Sunday, August 2, 2009

Faith vs. Fear

Yesterday, my husband and I were out and about and I approached him about something...In a nutshell, I told him I felt the Holy Spirit prompting me to ask him about giving God more of our money. We have prayed daily about the growth of our business and for the people in it. We've already taken in a profit just in the first month. That being said, we know that we are blessed to be a blessing. I truly believe that we have what we have today because we understand the importance of giving. We know who our Provider is and we are confident that His Word is true. "... Yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their seed begging bread." Psalm 37:25

We have a house that most 26 year old's dream of when they purchase their first home...We are debt free with the exception of 1 car and our mortgage. We do what we can to take care of others. We are in a good place! And it is not because of anything we have done. I don't say all these things to boast, but I say them because, as Christians, we shouldn't withhold the blessing.

Going back to the above. Today's message at church was about giving. It bothers me when people say I can't give because I can't afford to. Truthfully, you can't afford not to. If we can trust God with our spouse, our children, our friends etc...then why can't we trust him with our finances. The message today was confirmation that we need to do what the Holy Spirit impressed upon us to do.
It is in times like the current economic crises that believers should be looking for ways to live 'recession proof,' a phrase coined by one of the great financial adviser's today, Dave Ramsey. The first step in pursuing a 'recession proof' lifestyle is to give...and that means different things for different people. Giving comes as an overflow of the heart. So, the percentage of what you give is not the focus, the attitude behind your giving is. I encourage you to be faithful in the little and watch how good God is in the much.

The most prevalent commandment in Scripture is to "fear not." We cannot be scared of sowing financial seeds into God's kingdom, because He desires to use those seeds to reap a harvest in and around us.

I pray that as Christians we would be consumed with faith, not fear. I truly believe that in these last days, in the midst of an uncertain government, economy & health care issues, God has us covered. I pray that we would find comfort in the One who is our provider, our Jehovah Jirah.
Remember that what we do have is already God's, we are just called to be faithful stewards!

I hope this challenges you, just like it has Trey and I.


P.S. You will notice that I actually wrote this blog last weekend but didn't finish I saved it and finished it tonight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jenni, all I can say is GOD BLESS YOU. Once again you have written exactly what I was looking for. God is amazing in bringing us to exactly the right place at exactly the right time. I noticed you'd written this a couple of weeks ago and I had not read your blog in that time. Today I just decided to read it. And here was the message God wanted me to hear. Keep speaking, honey. God is really using you. Even as I write this I feel the power of God all around me.

Thank you. Aunt Pat (
p.s. I sent this as anonymous 'cause I wasn't sure how to send it any of the other ways! I am new at this stuff! :)