Friday, March 25, 2011

Fasting to Be Seen Only by God!

**Disclaimer** This blog is not meant to tear down, but to build up. So, have an open heart and open mind. Let this convict you (in a good way) to fast before the Lord about break through in your own household. Ladies and gentlemen, the world around us is dark and dim, we need every ounce of power we can muster. Enjoy!

Matthew 6:16-18

"Moreover, when you fast, do not be like the hypocrites, with a sad countenance. For they disfigure their faces that they may appear to men to be fasting. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly."

I was astonished when I once heard a pastor say, " I have never heard of "fasting" before! Ummmm....really? Did you just completely skip through the book of Daniel? Wait. What about Isaiah 58, Matthew 6, Matthew 9, Luke 18, Zechariah 7, 1 Corinthians 7 etc...Or what about the fact that Jesus fasted for 40 days?

I am a firm believer in fasting. Why shouldn't I be? The Bible discusses it in more than one book, so why should I feel exempt from doing it? After all, if we are to model Jesus Christ, who fasted for 40 days, then why isn't the church inclined to fast?
Well, I think I have a pretty good idea! Does it cost you anything to pray? To read your Bible? To attend church? You may be saying, "yea, my time." Well, if that's the case, you may need to examine your walk with the Lord...if it's such a burden then maybe you need to revisit what it means to have the joy of the Lord! Just sayin'
Fasting causes us to hunger.Physically. And, well, we don't like to hunger, esp. when there is a pantry full of delicious foods calling out our name! But, that's just it. Think about the "hunger" that Jesus felt when he withdrew himself from people and from food? Not to mention, the temptation and daily attack from the enemy. Yet his reward was great!

Do I think God will withhold things from us if we don't fast? No. I will say this much, I believe some break throughs will only come through fasting, prayer and worship! I just don't mean one over the other...I mean all three working together!

I have done it in my own life and I have seen God's hand of provision work in a mighty, mighty way! Granted I haven't been on one in like 3 years...but, I recently changed that. There were somethings going on with my son, and I was really believing for breakthrough for my husband and a job. We are blessed to have jobs and it allows me the opportunity to work from home! However, the gas is ever increasing and my husband spends A LOT of time on the road. Needless to say, a good chunk of our pay was going towards gas, car maintenance and him eating out...

So, at 2am a few weeks back, I finally said, "enough is enough!" I was over it! I was doing it. I was going to fast again. Only liquids.
Would you know that within those few days I started to see such a difference in my son? No lie! Some things only come out through prayer and fasting! AND, with in the next few days my husband got a call, from out of the blue, about interviewing for a job that he is completely under qualified for and never sought out.. Yep. That's right. He got it! Some things only come out through prayer and fasting! All within that time frame we found out that Bear's ear surgery will cost, give or take, $100,000 dollars. Yes. $100,000 dollars. Granted by the time he is old enough to have it, I'm sure it will cost way more...

With that being said, we are slowly shifting into our new season. THANK YOU, LORD!!! It has been the longest year and a half of our lives. All in all-- He is faithful-- just like He said He would be! And, as his children, we will be too!

Be Blessed!


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Momma thoughts...

There is no greater joy than being a momma; however, why is it also the most scariest feeling in the world?
Ya know:
I'm now responsible for another completely dependant, human life...and guess what? No daily guide on how to raise a human being. Nice!

I want to take away the hurt and pain.
I really wish I could know what you are thinking.
Will you add something positive to our very corrupt society?
Will you shine the light of Jesus in all that you say and do?
Will you be a leader and not a follower?
Will you be full of poise and valor?
Will you be humble?

The list could go on....

But, I will close with this...what did I do to deserve such a miracle???

There are a million, trillion things that pass my mind everday. My prayer is that I will always be a momma who is: patient, loving, kind, and gentle but be firm, stern, and understanding when the time comes.

I am sure you momma's can relate. Right? You seasoned momma's could probably add to this list very easily. I probably could write a book with all of the random 'momma thoughts!'
Most importantly, I will always be a 'praying momma!'

Friday, March 18, 2011

It's a New Day!

And what a glorious day it was!

I expected to see a whole new baby when you had the hearing aid put on...but, nope, you took it in stride...You looked around rapidly but no HUGE reaction...I expected tears, uncontrollable tears but then again you have always been able to you just hear CLEARLY!

It was St. Patrick's Day and your Memaw sent you a St.Patricks's Day outfit! All the ladies commented on how cute you were, all decked out in your Irish gear...Afterall, you are Irish!

We are going to get you a new band, the one you currently have doesn't fit too well on your head...So, I'm sure once we get you set up with a good band you will be good to go!
The doctor said it will take you a couple of months to be able to identify where the sound is coming is as if you are a newborn baby all over again! Your ears are technically 2 days old today; that's pretty amazing.
Your daddy and I are so extremely grateful...God has been good to us! To think there are babies who are born with out any nerves at all, it's reassuring to me that you have all nerves intact and can hear at an amazing level.
You are a special little boy! Did you know that most patients who have either bilateral or unilateral microtia atresia can only hear at 40-50 decibals? You can hear at 20!!! Praise the Lord!

One day when you are able to have a CT scan, around 4 or 5, your daddy and I are beleiving that everything will be perfectly intact and all they will have to do is open up the skin leading into your ear canal. When that happens you will no longer need to wear a hearing aid!!! They will just reconstruct your ear to make it a "normal" size!

I certainly am not rushing those years because I have already been told, over and over again, that you will grow up way too fast! So, for now, we will enjoy your cute little band around your head and work around the whole hearing aid thing. No biggie.

By the way, you are a STUD! See?

3 months old!

This is very cliche but where has the time gone?

You have already proven to be a fighter and have overcome so much. Your daddy and I are certain that there is an anointing on you that is unexplainable. It was prophesied over you when you were in my womb and it's evident considering all that you have gone through. We know that the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy but the ONE has come that you would have life and have it more abundantly.
So,we will uphold our duty as your parents to train you up in the way of the Lord.

Just some things that you are doing:
1) Smiling
2) Sitting up in your bumbo
3) Making noises
4) Plenty of funny facial expressions
5) Pulling on momma's hair. OUCH.
6) Grasping for things
7) Fist pumping! ;) Now we just have to teach you the fireworks move!
8) Putting your fingers in your mouth...not sure about the whole thumb just yet.
9) You can hold something but not for very long.
10)You like to put objects in your mouth if I put them to your face.
11)You can sleep at least 8 hrs. through the night.
12)You drink about 5oz. every 3.5-4 hrs.
13)You suck a paci for soothing...other than that you want no part of it.
14)There is a cry you make which reveals frustration but only proves determination.
15)You are drawn to the light. I think I will be buying you sunglasses soon!
16)You love to sleep with your arms and hands straight by your side, tucked under the covers!
17) You are cutting 2 teeth...they look like your side incisors! Most babies cut there two front teeth (top or bottom). You are doing it your own way! ;)
18) You are focusing a whole lot better!

I think I got it all...

Some things you are having to overcome:
1) Getting your head into a straightened favor your left side!
2) Getting your head nice and's going to take some time...
3) Getting fitted for your hearing aid next week. I'm sure you will do great!

We love you lil' champ and look forward to seeing God's MIGHTY, HEALING HAND work in your life!