew it was a stretch for us. We didn't make a lot of money but we made enough to take care of our responsibilities.

We have a baby on the way and all I keep thinking about is this baby. It has been extremely difficult to enjoy this pregnancy because of all the, "What ifs." I hate it. And, honestly, I can't say that I have not cried out to God in anger. In fact, I even said to my husband today (when I had a mini melt down), "last year when we conceived we had jobs and we were in a good place and yet God allowed for us to never see our baby here on earth, but this year He decides to give us another baby and here we are-no jobs & slowly but surely running out of money." It doesn't make sense to me. Do I believe there will be a testimony to share in the end? Most definitely but it still doesn't take away from the pain that we've experienced as a result. The shed tears. The anger. The confusion. The weariness. The heartache.

I'll close with this...Maybe you can't relate to this blog today and you know what I hope you don't ever have to. It's not fun. Or maybe you can completely relate and can sympathize. Whatever your case I hope that you can look at your life, your job, and your finances and say, "Thank you, Lord, that you have provided."

By Grace Alone,

Sunday, May 2, 2010

"Going through a hard place...

leads to your high place!"

Boy, what a whirlwind my husband and I have gone through over the last several months. Changes and surprises left and right! Can I just say how grateful I am to serve a God who knows all of my deepest thoughts, concerns, and desires. Aside from my husband, He is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me.
Trey and I, back in February, got word that he would no longer be employed by his current employer for next year. We both made the decision that day to view this season as a promtion, not a demotion.  As a result of that news, we began praying as a couple (which I love & I'm blessed to have a husband who is comfortable doing so) and we sought the Lord together (which I recommend any couple do). Sidebar- I really do believe God delights and honors a husband and wife who come boldy before His throne of grace TOGETHER- unified. This was never modeled before me but, thankfully, I was able to serve under a ministry where the wife was honored and respected just as much as the man. Although the man is called to be the provider of the household, there's something to be said about a husband who can come to his wife, out of respect for her, to seek out her input and thoughts. That's why I always desire to be prayed up and fine tuned to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

So, the job search began. Trey has always had a desire to write music--a "dream" of sorts--and he recently decided to pursue that desire with a buddy of his. So,we set off for a few trips to Nashville...where he and his buddy recorded in the studio. While we were up there, we both filled out applications and sent our resumes to MANY different schools. The first school Trey found, contacted, and applied to had an opening for Spiritual Life Director (and the funny thing was it never was posted on their website). Completely a God thing. After our trip there in February, we came home, continued about our business and Trey continued to submit resumes and applications ALL over.
Spring break rolled around and back to Nashville we this time I had FALLEN IN LOVE. I.will.not.lie. It's gorgeous. In fact, I actually fell in love our first trip up there.
Trey had an interview with the school I mentioned above (the first school) and it went really, really well! Unfortunately, the headmaster (who he was suppose to interview with) had some heart troubles so he was unable to make it. Thankfully, the interview went on with the school's principal, lead high school teacher, and guidance counselor. The interview was a success and they spoke very highly of Trey to the headmaster. So, with an interview and some more recording behind the belt, we headed back to ATL.

When we got home, we discovered that some more surprises and changes were under way. We discovered that baby Sheneman was "cooking in the oven." Many of you know that we miscarried last May and that was the starting point of this blog. Well, it just so happens that we conceived around the same time this year. I love the fact that God loves us enough to give us back- to restore- that which we've lost. With that being said, I have been carrying some precious cargo for the last 9 weeks and 3 days (to be exact). I can't tell you how happy we are...because words just can't express it. Honestly, we were being so careful as we knew there were alot of things "up in the air" for us. But, it's just like God. All I can say is that He works for our good and His glory. And, that's exactly what He is going to get from this family-ALL the glory!

Here we are today. Me-very moody, gassy, constipated, and of course, nauseous! I am easily agitated by what people say and do or what they do not do...but I struggle with this anyway. So, being pregnant has made it that much "worse." I think I have done ok "holding my tongue." Can someone tell me that this will gradually get better, please???
My husband-in the "waiting" room and on the verge of making a decision about our future. He has been presented with two job opportunities-  the headmaster from the school in Nashville, TN took him to lunch yesterday to discuss the Spiritual Life Director position & we head to Charleston, S.C. next weekend to interview at a school there.
Stay tuned!

