Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Chickfila, Christians and Homosexuals

As we all know Chickfila has been in the spot light and for reasons which absolutely blow my mind. Yet, part of me can't be too surprised because this is all part of the plan--the falling world--Jesus's return, right? 

The world against Christians.

I have refrained from commenting or making remarks on my own FB status about what's been going on because I felt this was a good opportunity to go to God in prayer about the situation. Not that it involves me or my family directly, but as a lover of Chickfila and a Christian who supports the hard work of Truett Cathy and his family for putting God first in his business. It's evident that when we put God first in our lives He is faithful to bless us (i.e. Chickfila). 

From what I gather there was just a lot of misinterpretation and the "world" decided to misconstrue what someone said for their own cause a big ordeal. Like what we are seeing right now-- Chickfila Appreciation Day & Homosexual "Kiss-in"  Day on Friday. 

The world against Christians. 

Christians (the church) share their views and thoughts on homosexuality and are quick to might I add. "It's a sin, they are all going to hell...etc..." However, I don't know about you but how many professing homosexuals actually admit to also being Christians? I don't know too many that do, but I could be wrong, I have been plenty wrong before...So, if I am not mistaken what does it matter what they do with their lives if they aren't even living for God? Why are we so busy condemning their actions when they don't even INTENTIONALLY live for Christ.

The people we need to be putting on blast are ourselves..those who profess to be Christians, who have genuinely accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior. 
**"This is where God really "socked it to me."**
While God is weeping over the immoral decline of this nation...He is doing it that much more over us-- Christians. 
Regarding the matter at hand, we all want to speak our minds about the homosexuals (who aren't even living for the Lord) and what has been done to defile the Chickfila name...yet we (Christians--living for the Lord) are addicted to pornography, drugs, alcohol, food...have issues with adultery, lying, cheating, cursing and blessing God from the same mouth and the list goes on and on...check it out in the Bible...oh and we do it in if the Lord can't see us! Or we don't do it in secret and we have non-believers looking at us scratching their heads saying, "this is what Christians do and look like?" I don't know what's worse right now the homosexual or the addicted Christian. 

If we, Christians, have truly been changed from the inside out and love the Lord with all our heart, soul and minds then why don't we live like it? Why do we continue to still live in bondage to the things of this world? Why have we not grabbed hold of the freedom that Jesus Christ gave to us when he was beaten for our stupidity? 

Preachers have watered down their messages to a more "Jesus loves everyone" when it needs to be preached that God hates sin and will do away with those who choose to live in it. Are we about growing mega, happy go lucky churches or saving those whose lives are leading them to Hell? Ouch. I know it's harsh and we Christians don't like to be "spanked," but the truth is we all need our butts kicked. 

Sin is a choice and we choose everyday to do it or not do it. The ultimate answer comes down to answering this one questions,  "is God worth living for because He evidently thought we were by sending his only Son?'

I rest my case regarding the matter and know that despite the backlash that Chickfila has gotten God is still going to bless the business and that much more because of all this craziness! 

Sorry for the straight-forwardness of this post...just giving it to you like God gave it to me!


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Divine Appointments

Do you believe in them? I most certainly do.

We have added a "tradition" to our family by going to Chickfila in the early am to eat and let Bear play on the playground. These days his fun consists of climbing up and down the steps. He likes it,and we enjoy watching him, so it's a win win! Not to mention that it's something that he will get to look forward to for the coming days, months and years ahead.
We eat first, of course...and then we play. Bear is all about play and cares nothing about food especially in this instance. I mean a LARGE, INDOOR PLAY GROUND, if that doesn't scream fun to an 18month old then I don't know what does! :)

We had finally finished eating and managed to feed Bear somewhat of a "hearty" breakfast and off to the playground we went. The previous time we went it was just us but this time around Bear had a playmate. This little boy was 3 and his name was Caden. He was another one of God's special children and I couldn't help but know that something was different. Trey and I got to talking and then Caden's mom approached us and said, "I just wanted you to know that my son is Autistic and he usually plays by himself but I just want to keep an eye out." We, of course, looked at each other and knew in that moment this was a God ordained meeting.

We began to share with her about Bear and the early signs that we detected in him and how we immediately sought professional help to make sure we weren't overreacting as parents..which we weren't. I couldn't help but cry as I knew exactly what she was feeling. She appeared strong and put together but who knows what was really going on in the depths of her soul.

For the record, I am a crier. Some people handle their emotions by doing other things. Me, I cry. So please don't make another person feel less than if they handle themselves differently then you do. God has created us to handle different situations in different ways and crying is my outlet. Although drinking is my next solution! HA! TOTALLY KIDDING. Trying to lighten the load here. Is it working?! :)

Okay back to Caden and his precious momma.

Just like with any child on the spectrum, the signs are all different as children display different characteristic traits of being Autistic. Of course, I asked questions and she was open and willing to answer. My first question was basically asking her when she thought something was wrong. She replied and said right around 12months old. I was definitely engaged and had her full attention as I kinda knew where this was headed. Just curious, I then asked, do you vaccinate your child? She responded and said she did, and that she believed the MMR had something to do with it. I gasped. I was reminded about a conversation I had with a Pediatrician about the MMR who shared her views (as a medical doctor) regarding that vaccine. It was an interesting conversation nonetheless.

Before I move on I would like to address something in this blog. I am not a parent who rallies behind TO or TO NOT VACCINATE. It's every parents decision and CHOICE to do what is best for their child. You may ask, what's better then vaccinating your child? To some parents-- NOT vaccinating. And again, that's their choice. To push your views onto another parent and dictate to them what's best is not my place or yours. Be sensitive to the subject. We can't be blinded (or not care because we don't currently have a child with autism) by the fact that Autism is at it's HIGHEST ever and no one has any answers. If you were a parent of a child who has Austism you would be desperately trying to figure out why. And I can promise you with every parent of an Autistic child that I have spoken to they will tell you that they would have done some things differently if they could reverse the clock. I say all this to say, we all parent our children the best way we know how and I am a believer who asks the Lord everyday for discernment on how to raise our child. God knows that and He is faithful to lead us in a direction that is best for our child. He will and can do the same for you...

Now that I've gotten that out of the way...back again to Caden and his momma!!!

She went on to tell us that Caden was having the ABR test done on July 5th to see how his hearing is because he is so delayed in his speech.
In any situation when a child is behind in their speech they test for hearing first and then depending on results they are able to move forward with more testing if needed. 

