Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Power of a Godly Woman!

Today's blog has a lot to do with us as women. Applying the "God image' in our lives will allow us to be victorious in ALL situations. How many of us want to be victorious in whatever situation comes our way?!?!? I DO....

So, with that being said, I love reading books that offer spiritual fuel for the battle. I don't waste my time reading books that are "non-sense" and that don't offer anything to my spiritual walk. I'm not putting down those types of books, they just aren't for me, ya know??
Lately, I've been reading a book entitled Only a Woman-Claiming Your Amazing Power in Christ.

It's an incredible book and I have enjoyed what I have read thus far. The book begins with a woman's village being attacked and her husband losing his life during the battle. The "baton" was passed to her by her husband and she was given the mission to save her people, all the while holding onto her own precious baby. To sum up what I have read, she saved the village people! GO GIRL! But she was faced with the overwhelming fear, as they lowered her lifeless husband's body into the ground, of doing this all alone. You know, LIFE. As the village people sang her praises, she was numb to it all. Yet, I love the point the book makes: Do we choose "God-image" or self-image. Many times, during those trying situations, fear may grip us. In a real crisis, we will struggle with the person we believe we are and the person God has called us to be. Many times, we revert back to the self-image, while simultaneously paralyzing the power of the God-image inside us.

Terri McFaddin's book defines the "God image" as the person God intended you to be from the womb-the person with special gifts, purpose, and calling.
The self-image is the person you perceive yourself to be based on the influences of your environment and your culture. Pretty powerful, huh?!?!? How many of us know this, but forget it when faced with a trying situation? We allow worry, fear, and anxiety to creep in.
Truthfully, I can't even try to relate to this wife and mom, but what I do see in her is a quality I want to have. In the face of adversity, anger, and sadness, she still pressed on in her "God-image", not her self-image.

So, as a woman writing to other women, how will you DAILY carry your "God-image" versus self-image? As I continue reading, I will blog different insights that I may get from the book. Allow these insights to challenge you in the face of your everyday life, in whatever this life might bring. Whether you face a business deal that you really need to close, or you find taking care of your husband and children a difficult task for the day, stay focused on letting your "God-image" come through.
In order to be a powerful, godly woman we must continually carry God's image not our own. We are limited when using self-image but with His image we can do ALL things. (Phil. 4:13)
Reflect on times when you were faced with a difficult situation. Did you put on the full armor of God or did you hide in fear carrying your self-image?

Be that powerful woman God has enabled you to be!

I'll close with this verse...
Judges 5:7
"Village life ceased, it ceased in Israel, until I, Deborah (god-image not self-image), arose, arose a mother in Israel.

Be a 21st Deborah!

In Him,