Sunday, February 26, 2012

Double Whammy...

So this past week was a complete wash in the Sheneman household. On Monday of last week we woke up, had breakfast and headed to the gym...little did I know Bear and I were about to get tackled to the ground...and we were down for the count for a good 5 days.

There is nothing worse then watching your child vomit profusely in front of you. His sweet eyes would gaze up at me crying out for help and there wasn't a thing I could do for him but hold him in my arms, cup my hands to his mouth and pray that this would pass quickly.
Unfortunately, "passing quickly" was not going to be the case for my boy. I was by myself with Bear and towards the latter part of that day I began to feel nauseous. Unfortunately, diarrhea had reared it's ugly head and Bear was that much more pitiful. I managed to get him in the bath tub, grabbed the garbage can and sat next to him outside of the tub (I'll spare you the rest of the details). Needless to say, it was not a pretty site. It was at that point that I became so helpless and wondered how I was suppose to tend to him and take care of me.
Of course, it was the night that Trey had a business dinner to tend to. Thankfully Gigi showed up, mask and all, and then right behind her walked in Trey. I said, "Thank God" and headed back to the bathroom.

Seeing my son so sick was had gotten so  bad (no wet diapers in over 17hrs) that Trey & Gigi headed to Children's. I stayed back because I was still sick. Me sitting at home didn't last long as I called on a friend to take me to my boy. I couldn't not be there for him despite how incredibly awful I felt; It's a mamma thing. So, after some blood work, zofran and gatorade they sent us home. They told us if Bear didn't have a wet diaper in the next 4 hours that we were to head back to Children's. I was REALLY doing some praying. That was the last thing any of us wanted for him.

Praise Jesus for wet diapers! From there the diarrhea continued and a few isolated vomiting incidences occurred.  Meanwhile it was Wednesday and Trey was still feeling good (Praise Jesus), Gigi on the other hand not so much...and I can't say it escaped Trey because it didn't. But it's now Sunday and we all are doing well.

Boooo to the God awful stomach virus that reared it's ugly head in my home. Don't EVER come back here. Thank you.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I have lived in GA going on 3.5 years now and I am extremely grateful for the relationships I have formed.

I have to admit it hasn't been easy. Not when you have lived in one place your entire life and you move away in the middle of your 20's. However, God is slowly answering another desire of my heart--to bring authentic, trustworthy women into my life. Trust--HUGE deal to me.HUGE.HUGE.HUGE. Understand? :)
Lets face it ladies we aren't exactly known for being saints. Our mouths like to move.A LOT. Know what I mean? You do. Don't lie. ;)

So, I am thankful for those ladies who I know respect and love me enough to keep those things which I hold so dearly a "secret." You know those things that if you say them to just anyone they will look at you strangely or will have SOMETHING to say. I know you know what I am talking about.
Thankful for the girlfriends who don't judge but share the TRUTH (God's Word) in every situation I face. I have 3 of those ladies in my life and I am truly thankful for them. I literally can call them up even if we haven't spoken in a while and it is like a breath of fresh air to my soul.

You are probably asking, "how do you know they don't divulge your business?" Simple. If there is a girlfriend in your life who has no problem telling you about their friend or best friends "dirty" business then the likelihood of them sharing your "dirty" business is HIGH. Just a friendly FYI. Totally free of charge.This time.
Mind you, I realize that we ALL fall short of the glory of God and we are far from perfect, especially women, but the Bible is clear when it says in Proverbs 18:21 NLT, "  The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences." EEKS. If that doesn't make you wanna shut your trap then I don't know what will.

That certainly is not the friend that I want to be...and therefore, I look for girlfriends who desire the same thing.
Let me be clear in this blog as to not confuse anyone...but I once was in high school and guess what? I did these things...and it didn't make me look good either. BUT I'm an adult now with a family and I don't care to do those things anymore. Being a wife and a mom takes the energy out of me, leaving me no room to talk about someone else's drama or issues.

If you are the girlfriend that can be confided in, YOU ROCK, there are many a women in this world who would love to call you friend. God smiles down on it too; I know it. If you still have to work on that area of your life; it's ok just take steps to being a better friend and maybe this calls for a little confession time and I don't mean just before the Lord. :) God will honor you for that; I know it.

I celebrate my 3 girl friends tonight for honoring the Lord and respecting me. I am pretty sure they will have a diamond studded crown when they get to heaven. Can I just say that I get to hang out with one of them next week!!!! Totally excited. She has been "incognito" for a while due to a move and lots of working but I am totally excited that our babies will get to hang out and we will laugh and maybe even shed a few tears together. Who knows. I seriously think we were suppose to be blood sisters but God got confused and gave us separate mom's. I love her. I cherish her. I value her A LOT.

God calls us to authenticity in our walk before Him and in our family and friend relationships! Walk that out. Tomorrow is a new day!

Here's to TRUSTING and being TRUSTED...and to those of you, ladies, who desire the same pray that God would specifically bring a friend into your life who is that woman. They are out there. I believe it. I know it. He still answers prayers!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

14 months old!

Yep. February 9, 2012 we celebrated our son who turned 14 months old. He's such a cutie-pa-tootie! He makes me & Trey smile everyday and he is our biggest blessing.