It was about time for Trey to leave but there was a "prompting' in my spirit to pray for this woman. Thankfully, Trey had the same "prompting" and he led us to pray for her. I held onto Caden, who was as strong as a bull, and during Trey's prayer we just laid hands and began to speak life. During his prayer, I felt some sweet lips kiss my cheek and knew little Caden was making his move on me while Trey's eyes were closed! Haha! Just like a boy...already putting moves on a lady. :)

Trey finished and handed the lady his business card so that we could keep in touch.  Bear and I stayed and he played as I continued conversing with Karen. Just pray for that name too!

Karen then proceeded to tell me that her husband had left and they were currently separated. Oh my goodness, apparently crying was in the "cards" for me today. I asked her about the situation and she told me that he wasn't a believer and that he couldn't handle what was going on and that she had dedicated too much time to her sons (one of whom is Autistic-Caden) & he was being neglected. I had to put my flesh in check. That's all I will say about that.

I appreciated her willingness to share with a complete stranger and I only hope that she knows that there will be an army of God's best praying for her, Caden and her husband.

I have said it before and will say it again...God allows us, as believers, to go through trials in our lives so that we can be a testimony to his goodness and faithfulness. There are so many people who need HOPE, who need JESUS and if, as believers, we never went through trials and came out on top then what type of witnessing could we really do? You can read the Gospel and NEVER will it be watered down but people also need to know that God still moves and is our very present help in time of need TODAY. And what better testimonies to share then ones that we have walked through!
It was evident that this woman needed HOPE. I mean who doesn't? We live in a crazy world and last I checked, after watching the news, it isn't getting any better.

If you ever wanted to know if you are in God's will just take a look around you...if the enemy seems to be messing with you, putting negative thoughts--thoughts that contradict the Word then that jerk is around. Just sayin'. God is in your midst, He is just sitting back making sure that the enemy doesn't cross THE line. There is a line. I promise. Just go take a look at the book of Job. There's a definite line. However, the Lord is gracious and is a gentleman and will not force himself onto a situation that He is not welcomed into. So, if you expect things to work in your favor then you better let Him in on the situation or else you are headed for doom and gloom. Amen? God doesn't expect or want us to manage this life on our own. I mean for heavens sake I know I don't want to, and I can honestly say I would probably be in the nut house if it wasn't for those in my life who I know have dedicated their time and efforts to pray for me and my family. His grace is sufficient...

I will close this "book" now, but PLEASE pray for Karen, Caden and her husband. Specifically for Caden's test on July 5th and for God to restore what the enemy has set out to destroy.  

2 Corinthians 12:9 But He said to me, My grace (My favor and loving-kindness and mercy) is enough for you [sufficient against any danger and enables you to bear the trouble manfully]; for My strength and power are made perfect (fulfilled and completed) and [a]show themselves most effective in [your] weakness. Therefore, I will all the more gladly glory in my weaknesses and infirmities, that the strength and power of Christ (the Messiah) may rest (yes, may [b]pitch a tent over and dwell) upon me!  Amplified Bible

Be Blessed,


Tuesday, June 5, 2012


If there is anything I have learned in these last 29 years of life...yes, I am 29. It's crazy to think I am in my last year of 2 decades lived and I will be rapidly approaching 30 in less than a year. :/ I don't care about the number I just don't want to start "falling apart." You ask why the thoughts of "falling apart?" Probably because I received an email from The SCOOTER STORE they day after I turned 29. No.Lie. And it went straight to my inbox not my spam folder. :/

Anyways, this blog is all about giving thanks. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. Enough said right there.

Needless to say, Trey and I are having our best year yet...and I know the best is yet to come...oh and it is only June; bring it Lord! Bear is doing amazing! His personality is somewhat like mine and somewhat like Trey's. He definitely has a strong will and doesn't give up easily (I totally love that). He is our pride and joy! I'm thankful for the Lord's hand upon Bear's life and all that God is doing in and through Bear even at this young age. His ability to communicate is starting to show. He is "talking" more now then he ever has (obviously). Bless him; he has so much to say but making it make sense to us is still a struggle for him. But that's OK because we know when the Lord see's fit he will be talking beyond his age. He says mama, dada, bye bye and he has said words like goldfish, WOW, more and a few other words that I can't remember at the moment. He has yet to say these words again but in my opinion he has said them and more than one person has been present to hear it. Which confirms that we are not making stuff up! LOL

We have been SUPER busy around here. Trey's travels have slow down some and I have been working 1-3 days per week.  Life is good! And I am thankful for what God is doing in and through these Sheneman's. We know God is up to something and we are waiting patiently for what He has in store!

All I know is that I serve a God who is faithful always! Even when the days seem dark and long his light is always present and wants to shine through. He is good...ALL the time!

Thursday, May 24, 2012


I'm sure you can relate but we will see.  Has there ever been a time in your life where you felt not good enough, incapable or unworthy? I have. In some cases it's because I have allowed others to make me feel that way or it may have just been the overwhelming feeling of being a momma, wife, friend  etc.. getting to me on a bad day. Either way all of it is untrue.
No one can make me or you  feel incapable, not good enough or even unworthy unless I or you give place to other peoples ignorance.
Praise the Lord I don't give place to people's stupidity anymore. I told y'all this was a new year for me. :)

Anyways, this Mother's Day I just reflected on my relationship with my son and how much I have invested into his life and will continue to do so for the rest of his life...well, at least until he turns 18 and then I will let him come to me when he wants his momma's advice. During those moments of reflection I was reminded of a friend who told me what a GREAT JOB I was doing with Bear. This was during a time when I needed it the most and I know it was God's way of using this person to reassure me that I really was and is my son's biggest advocate. Mind you, I am not the person who fishes for compliments from people, so when it happens I respond humbly and almost bashfully because it really comes unexpected to me. My husband is infamous for calling me out in front of others (in a good way of course) by saying to so and so, "doesn't my wife look great?" Which in turn causes me to cringe and probably puts the other person in an awkward position because then they feel obligated to say, "why, yes she does!" I mean even if they didn't think so who would say, "well, of course she doesn't?" Know what I mean? lol Rabbit trail sorry.
What I was trying to get at is that I really didn't expect the "you are doing a GREAT JOB with Bear" comment but it really made me feel good because someone else was applauding me for the fact that I was doing everything in my power to make sure I was doing the best for my son. I had a cheerleader! lol
There was a time in my life growing up that I placed a lot of expectations on loved ones in my life and they failed me. To the point where I was so completely devastated that I felt like the world was caving in on me. My husband even told me the same thing. So, when I say that I really don't place expectations on people anymore I don't. I don't want the heart ache. I don't want to relive certain times in my life especially when I feel like God has blessed me with a "new" life. So, I choose to live my life doing what I think God would have me to do when it comes to being a wife and mom. The fact is the Lord compliments me everyday I just need to stop and listen! He does the same for you too! :)

