Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Back to the beginning of the book...

You know, sometimes it's good just to go back to the beginning of the good ole' book. You know? The Bible. The Holy Bible. The Truth. That became flesh and walked among us. That book.

Just to be totally honest, and, well, to show you all that I am completely human; I have been literally going through some serious mental torment. For the record, I am not crazy or need to be committed to a mental institution. I'm talking about the attacks that the enemy throws our way to get us to lose focus of what God's word says about us and our family.
I have never really experienced it to this extreme, but now that I have a baby it's been more prevalent.
To be quite honest, I also believe I have experienced it for other reasons. Possibly to see what others go through and to remind them that God's word is enough to set us free. Jesus' death was enough to set us free.

Keep following.

The fact that Bear was born with Bilateral Mictroia Atresia and spent 8 days in the NICU was enough to send me over the edge. Not to mention the scares during our pregnancy and what we faced when he was born with a potential heart defect, down syndrome etc..
However, God's grace has sustained me.
Yet, the mental attacks still come. Completely my fault because I allow it. I entertain it, unintentionally, of course. Or not?

Still there?

During my devotions this morning, it lead me to Genesis 8. You are probably thinking, "really?" Yep. Really!
Just to briefly recap, in Genesis 7- The Great Flood occurred. God decided to basically start over with the human race because of all the wickedness that walked the Earth. However, Noah and his family were spared because of their righteous living.
Moving forward to Ch. 8- Noah's Deliverance. Not only did God save Noah and his family from dying during the flood but he delivered them. He saw them through.

Ummmm. Hello? Did you get that? It hit me like a ton of bricks.
Noah and his family were not EXEMPT from experiencing the flood, but they were protected by the mighty hand of God, were seen through it, they were delivered! That deserves a HALLELUJAH!

As a child of God, I will always be delivered. Does it mean I will be exempt from the attacks, the storms, the raging flood waves? No. Unfortunately not. Does it mean that life will be a bed of roses and easy? Nope.

The "famous" line in Ch 8.1- BUT GOD REMEMBERED NOAH...and he didn't just stop with Noah, "but every living thing, and all the animals that were with him in the ark."

I don't know about you, but that's so reassuring to my soul. He loves us. He desires to save us, restore us and see us free.

I hope this has encouraged you as much as it has me. God's word is our reassurance of his promises to us. We often forget because we neglect his word. Guilty. Be encouraged; God still loves us! However, true freedom comes when we are in His Word daily, confessing with our mouths his promises and then walking out his will for our lives.

Be Blessed!