Just a few things:
-The funny face

-He likes to excuse himself from the table by pushing against it so his chair slides back. Needless to say, the high chair is coming back down stairs!
-Can walk but chooses to still push his walker and everything else you can think of. 
-LOVES chicken. Enough said.
-Recently gave him grapes, apples, raisins, craisins, salad w/ ranch dressing, peanut butter, strawberries, cereal bars, watermelon & cantaloupe...
-He's been teething lately. Not surprised since I feel like he has been doing so since he was 7.5m old. His bottom molars are taking FOREVER...his top molars cut through and I didn't even know it until one day he just happened to tilt his head back with his mouth open & there they were. 

He most definitely is our pride and joy and we are blessed to call Bear our son! 

Monday, February 6, 2012


I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Lord does NOT ever give us more then we can handle. I believe it.  I rest in it. I find peace and comfort in it. So, I am pretty confident that what Trey and I walked through the last 3 years of our lives didn't catch God by surprise.

At the end of last year we were both at our breaking points. I had 2 nights away with friends that did my heart good. One friend introduced me to 'The Love Dare' and the other said this, "Are you willing to fight for it?"

All I can say is watching 'Fireproof' and doing "the Love Dare" are two TOTALLY different things. I did it. I completed it and I am thankful for the journey I was able to walk through. Thankful for my girlfriend who held me accountable and would check on me through out the dare. There were times when I told her it's going great and then there were times when I wanted to scream.
You know because us women are emotional beings! :)

Early on in the dare I learned that so often God reaches out to us, embraces us, welcomes us into his arms and we push him aside, put him on the back burner and attend to him when we need something. I thought about how he loves us despite our faults...yet he still expects us to change...but in the process his love never never gives up on me (us).

As I set out on the journey, I knew going in that it had nothing to do with wasn't about whether he responded kindly or not to certain gestures that were was more about what I was asking God to do in me and through me in our marriage. I certainly was not and am not the perfect wife. However, I am on a journey called marriage and as many of you know it is not an easy one. We have been through hell and back and I truly believe God is smiling down on the both of us right now as we have chosen to keep our covenant before Him and each other.
I believe with all my heart that we will one day stand before other married couples who may be going through trials in their marriage and their only source of hope is to hear our story. A story of two very flawed people who were willing to die to themselves in order to see God's hand of grace and mercy at work in their lives--in their marriage.

Thank you to those who supported us through. Thank you for not pointing fingers or pointing blame. Thank you for being more concerned about the solution then anything else. Thank you for praying me and Trey through it. We are a better couple today because of it...not perfect but better.

Here's to the past 3years babe....and the next 60 we have ahead of us!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


It's one of the things that I need to stay sane and happy. How Trey and I got through Bear's "insomnia" stage from 6-12months of age I have no idea. It was down right hellacious. I can honestly say if it hadn't been for friends who were with us the night we started letting Bear cry it out we would still be sleep deprived and irritable. Bear would still be waking up 2-3 hrs. during the night and our lives would  be miserable.

I'm very thankful for those friends and for the strength that God gave us to resist going into our crying, no wait--screaming child. Oh it was SO painful. However, at the end of the day we were doing more harm then good for Bear. We realize that now. Selfishly we would get him because it was easier then hearing him cry. I'm just being honest...BUT, thankfully, we stuck to our New Year's Plan and as a result we have a baby who sleeps uninterrupted for 12hrs through the night. PRAISE JESUS!

As painful as it was, for all of us, it was well worth it. Bear is getting plenty of rest and so are we! It's BLISS. He is a happier baby and our home is better because of crazy as that sounds.
Sleep is a vital part of our lives and our bodies require it. I read about the benefits of people getting at least 8 hrs. of sleep a night. Y'all sleep affects our health in so many ways. Research it. You will be amazed at what you read.

There you have short story on sleep and how it changed our lives! Who would have thought! :)

Happy Super Bowl Sunday...and to the calories I'm NOT counting today! ;)


Friday, February 3, 2012

I'm SOOOO Excited!!!

Many of you will ask "WHY?" BUT after I tell you the MAJOR perk you will see why...


I will be going back to WORK...not teaching but at a place where I know I am going to love. The women are super sweet and are so excited for me to join them. The biggest blessing in all of this is that I get to take Bear to work with me!!! Umm...don't be jealous! ;) Sounds like the best job on Earth to me. I won't be making 6 figures but the fact that I get to take my son to work with me is priceless. I'm just thankful that the Lord answered my prayer and opened up a door for my family; that's a blessing if I do say so myself!

I actually will be working in the kids room at the gym that Trey and I workout at. Totally thrilled about it because it's a great environment, fun kids, and I get to wear workout clothes (if I want) and tennis shoes. It doesn't get much better then that people...and did I mention that I get to bring my son with me?!?!? :)

Sounds like a great start to my weekend! To top it off, Trey and I are celebrating our 3rd Wedding Anniversary a little early! Bear will be staying the night with Gigi & Poppa and mama & daddy will get to have a FUN night out together...a little dinner, a movie and some yogurt!

Happy Friday Y'all! Enjoy the weekend with the ones you love most.