The task of motherhood is obviously not easy. But truthfully what good thing in life comes easy? It's an around the clock "job" and it never ends. However, I don't want it to. I LOVE being a mom. I LOVE knowing that the Lord is my "go to man" when it comes to raising Bear, that He is my source of getting this mom thing right--not perfected, but right. I LOVE telling Bear a million times a day how much I love infinity and beyond of course! I LOVE the fact that he (when he is in the mood) kisses me first with his mouth closed-- lips puckered and if I am lucky I'll get another one with his mouth WIDE open--praying that he doesn't bite my lips off...yes-- he has unintentionally bitten my lips before. I LOVE how he really is attached to Trey and I and cries when we walk out of a room. That's genuine LOVE right there and I pray that my son always knows what that kind of love feels like. First from his Heavenly Father and then from us--his Earthly Parents.
I "secretly" cried when I saw his sweet face that Sunday morning. A total blessing from my son, Bear.
I'm just thankful that the Lord has shown me what it means to be a godly mom to Bear. I want Bear to see godliness in me everyday and during my bad days I hope he still sees some of  Jesus in me.  I have two little eyes watching me around the clock and I want nothing more then for him to see his Jesus in me on a daily basis.

I jokingly tell Trey on occasion "I'm clocking out" but the truth is it never happens and it certainly didn't happen on Mother's Day! How could I Bear's the reason I celebrate being a momma!

I hope all of you mom's had an amazing day!


Friday, April 27, 2012

Life Transformation

Well, the 12 week challenge at Gold's is over and I am proud of myself for setting out on a life long journey of a healthier lifestyle. Initially I signed up because Trey asked me to and I wanted to support him. But then I realized that I needed to take advantage of the opportunity and put forth 100% effort in all that I did--for ME. 

So, I did it. I completed the challenge and saw some incredible results. I'm not done. There are still a few pounds to be shed, some toning that needs to take place and a little more muscle to be built in some areas...but overall I am proud to have seen the results at the end of the 12 weeks! 

I lost 10lbs., 3" in my waist, 3" in my hips, 4% body fat, and a total of 6.6% of body weight lost!!! As a result, I have dropped 2 pants/short sizes & have reached a healthy BMI. Since Bear, I have lost a total of 55lbs (I only gained 35lbs with him) and I am just 5lbs shy from being at my PRE-Trey weight!! 

Oh and I can't forget to mention that Trey and I ran a 5K last weekend and I finished in 31:55!!! Not bad for a girl who never consistently runs and never completed the C25K app. 

None of it was easy but the truth is life isn't. Anything that you want in life takes work...IF you want it to last. If you want to be healthy-- it takes work, if you want your marriage to last till death do us part-- it takes work, if you want to draw closer to the Lord-- it takes work, if you want your children to be mindful and respectful--it takes work, if you want to be successful--it takes work, if you want a clean home--it takes work. Get me?

Work is good! If you don't like to work (and I don't just mean the kind of work where you clock in and out to get a paycheck) then you are just merely existing and I believe that we have a greater calling then to just exist. There are people around us who need to hear our success stories, who need to know that with work your marriage can survive, with work you can lose that 25lbs, 50lbs, or even 100lbs. 

More importantly, I want that for my family. I don't want Bear to ever know what it is to struggle with his weight a day in his life. Trey and I know what it is like and we don't want that for our son. So we are choosing to raise him in a way where we hope and pray he doesn't ever experience a weight issue. 
I want people to look at my marriage and think, "WOW, they have been through hell and back but yet they still stand side by side in love." 
Financially there was a time in our life where it was a struggle but we were faithful with our "little" tithe and as a result the Lord has blessed us beyond measure. 
I want people to look at our son and see his "little" ears and closed ear canals and hear us say, "the Lord is faithful and good our son can hear unaided!"

At the end of the day, I want the Lord's blessing over my health, my marriage, my child(ren), my work, my home, and my friendships. I want HIM to bless the WORK of our hands because we do it to bring honor and glory to his name. 

Through this 12 week transformation I am that much more convinced that through Christ I can do ALL things! 

My prayer for you is that you would be determined to set out to work hard and as a result you will be able to sit back and see the goodness of the Lord shining down on you! 

Have a wonderful weekend!


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Good Friday!

I can honestly say in my 28 years of life this Easter has more meaning to me then any other. That probably may sound really pathetic, but now that I am a parent my world operates differently. I see things through the eyes of a parent; naturally, of course.

Bear has not been feeling good and has been running a low grade fever since early Friday morning. As a result, he is extra cuddly and whiny but who wouldn't be?
As I held him very close, in his nursery, while we rocked I couldn't help but think about how great, how deep, how wide the Father's love is for us. I know the love I have for my son and, well, there are no words that were ever written to express or show the love I have for him...the crazy thing is that the Lord's love surpasses my ability to love. How absolutely crazy is that? It's hard at times to wrap my mind around, but it's true. There technically are no words to express his love for us either but through action only as He sent his one and only son to hang on that old rugged cross to carry our shame, our sin, and our sorrows.

So, the next time you feel ashamed, unworthy, unloved you better think again. The God I know sacrificially sent his Son to take on all of that so you didn't have to.  The God I serve, his love surpasses that of an earthly parent's love and a spouse's love. Lord knows I need to be reminded of this and maybe you do too!

Enjoy the weekend with your family and if you want have an Easter egg hunt for your kids, but first instill in them what Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday (actually Monday) are really all about. Explain to them that there's a God that loves them more then you do and as a result He sent his son that we would have life and have it more abundantly. That through Jesus' obedience we are no longer condemned to hell but are able to spend eternity with the One who loves us most. That's the real meaning behind Easter...make sure they know it!

He has Risen!


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Moved to tears...

It's been an emotional last few weeks for me. Not because I am sad but because I'm blown away by God's constant faithfulness in my life. Last Wednesday Bear had his EEG and the night before I laid in bed and was looking through pictures of me carrying Bear all the way till now and the flood gates opened. Trey was next to me and asked me if I was ok and I was, just extremely grateful.

Have you ever been there? Where your heart is so full from seeing God move mightily in your life that you just can't help but cry...weep? If you have then I'm sure you are totally relating to me right now.

