Sunday, November 21, 2010

Love this time of the year...and,

I love it even more because I get 50 free holiday cards to send out to all of you AND, of course, I love that very soon we will get to meet out new addition! I can't wait to capture his precious little face on some of these sweet Christmas cards...

Speaking of Christmas cards, did you know that Shutterfly does online Christmas cards? They are very cost effective and well done. All you have to do is choose your images, create your cards, order them and then send them out. Plus, if you are willing to blog about their great deals, then you can get 50 Christmas cards for free! Pretty neat, huh?

So, take some time to blog about such a cool opportunity and then enjoy Shutterfly's giving spirit during this Holiday season.

Well, Trey and I have practically finished the nursery, readied our home, and are now readying our hearts to embrace BEAR and welcome him into the world. We truly hope that all of you experience the peace and joy that only the love of Jesus can bring during this year's Holiday season. So, go take some time and blog about the giving spirit, grab your free Christmas cards, and be sure to give away lots of Holiday cheer!

Tis the season!

Just some of my favorite cards...


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