Monday, February 6, 2012


I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Lord does NOT ever give us more then we can handle. I believe it.  I rest in it. I find peace and comfort in it. So, I am pretty confident that what Trey and I walked through the last 3 years of our lives didn't catch God by surprise.

At the end of last year we were both at our breaking points. I had 2 nights away with friends that did my heart good. One friend introduced me to 'The Love Dare' and the other said this, "Are you willing to fight for it?"

All I can say is watching 'Fireproof' and doing "the Love Dare" are two TOTALLY different things. I did it. I completed it and I am thankful for the journey I was able to walk through. Thankful for my girlfriend who held me accountable and would check on me through out the dare. There were times when I told her it's going great and then there were times when I wanted to scream.
You know because us women are emotional beings! :)

Early on in the dare I learned that so often God reaches out to us, embraces us, welcomes us into his arms and we push him aside, put him on the back burner and attend to him when we need something. I thought about how he loves us despite our faults...yet he still expects us to change...but in the process his love never never gives up on me (us).

As I set out on the journey, I knew going in that it had nothing to do with wasn't about whether he responded kindly or not to certain gestures that were was more about what I was asking God to do in me and through me in our marriage. I certainly was not and am not the perfect wife. However, I am on a journey called marriage and as many of you know it is not an easy one. We have been through hell and back and I truly believe God is smiling down on the both of us right now as we have chosen to keep our covenant before Him and each other.
I believe with all my heart that we will one day stand before other married couples who may be going through trials in their marriage and their only source of hope is to hear our story. A story of two very flawed people who were willing to die to themselves in order to see God's hand of grace and mercy at work in their lives--in their marriage.

Thank you to those who supported us through. Thank you for not pointing fingers or pointing blame. Thank you for being more concerned about the solution then anything else. Thank you for praying me and Trey through it. We are a better couple today because of it...not perfect but better.

Here's to the past 3years babe....and the next 60 we have ahead of us!

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