Yesterday I met a little boy who had Cerebral Palsy. As he laid across me I couldn't help but want to lay hands on him and pray but I was so overcome with emotion that I couldn't get words out. I could barely say 'Jesus.' I was trying to fight back the tears but the harder I tried the more they came out. My heart was heavy and I just really needed God's healing hand to be upon this boy. I can't imagine what his parents face or deal with on a daily basis but I do know that God still heals and in that moment there was nothing I wanted more then to see that boy the blood of Jesus.
I was that much more moved when Bear came over and placed his head against the little boy's head for a good 15 seconds. I didn't ask him to he just did it.
In that moment, I was reminded of when we were in the NICU with Bear still waiting on news about his ears and tests etc...when our Pastor's wife and friend texted us and told us that she had all the little children in the kids room praying for Bear. The amazing part of this story was that they all had their hands placed over their ears praying for him. Chills. And yet here I was, trying to pray and my son came over and in his own way reached out to this little boy. Talk about fighting back tears. Whew.

If there is anything I desire for Bear it is that he understands, at a very young age, who the Spirit is and what He is capable of doing when we allow ourselves to become open to his moving. I'm thankful that we are part of a church body who instills this in our children at a very young age. There is something about the acts of a child that touch the heart of God.

Matthew 18:1-2
At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. 3 And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.

Just think on this, why would God call us to become like little children in order to enter the kingdom of Heaven? 

Acts 2:17‘And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams...'

If we ever needed a move of the Spirit we need it now; in our families, on our jobs, and in this country. However, it won't happen if we shy away from who the Spirit is and what He has come to do in us and through us. We are here to be vessels of his light. So shine BRIGHT! 


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Trust Him!

So, with the start of this New Year came a lot of new changes in the Sheneman household and with in me....
One of those things I wanted to do differently was to not focus on the 'what ifs' but to fully place my trust in the God who knew my path before I ever walked it.

Have you ever met people in your life who were so caught up in asking you questions like, "well, what if?" or "are you sure that's what you're suppose to do?" you know all the questions that really make you rethink what you are doing because someone else asked. My question to you would be, "where exactly does your trust God or man?" Man doesn't control or set your destiny God does...and if you are being obedient to what He has called you to do then He will provide! He's just GREAT like that. Don't give place to negativity; it is breeding ground for the enemy. Not trying to be overly spiritual but it's truth.

There are some really exciting things that are starting to unravel for my husband at work and as his wife I can either ask questions like, "well, are you sure... or what if?" but I believe that's not what God would have me do. I am called to be his helpmate and supporter so instead when he begins to doubt I shut down that mindset and 1) bring to remembrance the prophecies that were spoken over our household and his business & 2) remind him that in the natural it looks impossible but with God ALL things are possible. If it were possible to do in the natural then how much credit would we actually give God? Chances are none of it...and He knows it. That's why He operates in the SUPERNATURAL. Right? Make sense?

You may be a wife who needs to support your husband in the same manner or you may be a husband who needs to support your wife. Either way if God called you to do something and it seems impossible chances are it is but that's why you have God on your team! He is ABLE.

It's all about a changed mindset. When the world brings fear and doubt His word brings peace and hope!  
Romans 12:2 "Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." NLT

Just trust Him, be obedient and let Him show off BIG in your life! 

By Grace Alone,

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

New Season.

For the most part, the majority of us know when a new season is approaching & I don't mean because today is Wed., March 21st--the second day of Spring because the calendar says so or is it?
There is something that changes in the air...our environment. There's a shift that takes place allowing one season to end and another to begin. For me, the pollen and heat is a given that 'Spring has Sprung!' I didn't need to see it on a calendar or watch the news...I could feel it...There was a change that affected my body as a result of the shift that took place in the environment--the new season.

I won't go into a full blown Earth Science lesson here because that's not where I want our focus to stay and plus I am no longer a 6th grade teacher. However, there's a correlation between a physical and spiritual change.
When I was a teacher, Biblical integration was necessary. We were required to integrate Biblical principles/scripture(s) into "secular" curriculum. It was a must before our principal, who would pay a visit to "grade" us, as well as the accrediting team who put the stamp of approval on our school.

Anyways,so here is where the Biblical integration is going to take place: just like the change of seasons that take place here on Earth, we each experience seasonal changes in our own lives. You may be in a season of sewing and you  are....waiting...waiting...and still waiting...while others of you may be in a season of reaping. God tells us in Genesis 8:22, "While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease."

If you know anything about planting or gardening then you know that the minute you plant that seed there's not going to be an INSTANT harvest. There's the watering, the sun light & the natural maturation that needs to take place for a healthy, well nourished plant to blossom. Are you with me? Great! 
Just like in our own lives we go through different phases of maturation AKA growth spurts. God has each given us a purpose and destiny. With that being said, we all start off the same--a "seed" and from there is where our growth spurts vary. 
Ecclesiates 3:8 "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace."

There's no doubt that we reap what we sow--Biblical principle; however, the principle that we have a hard time grasping is that our season of harvest doesn't always come in the same season that we sowed our seed. Got me? I know. It's a hard concept for me to grasp much less type. The good news...the harvest WILL come...Why? We sowed our seed! The problem with instant gratification is that it isn't Biblical...plain and simple. It seems as though that is the American way of life--see it...get it! But that concept is totally contradictory to The Word. There's a reason why we must wait. There are lessons to be learned & most importantly there's got to be an unwavering faith and trust in the One who is watching, helping, and enabling us to grow bigger and stronger. He can be trusted. I promise. 
The biggest problem we face is when we are ready to 'throw in the towel' because it hasn't happened when we wanted it to. **NEWS FLASH** Prepare to keep waiting if that's your mindset. God knows best we don't. 

This is coming from a girl who is a fighter but almost got to a point in her life that 'throwing in the towel' was a better option. Thankfully I didn't listen to the lies of the enemy but I trusted in the One who had my life, my destiny, my purpose in the palm of his hand. As a result, I'm a little bit stronger today and my faith and trust is greater in Him. 

I will leave you with this verse in the hopes that whatever season of life you're in that you will cling to the One who knows your end from your beginning. Galatians 6:9, "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."

In His Timing,

P.S. I now must tend to my motherly's 11:03pm I should be asleep but I'm not and it's probably not a bad thing seeing as though my son is screaming in his crib and I have a husband who is out of town for the next few days! Just a season...right?!?!? ;)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


You may be like me when it comes to worship in that there are just a few of those songs out there that bring you to tears and maybe even your knees when you hear them.

Well, that was me this past Sunday. You may know it, 'Worthy is the Lamb!' It is a true worshipers song. It's a song that I know all the lyrics to and can have my eyes shut the entire time basking in the glory of the One who is SO worthy. It pretty much is my 'Thank You' song to my Heavenly Father.

