Saturday, April 7, 2012

Good Friday!

I can honestly say in my 28 years of life this Easter has more meaning to me then any other. That probably may sound really pathetic, but now that I am a parent my world operates differently. I see things through the eyes of a parent; naturally, of course.

Bear has not been feeling good and has been running a low grade fever since early Friday morning. As a result, he is extra cuddly and whiny but who wouldn't be?
As I held him very close, in his nursery, while we rocked I couldn't help but think about how great, how deep, how wide the Father's love is for us. I know the love I have for my son and, well, there are no words that were ever written to express or show the love I have for him...the crazy thing is that the Lord's love surpasses my ability to love. How absolutely crazy is that? It's hard at times to wrap my mind around, but it's true. There technically are no words to express his love for us either but through action only as He sent his one and only son to hang on that old rugged cross to carry our shame, our sin, and our sorrows.

So, the next time you feel ashamed, unworthy, unloved you better think again. The God I know sacrificially sent his Son to take on all of that so you didn't have to.  The God I serve, his love surpasses that of an earthly parent's love and a spouse's love. Lord knows I need to be reminded of this and maybe you do too!

Enjoy the weekend with your family and if you want have an Easter egg hunt for your kids, but first instill in them what Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday (actually Monday) are really all about. Explain to them that there's a God that loves them more then you do and as a result He sent his son that we would have life and have it more abundantly. That through Jesus' obedience we are no longer condemned to hell but are able to spend eternity with the One who loves us most. That's the real meaning behind Easter...make sure they know it!

He has Risen!