I was not lying when I said we have faced many changes...Either way my husband and I are at peace knowing that He will show us exactly where it is He wants us. At the end of the day, it is us "three" who will be living with the decision, not anyone else.Your prayers are appreciated and don't leave out our little "miracle-" which is exactly what this baby is to us.

I look forward to reporting great news in the next few weeks.

Thank you Lord for hard places because it is those hard places that get us to our high place!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


I often take "life" for granted and I mean that in every sense of the word. Life. What causes it? What stops it? It's simple...both life's ending and beginning are a heart beat away. In an instant, life can be born with a "simple" heart beat and, in another instant, it can be taken away as a result of the heart stopping.
I mean, really? I don't know about you, but I don't wake up every morning or go to bed wondering if my heart will stop beating today. Do you? I guess for those who have suffered heart attacks and other health issues life takes on a whole new meaning.

But for me, I don't think about it. Do I think about death? Yes. But I never associate it with a heart ceasing to beat. Odd, I know.
The truth is that no matter how God "ordains" our death, it will result in our heart ceasing to beat.

I say that to say this: the miracle of a heart beat is P-R-I-C-E-L-E-S-S. It's in that moment, when we see or hear a heart beat, that we do everything in our power to protect our life. We are cautious, careful, and we cease to do things that could jeopardize that powerful beat of the heart.
If you have ever miscarried- then you can relate... if you've ever encountered a heart attack, then you can relate...and if you have ever faced a health issue that has jeopardized the beating of your heart, then you can relate too.

The anniversary day is approaching (May 6th) of when I was on an examination table and, unbeknownst to me, was about to have an ultrasound. Trey and I were completely taken back but, of course, very EXCITED! It was at that moment that we expected to see and hear a heart beat... I knew, once I saw the ultrasound screen that there was a "baby," but something was wrong. I looked at my husband, with tears in my eyes, asking him what was wrong (as if he were my super hero who could magically fix the situation) and he assured me with an "it's going to be ok". The doctor came in and did his examination and there was no.heart.beat. Whew. It was at that moment that the meaning of a heart beat deepened to me. And, as that day approaches, I am reminded of the P-O-W-E-R of a heart beat. It truly is powerful!
So, today I want you to take a look at your life. Examine the beat of your heart. Is it pure? Is it healthy? Is it whole? If not, do something about it because tomorrow is not promised. God gave you a heart beat for a reason; so protect it, guard it, and take care of it.

Today, I'm choosing to celebrate L-I-F-E. Will you join me?

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Finding rest...

My blog today will be short and sweet, hopefully.

Once again, certain people in my life bring more drama then I know what to do with and I'm tired of it. Literally. I was so emotionally drained by the time I laid my head on my pillow last night, I don't remember "pillow" talk time with my husband. How grateful I am to have a husband like I do! Who goes before the Lord on my behalf when I can't even speak another word. For three days straight I have had such peaceful rest. It has been bliss, considering what my days have been like. Thank you, Lord.

Yesterday in my first period class, I literally was overcome with tears and emotion that, at one point, I could not even teach. I had another teacher cover my class so that I could run to the bathroom. My poor kids were looking at me clueless and helpless. They kept asking, "Mrs. Sheneman are you ok?" "Are you sad because you are selling Nala?" Kids are absolutely a blessing from the Lord even after they enter 6th grade! ;) On a side note, our memory verse for this week is James 1:1-2 "...consider it pure joy my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds. 3) because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4) Perserverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

Another one of God's daily provisions for my life! Oh, how grateful I am to have Him as my constant.

In the midst of all this "stuff," I'm choosing to find rest. I pray that in the midst of this day, in your situation, and in your trial that you would also find rest.

Psalm 91:1-2, "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High, will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."

Matthew 11:28, "Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

Sunday, March 28, 2010

From Debt to F-R-E-E-D-O-M....

Below you will find a testimony from some very dear people in my life. People who I call my spiritual advisors/mentors/parents. They truly know what it means to live within their means and to sow into God's kingdom. We are blessed to have them in our lives! I will not ramble any longer, but I pray you would see two things in this testimony: discipline and diligence. As a result of these two things, the favor of God rests upon their lives because of their obedient hearts.