I am a worshiper. I'm not a singer in the least bit, but I believe God doesn't care whether or not I can sing, heck if He wanted me to sing then he would have given me that ability but He didn't. He gave me the ability to worship! I'm so thankful that He has given me arms/hands to raise to Him and a mouth that can sing praises unto Him. I really believe He smiles down on his children who are unashamed to enter into his presence that way. There's so much freedom in being able to do so. I realize that for some it is uncomfortable at first (been there), but when you really understand what and who you are doing it for it doesn't matter who is looking at you. You aren't there to put on a show it's about glorifying the One who paid it all for me and you. The One who sacrificed his ONLY son (gulp) for us---undeserving...sinners. I get a lump in my throat just thinking about it. I have a son and right now he is my only son (child) and there is just NO WAY I could or would sacrifice him for anything or anyone. There is NO ONE deserving enough to me that I would send my son in your place. Did you get that? Did you think about your own child(ren) for a minute? If so, then you should have some serious conviction and gratitude to the One who DID do what we could never do.

At night, when I rock Bear in his nursery before putting him in his crib I typically will sing at least one song to him and it pretty much goes like this: 'Jesus loves Bear this I know...for the Bible tells me so...little ones to Him belong...they are weak...but Jesus is strong...Yes, Jesus loves Bear...Yes, Jesus loves Bear...etc...'
My prayer during that time with him is that God would instill in him a love for worshiping Him. Trey can sing & he has family members that do so as well...and there are plenty of singers on the Hartley side of my family so I can only hope he has that talent, but above all I want Him to be a worshiper. The one who at a very young age raises his hands before the Lord, eyes closed just fully engaged in the One who is worthy of it all.

When I was pregnant with Bear I would have visions of him standing in the front row at church with his hands stretched out as far as he could reach them. It was beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes. The irony in this is that when he was born we were told he couldn't hear. The devil is a liar. I laugh now because God is good and I believe that much more that those visions were from Him.

I write this blog to encourage you as a believer to really grab a hold of the fact that God enjoys when we worship and praise Him. Psalm 22:3 "Yet you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel." (NLT) And I don't mean just standing there singing a song. Let your guard down and I promise you that the feeling that overcomes you when you "let loose" is one of the greatest feelings ever. 
Most importantly, worship is our "repayment" to Him to show how appreciative we are for what He did for us. 

This boy gets it even at a young age. He is anointed. He is a worshiper. 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Double Whammy...

So this past week was a complete wash in the Sheneman household. On Monday of last week we woke up, had breakfast and headed to the gym...little did I know Bear and I were about to get tackled to the ground...and we were down for the count for a good 5 days.

There is nothing worse then watching your child vomit profusely in front of you. His sweet eyes would gaze up at me crying out for help and there wasn't a thing I could do for him but hold him in my arms, cup my hands to his mouth and pray that this would pass quickly.
Unfortunately, "passing quickly" was not going to be the case for my boy. I was by myself with Bear and towards the latter part of that day I began to feel nauseous. Unfortunately, diarrhea had reared it's ugly head and Bear was that much more pitiful. I managed to get him in the bath tub, grabbed the garbage can and sat next to him outside of the tub (I'll spare you the rest of the details). Needless to say, it was not a pretty site. It was at that point that I became so helpless and wondered how I was suppose to tend to him and take care of me.
Of course, it was the night that Trey had a business dinner to tend to. Thankfully Gigi showed up, mask and all, and then right behind her walked in Trey. I said, "Thank God" and headed back to the bathroom.

Seeing my son so sick was had gotten so  bad (no wet diapers in over 17hrs) that Trey & Gigi headed to Children's. I stayed back because I was still sick. Me sitting at home didn't last long as I called on a friend to take me to my boy. I couldn't not be there for him despite how incredibly awful I felt; It's a mamma thing. So, after some blood work, zofran and gatorade they sent us home. They told us if Bear didn't have a wet diaper in the next 4 hours that we were to head back to Children's. I was REALLY doing some praying. That was the last thing any of us wanted for him.

Praise Jesus for wet diapers! From there the diarrhea continued and a few isolated vomiting incidences occurred.  Meanwhile it was Wednesday and Trey was still feeling good (Praise Jesus), Gigi on the other hand not so much...and I can't say it escaped Trey because it didn't. But it's now Sunday and we all are doing well.

Boooo to the God awful stomach virus that reared it's ugly head in my home. Don't EVER come back here. Thank you.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I have lived in GA going on 3.5 years now and I am extremely grateful for the relationships I have formed.

I have to admit it hasn't been easy. Not when you have lived in one place your entire life and you move away in the middle of your 20's. However, God is slowly answering another desire of my heart--to bring authentic, trustworthy women into my life. Trust--HUGE deal to me.HUGE.HUGE.HUGE. Understand? :)
Lets face it ladies we aren't exactly known for being saints. Our mouths like to move.A LOT. Know what I mean? You do. Don't lie. ;)

So, I am thankful for those ladies who I know respect and love me enough to keep those things which I hold so dearly a "secret." You know those things that if you say them to just anyone they will look at you strangely or will have SOMETHING to say. I know you know what I am talking about.
Thankful for the girlfriends who don't judge but share the TRUTH (God's Word) in every situation I face. I have 3 of those ladies in my life and I am truly thankful for them. I literally can call them up even if we haven't spoken in a while and it is like a breath of fresh air to my soul.

You are probably asking, "how do you know they don't divulge your business?" Simple. If there is a girlfriend in your life who has no problem telling you about their friend or best friends "dirty" business then the likelihood of them sharing your "dirty" business is HIGH. Just a friendly FYI. Totally free of charge.This time.
Mind you, I realize that we ALL fall short of the glory of God and we are far from perfect, especially women, but the Bible is clear when it says in Proverbs 18:21 NLT, "  The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences." EEKS. If that doesn't make you wanna shut your trap then I don't know what will.

That certainly is not the friend that I want to be...and therefore, I look for girlfriends who desire the same thing.
Let me be clear in this blog as to not confuse anyone...but I once was in high school and guess what? I did these things...and it didn't make me look good either. BUT I'm an adult now with a family and I don't care to do those things anymore. Being a wife and a mom takes the energy out of me, leaving me no room to talk about someone else's drama or issues.

If you are the girlfriend that can be confided in, YOU ROCK, there are many a women in this world who would love to call you friend. God smiles down on it too; I know it. If you still have to work on that area of your life; it's ok just take steps to being a better friend and maybe this calls for a little confession time and I don't mean just before the Lord. :) God will honor you for that; I know it.

