Sunday, January 29, 2012

Proud Wife!

Trey and I have been working out A LOT. Honestly, if I had worked out this hard 10 years ago I probably would have weighed 115lbs. and been RIPPED; however, I wasn't then and I'm certainly not anywhere near that right now. Plus, 10 years later came marriage and a baby...and, well, we all know, ladies, what that can do to your body! Unless, of course, you are naturally skinny and/or have the financial freedom to go get everything nipped and tucked! Neither of those apply to me...but that's OK. I'm enjoying reaping the benefits of getting healthy on my own and seeing my body change gradually...

Moving on, this blog is not about me but my husband. Up until recently he had been on a "diet" that was not really focused on how much food you were putting into your body but about what you weren't allowed to eat.
I don't know about you but if I am told I can't eat this or that it is the first thing I crave on day 1. Know what I mean?
Anyways, he had done that "diet" religiously and I was proud of him for sticking with it...however, I was concerned that he wasn't losing because of the amount of food he was consuming. I asked him if he would consider counting calories with me and to be mindful of what sort of foods he was taking in. He said, "ok!"

After a week of being on the new plan, he weighed in this morning and lost 7LBS. WooHoo! He has been working incredibly hard at the gym and I couldn't be more proud of him!
So, thankful that my husband desires more out of his health.

Bear and I decided that we would encourage Trey just a bit, so we got busy using Post-its. We wanted Trey to know that we were cheering him on every step of the way so we posted some inspirational stuff on his bathroom mirror. That way every morning when he looks in the mirror he sees himself as a conqueror...who is able...because he was made for victory!

 **That's me on the left and Trey on the right! ;)

We do believe in you and we  love you more then words can say. We are cheering you on every step of the way and can't wait for you to reap the benefits of your hard work!

Here's to 12 weeks and the rest of our lives! Go get em' babe!