We were married in 1987, and our first mutual investment was heating oil futures in the commodities market, and we lost every penny. We did not get rich quick...but we were both working in corporate America and this was just one of the many ways we found to spend money. Fortunately, we did manage to make some intelligent choices and establish some retirement savings along the way.

In 1991, we felt in control of our future and decided to start a business in antiques. And though an accountant advised that this would not work, we just knew it couldn't fail. I (Judy) quit my job testing computer software to run the new business. Four years later when the store lease finally ended, we were about $110,000 in credit card debt from covering the business losses. We continued the business on a much smaller scale and were able to start making a profit, but not enough to repay the debt.

Gary and I continued to struggle in a very worldly fashion by transferring credit card balances and making minimum payments until 2001. That's the year we both gave our lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and discovered Crown Financial Ministries. In January of 2002 we led our first Crown Small group study.

The revelation knowledge of what God says about stewardship, in this bible study, is phenomenal. In addition to studying God's Word, we implemented Crown's practical approach to our budgeting and spending. The wisdom we received from God's Word has truly helped us get our financial life in order, and it could have saved us from many of the poor financial decisions we made prior to 2002.

One of the first practical applications in the Crown study was to create a debt summary of what we owed. Comparing our original summary from 2001 to various points since, it is a blessing to see how God has worked through our application of His principles.

In just three years, we had reduced our total debt by $40,000. In addition, we had taken control of our spending by living within our budget, had transferred the remaining credit card debt into our mortgage, and had paid off our credit card bills with no balance every month for over two years. We had gone from no emergency savings to 3-4 months of living expenses saved.

Another area of our finances impacted by this study was how we viewed our automobiles. In 2002, we were emotionally ready to upgrade our older vehicle for a newer one. This would have burdened us by continuing with two car payments. However, this would not meet our budget so we decided to hold off getting a new car. Instead, we maintained our car expenses to within our budgeted amount, paid off the second car and started setting aside money for the future purchase of a new used car. In 2006, we were able to replace our older vehicle by paying cash for a newer used car.

The most significant change to our spending occurred in the area of giving. When we took the Crown course our total giving was about equal to our tithe. As we filled out our taxes for 2004 and did the math, we found that our giving had increased to over 15% of our income.

Our long term goal was to become completely debt free, and in January 2007, we felt God place it upon our hearts to achieve this goal. It required a step of faith because Gary would have to change employers, and we would have to leave the area we had lived in for 26 years. Within three months of starting his search, Gary had a job offer and we decided to make the move.

When shopping for our new house, we kept moving up our price range because of our emotional desires. About three weeks into the search we both, independently, felt in our spirits the need to refocus on our objective, and downscale our price range. Within a week the right house at the right price came on the market.

When our old house sold, we were able to tithe on the increase on the value of our old home, and pay off our new mortgage before the first payment was due.

Since August 2007, we have been free of all debts and continue to give generously into God’s kingdom. However, the most rewarding result from taking the Crown Small group study has been the walk with God that brought us out of debt and closer to God.

Gary & Judy

If that isn't a financial testimony then I don't know what is. Trey and I are doing our best to implement the tools that I have learned in Crown as well as the guidance and direction of Gary and Judy. I remember Gary and Judy talking to me about emergency savings last summer. Making sure that Trey and I were ok, if God forbid, a financial crisis hit our home. Well, seeing as though we are in a time of transition, I find it reassuring and extremely grateful that Gary and Judy had that talk with me. Thankfully, we have set aside enough funds to sustain us through this time of transition. Thank you, Lord!

I pray this has blessed you. Enjoy your Sunday!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Gettin' Busy!

Trey and I have been doing a lot of work on our home; well, atleast I think so. We have hung new light fixtures (yes, all of which required turning off the power), installed new door knobs, and even some painting (which was very short-lived). Our weekends have been spent "perfecting" our already perfect home! Again, atleast I think so and, my opionion, along with my husbands, is the only one that counts! Ha. :)

We actually have a realtor coming out this week to assess our home. We are hoping that with all we have done, she will be like, "WOW, this house is amazing and ready to sell." Seriously, I don't think I could handle doing anything else at this point unless it were free. And we all know, in many cases free is hard to come by; unless, of course, you are grocery shopping! :)