I celebrate my 3 girl friends tonight for honoring the Lord and respecting me. I am pretty sure they will have a diamond studded crown when they get to heaven. Can I just say that I get to hang out with one of them next week!!!! Totally excited. She has been "incognito" for a while due to a move and lots of working but I am totally excited that our babies will get to hang out and we will laugh and maybe even shed a few tears together. Who knows. I seriously think we were suppose to be blood sisters but God got confused and gave us separate mom's. I love her. I cherish her. I value her A LOT.

God calls us to authenticity in our walk before Him and in our family and friend relationships! Walk that out. Tomorrow is a new day!

Here's to TRUSTING and being TRUSTED...and to those of you, ladies, who desire the same pray that God would specifically bring a friend into your life who is that woman. They are out there. I believe it. I know it. He still answers prayers!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

14 months old!

Yep. February 9, 2012 we celebrated our son who turned 14 months old. He's such a cutie-pa-tootie! He makes me & Trey smile everyday and he is our biggest blessing.

Just a few things:
-The funny face

-He likes to excuse himself from the table by pushing against it so his chair slides back. Needless to say, the high chair is coming back down stairs!
-Can walk but chooses to still push his walker and everything else you can think of. 
-LOVES chicken. Enough said.
-Recently gave him grapes, apples, raisins, craisins, salad w/ ranch dressing, peanut butter, strawberries, cereal bars, watermelon & cantaloupe...
-He's been teething lately. Not surprised since I feel like he has been doing so since he was 7.5m old. His bottom molars are taking FOREVER...his top molars cut through and I didn't even know it until one day he just happened to tilt his head back with his mouth open & there they were. 

He most definitely is our pride and joy and we are blessed to call Bear our son! 

Monday, February 6, 2012


I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Lord does NOT ever give us more then we can handle. I believe it.  I rest in it. I find peace and comfort in it. So, I am pretty confident that what Trey and I walked through the last 3 years of our lives didn't catch God by surprise.

At the end of last year we were both at our breaking points. I had 2 nights away with friends that did my heart good. One friend introduced me to 'The Love Dare' and the other said this, "Are you willing to fight for it?"

All I can say is watching 'Fireproof' and doing "the Love Dare" are two TOTALLY different things. I did it. I completed it and I am thankful for the journey I was able to walk through. Thankful for my girlfriend who held me accountable and would check on me through out the dare. There were times when I told her it's going great and then there were times when I wanted to scream.
You know because us women are emotional beings! :)

Early on in the dare I learned that so often God reaches out to us, embraces us, welcomes us into his arms and we push him aside, put him on the back burner and attend to him when we need something. I thought about how he loves us despite our faults...yet he still expects us to change...but in the process his love never never gives up on me (us).

As I set out on the journey, I knew going in that it had nothing to do with wasn't about whether he responded kindly or not to certain gestures that were was more about what I was asking God to do in me and through me in our marriage. I certainly was not and am not the perfect wife. However, I am on a journey called marriage and as many of you know it is not an easy one. We have been through hell and back and I truly believe God is smiling down on the both of us right now as we have chosen to keep our covenant before Him and each other.
I believe with all my heart that we will one day stand before other married couples who may be going through trials in their marriage and their only source of hope is to hear our story. A story of two very flawed people who were willing to die to themselves in order to see God's hand of grace and mercy at work in their lives--in their marriage.

Thank you to those who supported us through. Thank you for not pointing fingers or pointing blame. Thank you for being more concerned about the solution then anything else. Thank you for praying me and Trey through it. We are a better couple today because of it...not perfect but better.

Here's to the past 3years babe....and the next 60 we have ahead of us!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


It's one of the things that I need to stay sane and happy. How Trey and I got through Bear's "insomnia" stage from 6-12months of age I have no idea. It was down right hellacious. I can honestly say if it hadn't been for friends who were with us the night we started letting Bear cry it out we would still be sleep deprived and irritable. Bear would still be waking up 2-3 hrs. during the night and our lives would  be miserable.

I'm very thankful for those friends and for the strength that God gave us to resist going into our crying, no wait--screaming child. Oh it was SO painful. However, at the end of the day we were doing more harm then good for Bear. We realize that now. Selfishly we would get him because it was easier then hearing him cry. I'm just being honest...BUT, thankfully, we stuck to our New Year's Plan and as a result we have a baby who sleeps uninterrupted for 12hrs through the night. PRAISE JESUS!

As painful as it was, for all of us, it was well worth it. Bear is getting plenty of rest and so are we! It's BLISS. He is a happier baby and our home is better because of crazy as that sounds.
Sleep is a vital part of our lives and our bodies require it. I read about the benefits of people getting at least 8 hrs. of sleep a night. Y'all sleep affects our health in so many ways. Research it. You will be amazed at what you read.

There you have short story on sleep and how it changed our lives! Who would have thought! :)

Happy Super Bowl Sunday...and to the calories I'm NOT counting today! ;)


Friday, February 3, 2012

I'm SOOOO Excited!!!

Many of you will ask "WHY?" BUT after I tell you the MAJOR perk you will see why...


I will be going back to WORK...not teaching but at a place where I know I am going to love. The women are super sweet and are so excited for me to join them. The biggest blessing in all of this is that I get to take Bear to work with me!!! Umm...don't be jealous! ;) Sounds like the best job on Earth to me. I won't be making 6 figures but the fact that I get to take my son to work with me is priceless. I'm just thankful that the Lord answered my prayer and opened up a door for my family; that's a blessing if I do say so myself!

I actually will be working in the kids room at the gym that Trey and I workout at. Totally thrilled about it because it's a great environment, fun kids, and I get to wear workout clothes (if I want) and tennis shoes. It doesn't get much better then that people...and did I mention that I get to bring my son with me?!?!? :)

Sounds like a great start to my weekend! To top it off, Trey and I are celebrating our 3rd Wedding Anniversary a little early! Bear will be staying the night with Gigi & Poppa and mama & daddy will get to have a FUN night out together...a little dinner, a movie and some yogurt!

Happy Friday Y'all! Enjoy the weekend with the ones you love most.


Tuesday, January 31, 2012


My last post was about the 12 week challenge Trey and I are doing at Gold's. Once again, so proud of his dedication and early am workouts he is putting in!

When Trey signed up to do it I had no desire...just being honest. It wasn't that I had no desire to get healthy I just wanted the competition to be all about him and supporting him along the way...until he looked at me and said, "have you seen the girl that won last year? She is bigger then you are currently, and I really think you could win it." Me: "Really? Nah." Well, I guess my husband believed enough in me that I said ok.

I brought out a few bikini's and decided on the one was I was going to "model." And I say "model" very humbly because boy was it a sight to behold. The REAL humbling part came when I got an email with all my measurements and then there was me in my little teal bikini--front side and back side...I think I screamed in horror!
Mind you, the last time I wore a bikini was pre-Bear and pre-Trey, so like 4 years ago....and I really don't care anything about wearing a bikini now...BUT, if after this 12 week challenge I look like a new woman physically you betcha I will be proudly wearing my little teal bikini! I even say that modestly because I certainly will not be wearing it for the wrong intentions or so that I can plaster pics all over the place but more about the accomplishment. I CAN DO IT! Sometimes you just need to give yourself a pep talk. For real.
Well, actually, my pics may be plastered all over Gold's gym when I win this thing! ;)

At the end, of these remaining 11weeks, my goal is to have shed 20lbs.--that doesn't include inches lost and muscle gained. I have already lost 45lbs. and 20 of that came off pretty quickly after having Bear--I call that 'The Bear Weight..and then some' & then there's 'The Trey Weight.' LOL
So, you do the math... a total of 65lbs gained over the last few years. YIKES.
I'll never forget when a member of Trey's family noticed with in months of me living here that I had already gained weight. I laugh now because I was like maybe 5-10lbs. heavier...and then it started adding up. What can I say love and the south did something to me! :)

On a serious note, I really hated that I gained some serious weight only because I knew it was a struggle for Trey. I didn't help in the least bit like I said I would and for that I have carried around some guilt. However, I am thankful that times have changed and that's not the case anymore. Our lives have changed for the better and we are taking back our health & our bodies!

Here's to another New Year's Resolution and the 12 week challenge....


P.S. I have been blessed with a coach at Gold's who is also a trainer and teaches the Turbo class I take along with the ab class and a few others. She technically wasn't assigned to me but the other lady is pregnant and, well, not sure how much of a help she's going to be, ya know? I'm "IN IT...TO WIN IT," and need a hardcore coach. Extremely thankful that Natasha has taken me under her wing! She actually did my weigh in on Monday and before I got on the scale I asked her how much she thought I weighed. She preceded to grab my arms/shoulders and my legs and said her guess. I chuckled but thought I sure hide my "junk" well. She was off by 10lbs. That's totally ok because those 10lbs will be off before I know it.

By the way, I totally realize that I am super transparent and I don't hide that. I have nothing to hide and believe that someone will read this blog and need the encouragement to know that they can "lose it" too. If that's you...YOU CAN DO IT!

Monday, January 30, 2012


Well, Bear's 1st set of molars have cut through up top; poor guy. That explains the fever Saturday evening and the fussy boy we've had on our hands for the last few days. As much as I hate him being in pain Hurricaine gel & some extra cuddles for me make for one happy momma and hopefully, a some what relieved Bear.
However, I totally hate it for him, but it's one of those things that has to happen. You know, because walking around toothless would be pretty odd and would REALLY gross me out. Sorry, I have a thing about teeth.

So, here's to 10 teeth for my, going on, 14 month old. He may be pushing 12 real soon as his bottom gums have been hard for a while now, and I am beginning to feel those little suckers start to make their appearance as they begin to penetrate his tender gums. Bless him. I say, "HURRY UP."

Happy Monday!


P.S. My poor husband is serving at jury duty today. I'm praying that he doesn't get picked like a friend of ours was. He is in superior court which is where all the murderers, rapists and crazy people go. Needless to say, I'm saying a few extra prayers for him today.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Proud Wife!

Trey and I have been working out A LOT. Honestly, if I had worked out this hard 10 years ago I probably would have weighed 115lbs. and been RIPPED; however, I wasn't then and I'm certainly not anywhere near that right now. Plus, 10 years later came marriage and a baby...and, well, we all know, ladies, what that can do to your body! Unless, of course, you are naturally skinny and/or have the financial freedom to go get everything nipped and tucked! Neither of those apply to me...but that's OK. I'm enjoying reaping the benefits of getting healthy on my own and seeing my body change gradually...

Moving on, this blog is not about me but my husband. Up until recently he had been on a "diet" that was not really focused on how much food you were putting into your body but about what you weren't allowed to eat.
I don't know about you but if I am told I can't eat this or that it is the first thing I crave on day 1. Know what I mean?
Anyways, he had done that "diet" religiously and I was proud of him for sticking with it...however, I was concerned that he wasn't losing because of the amount of food he was consuming. I asked him if he would consider counting calories with me and to be mindful of what sort of foods he was taking in. He said, "ok!"

After a week of being on the new plan, he weighed in this morning and lost 7LBS. WooHoo! He has been working incredibly hard at the gym and I couldn't be more proud of him!
So, thankful that my husband desires more out of his health.

Bear and I decided that we would encourage Trey just a bit, so we got busy using Post-its. We wanted Trey to know that we were cheering him on every step of the way so we posted some inspirational stuff on his bathroom mirror. That way every morning when he looks in the mirror he sees himself as a conqueror...who is able...because he was made for victory!

 **That's me on the left and Trey on the right! ;)

We do believe in you and we  love you more then words can say. We are cheering you on every step of the way and can't wait for you to reap the benefits of your hard work!

Here's to 12 weeks and the rest of our lives! Go get em' babe!

Friday, January 27, 2012

"My Soul Sings...

My soul I love you!"

I tweeted these song lyrics a few days ago and last night my soul was truly singing; in fact, it was worshiping a God who I know loves and cares for me and my family more then I will ever physically, emotionally and spiritually be able to ever comprehend.
God is good!

As the night was coming to an end for American Idol there was one last contestant who needed to be heard. The glimpse of the young man, with curly dark hair, covering his ears had a powerful story that he was about to share. The moment Ramiro said, "“I wasn't born normal. I came out a bit different." I looked over at Trey and said, "he was born with the same thing Bear has." The commercials aired and then he was back to disclose his full story, excuse me, his testimony. As we listened Trey kept saying, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus." Tears grew bigger and bigger in my eyes and then he sang Amazing Grace. WOW. The tears were rolling down my face by the time he was done. 
God is good! 

Trey and I on so many levels can relate to this young man's parents. The unknown's of what Bear was up against when he was born left us speechless and heartbroken BUT God is good. I can still hear the words spoken to me by a good friend-Lauren- the Sunday before Bear was born. She looked at me and said, "The Lord wants me to tell you that Bear is going to be quick to hear slow to speak....BUT when he speaks he will speak with wisdom beyond his years." Mind you we had NO IDEA what we were about to face when Bear was born that Thursday morning--no idea. So, that was my hope in what seemed like a hopeless situation. God is good! 