The kitchen was the last thing that needed painting and it got finished today. YIPPIE! That means since we have moved in we have had our entire house painted with the exception of the dining room which has wall paper. I have yet to take it down because I really LOVE it and the pattern matches the chandelier.
The house sure does look nice or neutral? Both. I don't know about you but when I look at buying a home paint color is the first thing I notice. Neon pink, bright purple and lime green walls aren't exactly the color palettes that this girl would choose from. In fact, I cringe at the sight. So, we have chosen a neutral paint color in the upstairs bedrooms, office and kitchen. Literally, all it would take is for someone to move their stuff in and they wouldn't have to do a thing. Well, unless they wanted neon pink, bright purple, and lime green walls. In that case, knock yourself out-- JUST BUY OUR HOME! :)

With that being said, I am fully confident that if the Lord desires us to be elsewhere He will make a way, where in an economy like this one, others would say, "chances are slim in selling your home."
Remember my last blog post? God operates outside of the human mind and ability because He is the one who is to get ALL the glory and honor. Our sinful nature wants to take credit for everything but if it is outside the human ability then He gets all the credit. Can I just say how comfortable and at peace I am believing that to be true!

This was pretty random and completely oustide of my "normal" blog posts, but I wanted to post this in the hopes that you would pray for the selling of our home and maybe you know someone or you yourself is looking to buy a home in Heron Bay!


Saturday, March 6, 2010

The One Who is Called Faithful...

REALLY IS...I promise!

Often times, in a world, where there is so much chaos and confusion, we need to find our rest in the One who is stable (un-moved; despite the situation), in control, and all-knowing. I pray, on this Saturday morning, that you can trust, that even in the midst of your situation, He is still: Full of Wisdom, Infinite, Sovereign, Holy, Omniscient, FAITHFUL etc...My God, I just get ELATED typing these words out. No lie.

A.W. Tozer writes, “Man’s spiritual history will positively demonstrate that no religion has ever been greater than its idea of God. Worship is pure or base as the worshipper entertains high or low thoughts of God.”
You have two choices here: praise Him in the bad or give Him nothing at all. And as a result, of you doing one or the other, you will determine your thoughts towards God at that moment, whether it be subconscious or not. You will. I will.
Now, in my earlier days of being a Christian, the Bible calls those- "Babes in Christ," I would worship based on my feeling of God (what has he done for me lately mentality) at that moment. Can any of you relate? Or was I just overly transparent?
I didn't realize that my praise towards Him had the power to change my situation. But as I have grown older and wiser (hopefully), I have come to realize that my praises to Him have the power to change things. Demons flee at the name of Jesus. Which means when I'm praising Him, I am recognizing that He is who He says He is: Holy, Sovereign, FAITHFUL, Full of Wisdom....get it? Therefore, demons can not entertain you or me, only He can-the One who is Faithfully Holy. ALWAYS.
Those thoughts of abandonment can't consume you because, "He will never leave you nor forsake you; he sticks closer than a brother, a friend, your spouse, your parents etc..."
Those thoughts of fear, worry, and doubt can't consume you any longer, even though your spouse doesn't have a job, because God is Sovereign- ALL-knowing; He knew your END from your beginning. He is the One who orders your footsteps. He is the One who causes promotion.

At some point in our Christian walk we have got to get to this place. Peace dwells here. I promise. When others around me can worry like no tomorrow I can say, "I know God will make a way where there seems to be no way." I mean when we really think about it isn't that how God operates anyways? Outside of the human mind? Don't you ever wonder why He doesn't operate in ways that we can understand? I do, well, atleast in my mind I do. Hey, it works for me. :) This is what I have found: faith requires us to believe in those things that are unseen. So in order for God to be God and for me to have faith, it is required of Him to operate outside of my human capacity because if man can think it, man gets all the credit, but if God can think it then we will give him all the glory. And as his children, are "job" is to praise Him, glorify Him, and honor Him.
Our perspective of God, I believe, has a lot to do with our worship towards Him. It is a mindset. "Be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
It is that feeling you get when the alarm goes off at 4:30 a.m. and you really don't want to get out of the bed to go to the gym. But, you know you have to if you want to see results. Well, I really believe if you expect to see things change around you it first starts with praise. Which, might I add, completely contradicts our society today. We don't praise until we get results.

I encourage you, start praising Him in the storm and see what happens! Try not to allow thoughts that contradict who God is to leave your mouth. There is power in the tongue. Once you speak it, you ended up believing it. So speak life into your situation today!