This morning at the gym I got to share of God's goodness to some other mom's about Ramiro and Bear. Might I just add that Bear is a BIG SHOT in the nursery at Gold's. The mamma's and girls that work there have nothing but sweet things to say about my boy. So glad to know that he is loved on while I'm being worked to death in Turbo. :)
God is good!

This has been my biggest prayer for my family that despite what life throws us, which it has handed us some pretty heavy blows-that blog will come later, that God would be glorified in our midst and that people would see his faithfulness and goodness despite the trials.
God is good!

Remember that the next time you are faced with a situation that has left you feeling depleted...cling to the only source of HOPE who IS ABLE to extend his love and grace, who IS ABLE to speak words that won't ever come out wrong but will be uplifting and encouraging!

Here's Ramiro if you weren't able to watch American Idol last night!
God is good!

In just a few short years (I say "short" because I know they will FLY by), my boy will be old enough to have a CT scan of his ears. From there will be the determining factor to see if he is a candidate for canal plasty (where they go in and create an ear canal in each ear); however, I am clinging to hope that my son has ear canals and that the canal plasty surgery won't be necessary. Until I'm told otherwise I choose to believe and walk in faith. 

1 Corinthians 1:27 
But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.

Believe and walk by faith! We are commanded to do so. 

Have a great weekend y'all!


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Carrots & a little "Peek-a-Boo!"

A few post back I made mention that Bear LOVES carrots. The boy can throw some down.No.lie.
Here's a few pics to prove it.

Something must have been really funny here...

...And I can't forget about a little friendly game of "Peek-a-Boo!" The boy cracks me up and definitely has a personality on doubt about that one. He knows what he'll just be nice when he actually can speak, with words, what he wants. This is Bear hiding his eyes/face from me. 

"I'm not done yet, mom!"  I tend to do what he "says" in cases such as this one... I just keep playing along with him until he is tired of hiding his face. 

There are days, many of them, when I just look at Bear and see God's grace and favor. Last night as we sat around the dinner table, as a family, I looked at Trey and said, "Can you believe it? He is apart of us." He is our flesh and blood in his own person. It's moments like these that take me back to our first pregnancy. As sad as miscarriage is I still believe that God's grace and favor rest on those of us who have experienced that sort of loss. When you think about the complexity of creating a child it TRULY is by God's grace that we are even able to conceive. Know what I mean? So, when I look at this sweet face I am reminded that much more of God's grace and favor on our lives. If you are a woman who has a child or children, whether by conception or adoption, you are blessed and highly favored. Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him. Psalm 127:3

Bear closes this blog out with saying, "PEEK-A-BOO!" I'm thinking this is a game that will never grow old to him. In fact, I picture him running around this house hiding from us & jumping out of a room to say, "PEEK-A-BOO!" 

Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Savannah, GA

What a time we had in Savannah. It was our first mini vacation since Bear was born. It was good for me, good for Trey and GREAT for our marriage.

Seeing as though Trey does business with hotels he was able to get us a deal on a hotel that backed up to the river- The Grand Bohemian. It was absolutely beautiful--different, but beautiful!
We walked, saw a Christmas Musical, ate at Lady and Son's, ate some more, saw New Year's Eve and just really enjoyed the time we had with each other. No real worries....reality kind of left me for those 2 days and it was nice.

It was as if I was a teenager again and the only worry I had was putting gas in my car. I laugh at that thought. You know what I mean?

Here's some pics to highlight our trip!

 That was our view from our room.
Me and Trey with Paula. Something is wrong with this picture..She and I look the same size and I'm pretty sure she is a tad bit bigger then me. Observation made solely on watching her "cook in the kitchen." :)

Man vs. food recently appeared at Sweet Potatoes. They are known for their banana pudding but their Peach BBQ sauce was so TASTY! It was a very light sauce and the peach added some sweetness to it. YUM!
Our last night in Savannah...we ate at Vic's on the River. By far the best food we ate on our trip. Great ambiance, prices were very reasonable and it was just the two of us. It was a great way to end our trip!

Looking forward to our next getaway!

A Little Hiatus...

I made the decision when our church called for a 21 day fast that Facebook along with food would be part of my fast. However, I am keeping everyone abreast via pics of Bear, my weight loss & exercise regimen and my blog. I figure if I'm not able to know what's going on in y'alls lives via Facebook then I'll let you keep up with mine...if you want too, of course.

A week ago Sunday was the last time I was on FB... I even deleted the app on my phone as well. Some of y'all probably think I'm crazy because, whether you want to admit it or not, FB has sucked us in & for the majority of us it consumes/wastes our time.
I love looking at pictures of those who I don't see on a regular basis and friends who I haven't seen in forever. That's pretty much all I like to do on FB besides posting status updates. Trey would tell me I am a "picture stalker" and there is probably some truth to that...but I can't help it I LOVE looking at pictures! I take that back I can help it and I am doing it!
I guess I am the type of person when I commit to doing something then I do it and complete it; I have my strong will to thank for that!

Please don't feel as though I am ignoring you if you post something and I don't respond...for a while. Everything I post is through other means on my phone. Instagram gives me the option to post to fb & so does the myfitnesspal app.

With that being said, know that I miss all of you in FB world and I hope the New Year has been good to you thus far.

Here's to New Resolutions...


P.S. May I just add that not having the FB app on my phone has done wonders to my battery life! ;)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Pediatrician Change

I made a switch-a-roo regarding Bear's Pediatrician. There were some concerns that we had regarding Bear and I needed a Pediatrician who was on the same page as us when it came to the well-being of our son. I'm not saying in the least bit that the former pediatrician we had was bad, she was just more of the "wait and see" approach, and, well, that's not exactly how I "roll."

I was introduced to our current pediatrician by a lady who works with my mother-in-law. She told me Dr. Dickerson was phenomenal and was up-to-date & very knowledgeable about children with special needs.

So, I made an appointment with her as I felt it was necessary to interrogate her just a little bit. :) Oh.My.Word. I was overly impressed and the fact that she applauded me for being on top of things reassured me that much more that she was for the well being of my son too! Can I get an Amen?

She had a plan in place for Bear and it was one that we had already decided on for him...we just needed a doctor who believed what we believed and she did! It honestly was an answer to pray.

I didn't care that her office is in a mom I am willing to do whatever it takes, go wherever I need to go to have that peace of mind that my son is being seen by someone who cares about his health and well-being just as much as we do.

She was patient, took her time with us and even shed a few tears with me! Ummm...hello?

Needless to say, I was convinced she was God sent and we are thankful that Bear is under the right care for his needs moving forward.