I will close for now. But, if you have gained anything from toay's blog I hope it was this: He is Full of Wisdom, Infinite, Sovereign, Holy, Omniscient, FAITHFUL etc...He loves you, cares for you and desires to take care of you ALL the days of your life.

Still Praisin',


P.S. My chief editor (my husband) was not present to edit my blog, so I hope I didn't throw you off with all my grammatical errors. Nope, not afraid to admit that I absolutely stink in English, but I hope to be getting better. :)
Have a great weekend!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Not this month...

Lets just say I was relieved after discovering I was not pregnant...
Being a little "late" and recently hearing some disheartening news definitely caused this woman to momentarily panic. On the other hand, my husband was very dissapointed that we were not pregnant. Bless his heart. He actually got to experience what I felt like this time last year when we discovered we were. The emotions were flipped this go around. I got to feel his worry and he got to (momentarily) feel the joy of possibly knowing we were expecting. Interesting.

For the sake of my own integrity, as well as my husband's, I will forego the details of the "disheartening news" part.
But what I will say... is... that.... NOTHING.... catches God by surprise. He knew this day was coming. In fact, He allowed it. He predestined it. He knew that in order for me and my husband to reach our fullest potential in Him it was going to require us to move from the comfortable to the uncomfortable. You know, instead of standing at the edge of the cliff and dangling one foot out over it, we were now actually being asked to jump off?!?! Comfortable to the uncomfortable. Although the news had shaken our world momentarily, we were not about to allow it to shake our faith. We both realize that, often times, when we don't take the "hint" to move forward, God shuts the door for us. Good looking out, God! I'm glad to serve a God who always has my best interest at heart.

Some of you may be where we are at this very moment. But I encourage you, take refuge in the One who has already provided the "safe haven" for you, the One who has already made a way where there seems to be no way. Remember, "greater is He that is in you, then he that is in the world." "If God be for you, then who can be against you?" No one! Man doesn't control your destiny; in fact, I will go as far as to say this, often times when men think they are about to demote you, God intervenes and uses them to launch you into greater opportunities and blessings, into a promotion. WOOT-WOOT. I'm sorry; I just had a moment. Seriously. We often "curse" man for what they have done (you know, messing up our plans) but instead we should say, "Thank you, because of what you've done or said I'm walking into a greater anointing and season of my life." It is that simple. Just do it. If that doesn't get you excited, then I don't know what to tell you. I mean the power of God is INCREDIBLE. We just need to change our perspective--our fleshly way of thinking--and accept that our thoughts are not His thoughts, and our ways are not His ways.

I will close with this: Galatians 6:9 (New Living Translation)
"So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up."

Whatever situation you may be in, don't give up and don't give in. The battle is the Lord's!

By Grace Alone,


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Lean on ME!

Can I just say that last week was a W-E-E-K in every sense of the word (I had to stretch out the word week, to elongate what it really was like for my family). It was trying, painful (at times), and exhausting. I typically have great weeks, but when things happen to the ones I love, I suffer too. It's about carrying each other's burdens. WHEW.

Trey and I began our devotional last night and as we entered into the next chapter entitled "parenting," we both looked at each other and basically thought (out loud), "lets skip this weeks and go to the next chapter." Can I just say that I am glad we didn't! It was timely and exactly what we needed to hear. Just like God!

I, typically, am not a worrier. When it comes to money, I can be, but when I realize that I am being a good steward of what He has entrusted me with then worry flies right out the window. I don't seem to have a problem casting my worries, cares, or fears. Who better to listen and handle the situation than God? Men fail, but God does not.

NOW, Back to last night's devotional. Let me sum it up in a nutshell: a little boy had wandered to the edge of a boat dock and had fallen into the water (first thing I thought was, "Where were his parents and why was he allowed to wander alone by water?"). When his parents heard the "splash," his dad bolted to the water and jumped in. As he swam to find his 3 year old son, fear gripping his heart, he was finally able to locate him. His son just so happened to be holding on to a pillar WHILE UNDER the water. His dad asked him, "Son, what are you doing?" The son replied, "Just waiting on you, dad?" On a side note, Trey and I both laughed out loud. I could picture the scene in my head. A sweet little 3 year old boy, with such innocence, was responding with such confidence and faith in his father. W-O-W!

Do you see where I am going with this?

How many times is our heavenly Father wanting to rescue us, but we fail to hold on and wait long enough for His embrace? We can easily look in ALL the wrong places for our answers. Christian or not, we are all still human. Maybe you allow the worry and fears of other people to grip you to the point where you are choking underneath the water. They are human, too. Sometimes you just have to ignore the negativity of people and hold on and wait until your Father comes to your rescue. How do you wait? Glad you asked. Pray without ceasing. Fast. Annoint your loved ones with oil. Plead the blood of Jesus over your situation. Get on your knees. BUT don't stop waiting for Him.

Just like the earthly father in this story, heart pounding and all, was determined to grab a hold of his son, how much more do you think the Lord is willing and waiting to do the same thing for you and me? If my memory serves me correct, God's love for us outweighs the love our own parents have for us or anyone else for that matter. So, why do we make it so diffiult? Why is it easier to love the tangible but not the intangible?

As I examine my ability to lean on Him, I pray that you are challenged by these questions.



Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Here it is...E2E!

The BIG reveal..."Empowered to Empower!"

The end of last year God gave me a vision of what He wanted from me for 2010. Often times we find ourselves making New Year's Resolutions and they usually are all about, "ME, ME, ME, ME, ME." "I gotta hit the gym, I gotta make more time for me, I gotta do this or I gotta do that..." and it typically pertains to ourselves.

But, this year, I wanted my resolution to be different. Specifically, I felt that the LORD wanted my resolution to be about me investing in others. A transfer of power and discipline of sorts. You see, financial freedom is more than just some marketable slogan, it is biblical and empowering. So, that is why I believe God gave me "Empowered to Empower." Here we go...

I got addicted to couponing only after humbling myself. See, I always saw couponing as for the less fortunate, the poor, and the needy. Since I did not see myself in any of those terms, using coupons was mentally written off as time consuming and "below" me. But, through the pruning of the Holy Spirit, God convicted me into a life-altering realization: those who use coupons were the WISE ones and I was the fool. They are wives, home makers, business women, concerned mothers, prudent souls who see frugality as not just a hobby or financial enigma, but as a lifestyle.

The ultimate back-breaking straw for me is found in Matthew 25:15 “To one he gave five talents, to another, two, and to another, one, each according to his own ability..." Now, we are all most likely familiar with this parable...but have we ever picked up on the last few words in this verse? God has given to each of us according to our individual abilities! Let me expand this passage a little. Some of you may have heard of "talents" in this passage paralleling "talent" today ( i.e. musical, athletic, etc.). In the Greek, this term literally meant physical possession of financial value. These inidividuals were challenged to invest/spend their money wisely. It is from there that the story and its lesson progresses. God definitely wants us to levy all of our talents for His kingdom as well...but, in this case, let's focus on the financial lesson to be learned.

God knows what it is we can handle and when we can handle it. How do we expect God to entrust us with any more than we can currently bear if we bear it in a way that doesn't honor him? We can't! That is, we can not until we show ourselves approved of our present financial situation. Showing ourselves approved is not merely tithing or giving the occasional offering, although this is the first cobblestone along the journey to financial breakthrough. Our financial well being is a wholistic approach rooted in the very mind of God and His Word.

My husband and I have come a long way over the last year, but I felt the nudge of God on this other issue: grocery shopping. And so, He birthed this idea out of me to share the passion that He has developed in me over the last few months. E2E will be a time of sharing, fellowship, laughter and maybe even some crying ;)! Ultimately, I desire for this group to be a haven for women who want more out of their finances. With God as the nucleus, I foresee this coupon club becoming more than a Friday or Saturday outing! I genuinely want those who attend to leave with a new perspective and a fresh outlook on their own ability and the "talents" God has given them.

This is my prophetic decree over you...
"Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the Lord your God will set you high above all nations above the earth. And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the Lord your God: Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the country. Blessed shall be the fruit of your body, the produce of your ground and the increase of your herds, the increase of your cattle and the offspring of your flocks. Blessed shall you be when you come in and blessed shall you be when you go out!"
"The Lord will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless ALL the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations but you shall not borrow. And the Lord will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be beneath, if you heed the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you today, and are careful to observe them."

Deuteronomy 28:1-6 & 28:12-13

In Him,

P.S. I still have a special testimonial to share with just keep checkin' in!